Break Into Another World

Chapter 1804: I heard someone was looking for me?

[Book Title: Chapter 1804 I heard that someone was looking for me? Author: Wang does not steal]

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Strongly recommended: Unlimited Death, Eternal Night King, Reverse Scale, Great Ruler, Holy Ruins, Xue Ying Lord, One Thought, Eternal Dragon King Legend

The name of a man, the shadow of a tree!

Xu Ming's reputation has long been spread in the battlefield of eternity! After all... this is the number one existence in the second quadrant of the "Immortal All Things List"!

Every powerhouse in the Eternal Battlefield has kept the character Xu Ming firmly in their hearts; in case of encounter, they can run as far as they can, of course, provided they have the opportunity to run!

"Is Xu Ming your friend?" The Green Evil Prison King narrowed his eyes slightly, and there was a hint of coldness in his eyes.

"That's right!" Ye Juetian saw that the other party was shocked by the word "Xu Ming", and couldn't help but raise a glimmer of hope; he raised his head, and said with confidence, "This Chiluo was enslaved by my brother Xu Ming, And then passed it on to me! You also know that with my strength, it is impossible to enslave the Chiluo!"

In Ye Juetian's remarks, although there is no threat of half a word, in fact, the meaning of threat has been clearly understood.

"Haha!" Of course, the Green Evil Prison King heard the threat, but he smiled instead, "Even if Xu Ming is your friend, so what? I don't believe it, I killed you on the battlefield of Eternal Age, he can find it I will avenge you!"

Ye Juetian's expression changed suddenly.

"Hahaha! Die!"

The Green Evil Prison King waved the black machete in his hand mercilessly, and the gleaming light of the sword, like a dazzling galaxy, instantly arrived in front of Ye Juetian.


Ye Juetian even tried his best to resist.

The strength of him and the Green Evil Prison King is between equals; therefore, under this collision, both sides were shocked by the divine body, and they fought on a par.

But at this time... the other eleven powerhouses brought by the Green Evil Prison King all shot!

On Ye Juetian's side, there were only him, Heiqiu, Yuehan, Bo Xuewei, and Chiluo. Five people, facing twelve powerhouses of the same level, could not be opponents at all!

boom! boom! boom! boom! …

At the moment of the fight, Ye Juetian and the others were clearly in danger.

"Not good!" Ye Juetian's expression was ugly, and the divine body also began to weaken in the collision.

Several people were a little desperate, but as soon as they fought, they decided to judge. Moreover, Ye Juetian and the other five were blocked by the battle formation, and there was no way to escape!

"Could it be... to fall here?" At this moment, Ye Juetian couldn't help thinking of the high-spirited past years and his talent. As long as he immersed himself in cultivation and became an ordinary supreme, it was not a problem. However, he wanted to pursue higher achievements, so he suppressed his cultivation, stayed in the realm of all things, and entered the battlefield of eternity.

At this moment, Ye Juetian couldn't help regretting his choice. He thought he could survive in the meat grinder, the Eternal Battlefield. Unexpectedly, he became the minced meat!

"Uncle Hei!" Ye Juetian couldn't help looking at the old man "Black Qiu".

Heiqiu actually smiled: "You haven't called me Uncle Hei for a long time!"

"Uncle Hei, I'm sorry, if it wasn't for me, you wouldn't either..." Ye Juetian knew that Heiqiu's talent was not inferior to him at all; however, because of his choice, Heiqiu also suppressed his cultivation and entered the eternity. On the battlefield, fight side by side with him.

The most painful thing for Ye Juetian was not that he was dying, but that he had killed Heiqiu. After all... it was Heiqiu who took him on the road of cultivation step by step; Heiqiu had paid too much for him!

"I'm sorry!" Heiqiu smiled gently, "I hope... you can leave the battlefield of the ages, and don't come in again!"

Leaving the Eternal Battlefield?

Ye Juetian laughed bitterly: "Do we still have a chance to leave?"

"Yes!" This was the last gentle smile on Heiqiu's face.

Immediately after…

Heiqiu's face instantly became extremely hideous. One after another blue veins burst out on Hei Qiu's face, and he kept squirming. Obviously, he was suffering some kind of incomparably huge pain.

boom! !

In the next instant, Heiqiu's breath suddenly increased countless times.

"Dead! Die! Die!..." Heiqiu controlled his divine power and frantically swept towards the Green Evil Prison King and others, and at the same time roared fiercely and sternly, "Let's go!!"

"Uncle Hei?" Ye Juetian was stunned for a moment, and then his eyes turned red. It was obvious that Heiqiu had used some kind of expensive secret technique in exchange for a short burst of power.

"No!!" Ye Juetian's pupils even burned with endless anger, "Let's go together!"

"Go away!" Heiqiu roared, "Once this secret skill of mine is activated, the price will be life! Even if you leave, you will die! If you don't leave quickly, do you want me to die?"

Heiqiu roared furiously and rushed towards the Green Evil Prison King and others frantically.

"Get out! If I don't get out, I won't be able to close my eyes!" Heiqiu's vitality was passing by rapidly.

"Uncle Hei..." Ye Juetian's eyes were splitting. He has been relying on Heiqiu since he was weak until now; now, how could he be willing to leave Heiqiu and escape by himself?

But if he didn't escape, Heiqiu would also die, and it would be a "white death"!

At this moment, for Ye Juetian, it was much easier to choose death than to live!

"Go away!"

Looking at Heiqiu's red eyes, Ye Juetian's heart trembled fiercely; he gritted his teeth and let out a painful low roar, killing him at the edge of the battle formation, he couldn't let Heiqiu die meaningless!

"Escape!" Seeing's red eyes finally revealed a gratifying smile, "Don't even think about avenging me! After you escape, just leave the eternal battlefield, forever. Don't come in again!"

While Heiqiu explained it, he dragged the King of Evil Prison and the others, trying to gain more life for Ye Juetian.

"Hahaha...Escape? You think too simple!" The Green Evil Prison King sneered, "If you have a secret technique, I don't have any secret technique? Even if I pay some price, none of you can escape!"

Such an opportunity to be able to encircle and wipe out five people is rare; the King of Green and Evil Prison and the others are of course unwilling to let it go easily.

boom! boom! boom! …

For a time, the twelve powerhouses on the side of the Green Evil Prison King also performed secret techniques, and their strength skyrocketed. Although Heiqiu exchanged his life for a very short burst, in the face of this situation, he couldn't continue to support it.

"No" Heiqiu was desperate. At the moment of casting the secret technique, he no longer takes death in his eyes; he is not afraid of death, but is afraid of "death in vain"!

But now, he couldn't stop the Green Evil Prison King and others, and couldn't win Ye Juetian a chance to escape!

"Hahahaha..." The Green Evil Prison King laughed horribly.

"A secret technique at the cost of life? What use is there in the face of an absolute power gap!"

"Xu Ming's friend? Humph! Don't say Xu Ming is not here! Even if Xu Ming is here, so what?"

The Green Evil Prison King was a little overwhelmed: "In any case, today, you will all die! None of you can escape!"

But right now...


The layers of battle formations were suddenly torn apart by a tremendous force, as easily as tearing a piece of paper.

A playful voice floated in from outside the battle formation: "I heard that someone is looking for me?"

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