Break Into Another World

Chapter 1802: Backpacker

[Book Title: The 1802nd Chapter Bearing the Pot Man Author: Wang Bu Steal]

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Xu Ming almost spurted blood: "You...I..."

The figure in gray seemed to sense the ambiguity in his words, and even said: "Don't get me wrong, what I mean is... Actually, I am the spear spirit of the Boundary Breaker!"

Gun spirit!

Xu Ming looked at the figure in gray, a little unexpected, but after thinking about it, it made sense.

Then, Xu Ming thought of the previous sentence "I am yours", and couldn't help being slightly stunned: "You mean..."

"Not bad!" The figure in gray, also known as the spear spirit, said solemnly, "From now on, you are the new owner of the Boundary-Breaking Spear!"

There are three real opportunities in the numerous assessments in the Boundary Breaker Gun.

The first, Kun-feeding map; the second, Feng Zhou Ding has already been acquired by Xu Ming.

Now, this last and greatest opportunity, the "Boundary-Breaking Gun", will also fall into Xu Ming's hands.

"But..." But at this moment, the grey-clothed figure said again, "With your current cultivation level, it is not enough to refine the Boundary-Breaking Spear! Only when your cultivation level reaches the Supreme Realm can you succeed in refining. !"

"Cultivation is not enough?" Xu Ming was a little depressed, that is, "you can only see but not use"!

But think about it, it's normal too!

How huge is the Boundary Breaker? Even the incomparably vast main continent of the ancient battlefield is only a small part of the boundary-breaking gun! There are more parts of the Boundary Breaker, some in the "past" and some in the "future", spanning time and space.

The existence of such an "invisible elephant" has long exceeded Xu Ming's imagination. Naturally, it is far from what Xu Ming's current cultivation can successfully refine!

It's too far!

"But..." The grey-clothed figure said again, "Although you can't refine the Boundary Breaker Spear, with my assistance, you can still use part of the Boundary Breaker Spear!"

Although it is only a part of the power, it is already extremely terrifying! I am afraid that even ordinary Supremes may not be able to withstand "part of the power" of the Boundary Breaker.

In other words, if Xu Ming is holding the Boundary Breaker Spear, he might be able to slaughter the Supreme!

"Of course... If you can't use the power of the Boundary Breaker Spear, try not to use it! After all, there are too many super beings in the universe. If they find out that you have the Boundary Breaker Spear, you can imagine what happens! I'm just a gun. Spirit, the power you can use is limited; if you really face the super power, you can't keep you!" The gray-clothed figure continued, "So, unless it is a last resort, you have to use it; otherwise, you should never get a boundary-breaking gun. Bar!"

"Yeah!" Xu Ming nodded slightly.

How could Xu Ming not understand the truth of the innocence of ordinary people and the guilt of pregnant women?

The figure in gray said again: "According to the old master's intention, when someone can get the Boundary-Breaking Spear, then the Boundary-Breaking Spear should also disappear from the universe, so as not to be missed by others! After disappearing, I will not follow you. Beside me, after all, it is easy for people to find clues; however, as long as you call me, no matter where you are in the universe, even if it is a place where time and space are sealed, I will appear instantly!"


Speaking of this, the figure in gray suddenly smiled strangely: "I will also help you divert your eyes!"

"Shift your gaze?" Xu Ming asked.

"Yes!" The figure in gray said with a smile, "The disappearance of the Boundary Breaker Spear in the universe will definitely attract the attention of others; there must be someone to attract attention, right?"

To put it bluntly, someone wants to "take the blame" for Xu Ming's chance! The chance, Xu Ming takes it; the pot, someone else will carry it!

Who is suitable to be this "back pot man"?

There is a person who is very suitable for Gong Taihao!

The reason why the figure in gray had "raised" his father-in-law Taihao in the blue prison star was actually the idea!

"By the way, I still have a gift for you!" The gray-clothed figure smiled mysteriously and said.


Just when Xu Ming was puzzled, a crystal ball appeared in the hand of the figure in gray. Inside this crystal ball, there are still countless light spots, as if gathered into a nebula, slowly rotating.

"This is... a slave soul bead!" said the figure in gray.

"Slave Soul Pearl?" Xu Ming seemed to have guessed something.

"That's right!" said the figure in gray, "The million geniuses who participated in the screening and assessment with you, as well as countless geniuses who have failed the assessment for endless years, are all here! Now... they are all your servants!"

Failure to screen and assess is not without cost!

The price is to become a slave!

"Their fate is up to you!" said the gray-clothed figure.

Xu Ming took the crystal ball.

He could feel the countless geniuses enslaved by the "Slave Soul Pearl"! As long as Xu Ming's heart moves, these geniuses will go through fire and water for him and die without regrets!

Xu Ming thought for a while and asked, "If I let these geniuses out, will others find out that they are enslaved?"

"No! Unless it is... the most top-level existence among the Supremes! But the existence of that level, it is impossible to pay attention to this trivial matter!"

"Oh..." Xu Ming suddenly made a decision. He decided to release all the geniuses in the slave soul beads, and then let them leave Jiuzhongtian as if nothing had happened! Then... let them join forces similar to the "Temple of Death"!

You must know that forces like the Temple of Destruction will search for Gu Hanmo's incarnation within the entire chaotic universe; and this is undoubtedly a relatively big threat to Gu Hanmo!

What Xu Ming wanted was to find an opportunity to uproot all these forces!

And now Xu Ming has thought of a way, that is to use these geniuses enslaved in the Soul Slave Orb to break into the enemy's interior!

You must know that these geniuses in the Slave Soul Orb are the top geniuses in the entire universe! With their talents, after breaking into the enemy's interior, I am afraid that they will soon be able to enter the core layer!

At that time, Xu Ming will find the right opportunity, cooperate with the inside and outside, and uproot all those forces one by one!

If Xu Ming has eliminated enough forces, it should be of substantial help to Gu Hanmo!

"That's it!" Xu Ming decided to release all these genius servants after returning to the battlefield of Eternal.

Put away the slave soul beads.

The figure in gray introduced another secret skill into Xu Ming's mind: "This is the secret skill that called me! As long as you use the secret skill, no matter where you are in the universe, I can break through the world immediately!"

"Okay!" Xu Ming deeply remembered the secret technique.

The Boundary Breaker Spear will be Xu Ming's biggest trump card besides plug-ins!

"I'll send you out now!" The grey-clothed figure said again, "Soon after you leave, the main continent of the Eternal Battlefield will disappear! From now on, the entire universe will no longer have the power to perceive the breaking of the world. The location of the gun!"

Xu Ming's figure disappeared directly in place; when he reappeared, he was already on the main continent of the Eternal Battlefield.

The grey-robed figure glanced at Xu Ming expectantly, then he withdrew his gaze and turned to Lan Prisoner.

On the Blue Prisoner Star, Gong Taihao always thought that he was undergoing an assessment; as long as he passed the assessment, he would get the Boundary Breaker Spear!

The corners of the grey-clothed figure's mouth curled into an arc: "It's time for him to 'pass' the assessment! With his help in attracting attention and diverting the attention of the powers, Xu Ming will grow up a lot easier!" 2k novel reading network

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