Break Into Another World

Chapter 1805: The Boundary Gun Disappears

[Book Title: Opening and Breaking into Another World Chapter 1805 The Boundary-Breaking Gun Disappears Author: Wang Bu Steal]

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Highly recommended: A full-time mage, the legend of the eternal dragon king, the legend of the ancient **** and king, the peak of Wulian, the five elements, the gate of the mysterious world, the choice of heaven, the record of the eternal night, the king of anti-scale, the great ruler of the holy market, "I heard that someone is looking for me?"

With this sound, the space seemed to be quiet.

The Green Evil Prison King and the others, who were getting carried away, all trembled violently.

"Xu...Xu Ming!?"

The name of a man, the shadow of a tree!

Although the King of Green and Evil Prison was very disdainful towards Xu Ming, he was only disdainful in his mouth; in his heart, how could he not be frightened and fearful of Xu Ming?

Especially when they saw Xu Ming tearing apart the formation with ease, and suddenly appearing, the King of Green and Evil Prison and the others were even more frightened like a cat whose tail was stepped on.

As for Ye Juetian, Heiqiu, and the others, they were already hopeless; now, seeing Xu Ming suddenly appear, they are filled with hope.

"I'm here, so what?" Xu Ming jokingly looked at the Green Evil Prison King, repeating what he said earlier.

The King of Green and Evil Prison was in a hurry and said, "Mistake...misunderstanding!"

"It's okay!" Xu Ming said lightly.

"Oh?" The Green Evil Prison King was a little surprised.

Ye Juetian was also a little surprised, did Xu Ming want to let him go? This is not Xu Ming's style!

This is indeed not Xu Ming's style!

I saw Xu Ming indifferently said: "It's okay! I never talk to a dead person, whether there is any misunderstanding!"

"Huh!?" The Green Evil Prison King was stunned for a moment, his face showing infinite horror, and he shouted repeatedly, "Flee separately!"

In the next moment, the twelve strong men, including the King of Green and Evil, fled in all directions at almost the same instant; facing Xu Ming, they did not have the courage to fight.

"Escape?" Xu Ming laughed.

"It's all said to be dead, so are you still running away?"

Xu Ming opened his hand, and in an instant, the twelve powerhouses were all caught in a "time pause". He took another shot, and the twelve powerhouses all turned into nothingness.

"Hi" Ye Juetian, Heiqiu, etc., all looked at them in horror, "Xu Ming seems to be stronger than before..."

Only then did Xu Ming look at Ye Juetian and the others, and said with a smile, "It's really fate!"

It is indeed fate.

When Xu Ming first entered the Eternal Battlefield, he met Ye Juetian and others; now he was about to leave the Eternal Battlefield and met them again.

"Thank you, Brother Xu Ming, for saving us again!" Ye Juetian said with a face full of shame. If it wasn't for Xu Ming, they would have already died twice in the battlefield of Eternal.

"Uncle Hei!" Ye Juetian looked at Hei Qiu and said, "Uncle Hei, it's safe, don't continue to use secret skills!"

When he was talking, Ye Juetian still had some doubts that all the enemies had been killed by Xu Ming, why is Heiqiu still using his secret skills? Life force is fading fast.

Heiqiu looked at Ye Juetian with a gentle smile on his face: "I can't stop!"

The secret technique he displayed at the cost of his life, did he mean that he could stop when he stopped?

Once cast, the price is... death!

In fact, if Heiqiu hadn't used this secret technique, Ye Juetian and the others would not have been able to survive Xu Ming just passing by, and they would have all been killed.

"Can't stop?" Ye Juetian was shocked, and the whole person seemed to lose his soul, "How... how can it not stop?"

Heiqiu's vitality was still passing by rapidly; but there was no sadness on his face, Ye Juetian was able to survive, and he was already very satisfied.

"No..." Ye Juetian couldn't accept that he was used to Uncle Hei by his side. At the beginning, when he was still weak, Heiqiu took him to practice and instructed him to cultivate; gradually, Ye Juetian's strength became stronger and stronger, and even faintly outperformed Heiqiu, and they came to the battlefield of eternity... , Heiqiu has been silently guarding him.

And now... Heiqiu's vitality is fading rapidly, and he is about to die?

Ye Juetian felt that the whole world was instantly plunged into darkness. And in this endless darkness, he seemed extremely helpless.

Suddenly, Ye Juetian suddenly looked at Xu Ming as if he had grabbed a life-saving straw, with terrifying anticipation in his eyes: "Xu...Brother Xu Ming, please help!"


Xu Ming shook his head helplessly: "I can't save it!"

In fact, when Xu Ming first arrived, he had already seen Heiqiu's situation; if he could save him, he would have already helped him. But, it really can't be saved!

"It can't be saved..." Ye Juetian's last hope was also dashed.

On the contrary, Heiqiu was very calm: "Once this secret skill is used, even if the Supreme Realm can make a move, it will not be able to save me..."

"Uncle Hei, you..." Of course Ye Juetian knew why Heiqiu was willing to risk his life because of him!

"Before entering the Eternal Battlefield, weren't we ready to die?" Hei Qiu smiled gently, "Now that I can see you leaving the Eternal Battlefield alive, I am satisfied..."

Heiqiu was not afraid of death, but he was afraid of dying, so he could not let Ye Juetian survive.

"Uncle Hei is gone in the future, can you promise me something?" Heiqiu asked, looking at the main continent of the Eternal Battlefield.

"Uncle Hei, say it!" Ye Juetian said in a row.

"Leave the Eternal Battlefield, and don't come in again!" Heiqiu said calmly, "There are too many geniuses who want to preach How many people will succeed in the end? With your talent, in the future There should be great hope to achieve ordinary supreme; don't deliberately seek higher realms, just be an ordinary supreme in the virtual universe!"

As Heiqiu was speaking, a look of shock suddenly appeared in his eyes, and it landed on the main continent far away. But now, Heiqiu was shocked to see that the main continent that has remained unchanged for countless billions of epochs, It's "melting"!



It was as if the snow was melting under the sun, and the entire main continent was melting at a terrifying speed.

"The main continent of the Eternal Battlefield... is about to disappear?" Everyone looked at this scene in astonishment.

And this scene fell in Xu Ming's eyes, but it was a different feeling. He knew that the main continent of the Eternal Battlefield was actually a small part of the "Boundary Breaking Gun".


It's not that the main continent is melting, but the Boundary Breaker Gun is disappearing!

This kind of disappearance exists in the incomparably esoteric dimension of time and space; with Xu Ming's current strength, he still cannot understand where the Boundary Breaker Spear will hide after disappearing.

However, Xu Ming knew that no matter where he was, even in the secret realm that was blocked by layers of time and space, he could summon the Boundary Breaker Spear to him at any time. Of course, this super trump card, Xu Ming will never be exposed until the moment of last resort!

The dissolving speed of the main continent is too fast...

In a short time, the incomparably huge Main Continent completely melted into nothingness; and the geniuses who had roamed the Main Continent were all stunned and didn't know what happened.

When the main continent completely melted away, the life force of the black qiu also completely disappeared. However, at the moment of Heiqiu's fall, there was always a gentle smile on his face. He could see that Ye Juetian had survived, and he had no regrets. 2k novel reading network

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