Break Into Another World

Chapter 1807: Empty Gloves White Wolf

[Book Title: Chapter 1807, Empty Gloves, White Wolf Author: Wang Bu Steal]

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Strongly recommended: In the broken temple, there are gods and holy ruins, Lord Xue Ying, and the legend of the eternal dragon king. The legend of the ancient gods and kings.

Not even a grain of soil is spared!

This amount of work is absolutely unimaginable in the eyes of any other genius! But for Xu Ming, it is really not difficult! After all, Xu Ming's Zhenyu Palace has a high score, which can allow him to stay in the universe of flowers for a long time; moreover, Xu Ming can easily have millions or tens of millions of clones!

Say hollow, hollow out!

Xu Ming has only consumed 10 million points, and there is not a single grain of soil left in the sea of ​​​​cosmic flowers!

All the soil of the true universe and all the flowers of the true self were dug into his "heart world" by Xu Ming.


After making sure that there was not a single hair left in the sea of ​​​​cosmic flowers, Xu Ming patted his sleeve, left directly, and returned to Zhenyu County.

"It's time to go to Eternal County!"

As soon as he walked out of the sea of ​​​​cosmic flowers, Xu Ming did not dare to stop for a moment, and went straight to the Eternal County. There, you should be able to find out about her daughter Xu Yin.

"I thought it wouldn't take a long time to come to Zhenyu County this time to pick the flowers of my true self. I didn't expect that after a delay in the Eternal Battlefield, it would take so long..."

Fortunately, Xu Ming also knew that for their existence at this level, thousands or tens of thousands of years were not a lot of time at all.

Moreover, what a huge harvest Xu Ming had in the battlefield of Eternal Age! Using the word "transformation" to describe it is not an exaggeration at all.

Therefore, even if it took some time, Xu Ming had nothing to regret.

"Hope... in Zhenyu County, I can get news of my daughter!"

Xu Ming's figure swept across the sky, and soon came to the gate of Zhenyu County, ready to leave the city.

But at this moment, the two guards stepped forward and said respectfully, "Is it Brother Xu Ming?"

"Huh?" Xu Ming looked at the two guards, "Is something wrong?"

With Xu Ming's reputation, it is normal for others to know him.

"Brother Xu Ming, the 'Emperor Fen' of Zhenyu Hall wants to summon you, and I have specially ordered the two of you to wait here!"

"Summon?" Xu Ming frowned slightly. What is summoning? The high-status person will only say "summoned" when he sees the low-status person, and the identities and strengths of the two are very different.

It seems that what kind of "Imperial Fen" has a very high self-esteem!

The guard even explained: "Huang Fen is a genius from the real universe!"

"No wonder!" Xu Ming suddenly remembered that a true cosmic genius he had seen before was completely shrouded in darkness and seemed to be out of tune with this world; he walked every step of the way. Causes huge spatial ripples.

Xu Ming still remembers that the true genius of the universe at that time didn't even look at himself at all! That is utter contempt!

And now, is there a true cosmic genius who wants to summon him?

Xu Ming did not hesitate: "No!"

If the other party had a more humble attitude, then Xu Ming might have met him out of curiosity; but now that the other party actually said "summoned", it's no wonder that Xu Ming knew about him!

WTF! Dare to put x in front of Brother Ming?

"This..." The two guards were stunned and looked at each other.

One of them even said, "Brother Xu Ming! Huang Fen is a real genius in the universe! If you get along well with him, maybe you will have the opportunity to be brought into the real universe by him in the future!"

into the real universe?

Xu Ming just laughed! He knows that the price of entering the real universe is extremely high! At least, not just a genius of the real universe can have this ability!

Since the other party doesn't even have this ability, what else does Xu Ming want from him?

Moreover, even if the other party can really bring Xu Ming into the real universe, Xu Ming may not need it. Is there no other way for Xu Ming to enter the real universe?

"If there is nothing else, don't block me!" Xu Ming said lightly.

And at this moment, a wave of ripples swayed in the space.

"Huh?" Xu Ming frowned slightly, "Is this... the genius of the real universe?"

Xu Ming guessed right! Soon, a pure black figure, like a three-dimensional black shadow, appeared in his field of vision; looking at the momentum, it was obviously directed at him.

"Xu Ming!" The voice of the black figure was extremely low and heavy.

Xu Ming looked at each other with interest and wondered why the genius of the real universe would have such a pure black three-dimensional shadow after coming to Jiuzhongtian? Or, even in the real universe, that's how they were originally?

"Imperial Fen?" Xu Ming said.

"That's right!" Huang Fen waved his hand and motioned the surrounding guards to step back; then, he looked at Xu Ming, and said in a displeased voice, "I summoned you, but you refused to come? I want to come to see you in person. you!"

Xu Ming was joking and said with a smile, "Why should I go?"

"Yes!" Huang Fen said lightly, "After all, you are the number one genius on the Primordial All Things Ranking. In this Chongtian world, you are indeed qualified to be proud!"

Huang Fen didn't have a deep understanding of Xu Ming's strength.

He also thought that Xu Ming was only slightly stronger than "Zhou Ji" who was number one in the original Primordial All Things List; but he didn't know that Xu Ming was much stronger than Zhou Ji. Not to mention, after returning from the Eternal Battlefield, Xu Ming's strength had already reached an unimaginable level!

"But" Huang Fen said again, UU Reading "Your pride is only limited to the world of the first layer! If I didn't have something to look for you, now you don't even have the qualifications to see me!"

"Really?" Xu Ming smiled disdainfully, "Since you're here, let's talk about it, what's the matter?"

"You should have entered the Sea of ​​Flowers, right?" Huang Fen asked.

"Yes!" Xu Ming said.

"That's good!" Huang Fen said again, "I see that you still have a lot of points left; it's useless to put them on you anyway, just give them to me!"

"For you?" Xu Ming was startled, and looked at Huang Fen, a bit like he was looking at why a fool gave it to you?

Huang Fen said: "I suddenly need some flowers of my true self, so I want to enter the universe of flowers! If not, I would not need points at all!"

Even the genius of the real universe has to pay points if he wants to enter the universe of flowers.

However, it is not easy for true cosmic geniuses to obtain points; after all, they cannot even challenge the Primordial All Things Ranking. Therefore, Huang Fen came to look for Xu Ming.

Huang Fen continued: "If I were in the real universe, it would be easy for me to get the flower of my true self, and I wouldn't find you at all! Don't worry, you will give me points now, and if you come to the real universe to find me in the future , I will definitely return your favor!"

Huang Fen's meaning is actually very clear: if I hadn't urgently needed the flower of my true self, I would never have found you! It's your honor to find you now, you have to take good care of it!

Xu Ming laughed, but now I will give you the points, and I will go to the real universe to find you in the future to get this favor back?

Nice to say! But to put it bluntly, isn't this "white wolf with empty gloves"?

There has always been only Xu Ming empty gloves and white wolf others, when will it be someone else's turn to empty gloves Bai Lang Ming brother?

Thinking of this, a malicious smile suddenly flashed across Xu Ming's eyes. 2k novel reading network

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