Break Into Another World

Chapter 1806: hollow out

[Book Title: The 1806th Chapter Hollowing the Hollow Author: Wang Bu Steal]

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Strongly recommended: Jiuyang Emperor Venerable Reverse Scale Great Ruler Holy Ruins Xue Ying Lord A Thought Eternal Dragon King Legend Taikoo God King Wu Lian Peak Five Elements Tianxuan Realm Gate Choose Tianji The Boundary-breaking Gun has disappeared!

At the moment when the Boundary Breaker Gun disappeared, the peak powers in the entire universe noticed this situation.

"How did the Boundary Breaker disappear?"

"Could it be that... someone succeeded in getting the Boundary Breaker Gun?"

"who is it?"

The main continent of the Eternal Battlefield disappeared, and the geniuses who were originally hidden in every corner of the main continent were all exposed at once.

However, the scene in front of them was too shocking, so the geniuses from all sides did not have the heart to fight, and they all retreated towards their own quadrants.

And at this moment, Gong Taihao appeared in the place where the main continent disappeared. In his hand, he also held a black long gun.

"Hahaha... It's worth it! It's all worth it!" Grandpa Taihao gave up his peak strength and cultivation, and chose a very risky reincarnation. Now, he finally got the Boundary Breaker Spear. Grandpa Taihao felt that everything was worth it. Worth it!

It's just... Father-in-law Taihao probably won't know for a long time that what he got was actually just a "fake".


At this moment, a pair of incomparably huge eyes appeared on the battlefield of eternity.

One eye is even bigger than the main continent of the Eternal Battlefield!

"Master Taihao!" At this moment, the pair of eyes were filled with endless murderous intent and anger, "Hurry up and hand over the Boundary Breaker Spear! This is not a treasure you can touch! Hand over the Boundary Breaker Spear, I will not only spare you If you don't die, you can also restore your strength; otherwise, you will surely die, and the Boundary Breaker Spear is not something you can keep!"

"I can't keep it? Hahaha..." Grandpa Taihao couldn't help laughing, "I have a boundary-breaking gun now, and I'm hiding in the world of the First World. What can you do to me? Hahaha..."

Xu Ming naturally saw the conversation between the father-in-law Taihao and the huge eyes.

"This unfortunate child..." Xu Ming couldn't help but glanced at his father-in-law Tai Hao with pity, "Being a 'guiding man', and still so happy... Let him help me attract my attention! I'm afraid, for a long time in the future, all No one will know, in fact, it was not Gong Taihao who got the Boundary Breaking Gun, but I got it!"

Xu Ming glanced at Ye Juetian, who was immersed in sadness and decadence, and couldn't help but sighed that although he had limited contact with Ye Juetian, he could still imagine the relationship between Ye Juetian and Heiqiu.

"Ye Juetian!" Xu Ming suddenly sighed, "Actually... it's not impossible for you to resurrect the black qiu!"

"Huh?" Ye Juetian couldn't help but look at Xu Ming.

Xu Ming continued: "I've seen the super-powers go against the flow of the 'time river' and resurrect the dead from the river of time!"

The superpower Xu Ming said was naturally Gu Hanmo.

"What!?" Ye Juetian couldn't believe it. Obviously, he had never heard of such a thing before.

"So..." Xu Ming continued, "There are two ways to revive Heiqiu. One is to work hard to become a superpower at that level, and then reverse the real river of time with your own hands; the other is to have a certain strength, Collect enough treasures, and ask the super existence of that level to help you resurrect!"

The first method is undoubtedly very difficult; and the second method is not completely impossible for Ye Juetian! After all... With Ye Juetian's talent, it will not be difficult to become a supreme being in the future!

As long as you achieve the Supreme, the level you can reach will be different.

Hearing Xu Ming's words, Ye Juetian, who was originally decadent, suddenly had his fighting spirit again: "Then practice hard first, and make yourself a powerful man!"

"Let's go!"

Returning to the World of First Layer from the Battlefield of Eternals, Xu Ming and Ye Juetian said goodbye and separated.

"Cosmic Flower Sea!"

Xu Ming once again came to the entrance of the cosmos flower sea. These were eight huge pillars. At the top of each pillar, there was an incomparably huge black chain hanging high, sealing a huge black hole.

This black hole haunted by countless electric snakes is the entrance to the sea of ​​​​cosmic flowers.

"The last time I came here, I met Gong Taihao and tricked me into entering the eternal battlefield!" Xu Ming secretly said.

But to be honest, Xu Ming not only didn't blame his father-in-law Taihao, but thanked him very much!

After all, if it wasn't for Gong Taihao, Xu Ming wouldn't be able to get such a big chance in the battlefield of Eternal Age; what's more, Gong Taihao also became his "bearer".

To Xu Ming, Gong Taihao is simply a good person who "specially benefits others, not self"!

"Go in!" Xu Ming didn't think much, and plunged into the entrance of the sea of ​​​​cosmic flowers.

Passing through a dark and dark passage, Xu Ming descended to the sky above a "sea of ​​flowers".

Really a sea of ​​flowers!

It's just that all the flowers blooming in this sea of ​​flowers are "flowers of the true self". You must know that to break through from the Nirvana realm to the domain master realm, you only need to condense the "flowers of the true self"!

That is to say, every flower of the true self is comparable to the lifelong comprehension of a domain master.

Xu Ming took a cursory glance and found that most of the flowers were the flowers of the true self condensed by the "qualityless true self", that is, the flowers of the true self at the level of the weakest low-rank domain master.

A small part is the flower of the true self condensed by "Fanpin's true self".

As for the top-quality ones, it is extremely rare; Xu Ming looked around, only a few flowers. The flower of the true self of the unrivaled, the emperor, and the **** is almost never seen!

"This is the sea of ​​​​cosmic flowers?"

What Xu Ming didn't know was that the time he spent writing ink here was equivalent to the time spent by other geniuses entering the universe of flowers! After other geniuses entered the sea of ​​​​cosmic flowers, how can they look around, it must be the first time to pick how many flowers of the true self! Pick as much as you can!


Xu Ming is different from other geniuses. After all, Xu Ming has too many points!

"Although it's not very clear, what is the use of this flower of true self; but, it's definitely right to pick a little more!"

Not only to mine more, but to hollow out as much as possible!


Xu Ming actually thought of hollowing out the universe of flowers, which is almost impossible to imagine in the eyes of other!

However, Xu Ming really has hope! Because... Xu Ming has an "infinite clone" hanging!

Without saying a word, Xu Ming directly opened the "infinite avatar" link, and manipulated the avatar to pick the flower of the true self.

Picking the flower of the true self is like an "attack". Picking one is like an attack. So... Xu Ming hung up his "infinite avatar", and the avatar split like a virus in the sea of ​​​​cosmic flowers.

The number of clones doubled every moment. Ten, twenty, forty, eighty... five thousand, ten thousand, forty thousand, eighty thousand...

Although Xu Ming's realm has skyrocketed, his cultivation is still only in the "realm of all things"; so to open the "infinite avatar" hanging, just consume level 18 hanging points! When Xu Ming was consumed, he naturally did not feel distressed at all!

Accidentally, Xu Ming's avatars reached a terrifying number... more than five million!


More than five million clones!

The entire sea of ​​​​cosmic flowers is full of Xu Ming's avatars.

Moreover, Xu Ming has enough points, so he can stay in the sea of ​​​​cosmic flowers for a long time! He found that at this speed... it doesn't seem to take much time to hollow out all the flowers of the true self!

"Uh..." Xu Ming was stunned for a while, "If all the flowers of my true self were hollowed out, wouldn't my remaining points be useless?"

The only use of the points of Zhenyu Temple is to enter the universe of flowers.

If all the flowers of the true self were hollowed out by Xu Ming, then his points would really be useless.

"You can't waste your points!" Xu Ming thought for a while, "By the way, I heard that the soil in the universe of flowers is all special soil from the real universe, then... hollow out all the soil here!" 2k Read novel

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