Break Into Another World

Chapter 1808: Infinity blue

[Book Title: The 1808th Chapter Infinite Blue Author: Wang Bu Steal]

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Indeed, Xu Ming still has a lot of points in Zhenyudian; but you must know that the only use of points in Zhenyudian is to enter the universe of flowers. And now, the sea of ​​​​cosmic flowers has been hollowed out by Xu Ming!

In other words, even if Xu Ming gave the points to Huang Fen for free, Huang Fen would not be of any use!

However, Xu Ming and Huang Fensu did not know each other, so how could they give away the points of Zhenyu Palace? Not to mention, Huang Fen still had a domineering and condescending attitude, even if he knew that the points were useless, Xu Ming would not have given them to him!

"Since he wants Zhenyudian points, then..." Xu Ming already had an idea in his heart to sell it to him!

As for doing so, will it be unkind, will it attract revenge... a joke! When did Brother Ming be kind? When have you ever been afraid of revenge?

"Do you want points?" In the depths of Xu Ming's eyes, there was a hint of joking that could not be detected.

"Not bad!" Huang Fen emphasized again, "Everyone can only enter the universe of flowers once; the rest of your points won't be of any use, just give it to me!"

Xu Ming smiled: "That's not what you said!"

"Huh?" Huang Fen let out a displeased snort. However, his whole body was shrouded in black, so he couldn't see his face; but it was conceivable that Huang Fen's face at this time was definitely not very good-looking.

Xu Ming added: "Although I have no use for these points, but if I sell them, I should be able to sell them for a good price, right?"

Huang Fen sneered noncommittally: "What do you want?"

Xu Ming said: "Half of the market price! But I have to buy all of my remaining ten million points at one time!"

If you want to pit, you must pit thoroughly!

Xu Ming threw out a more tempting price, and then made it clear that he must buy all!

Huang Fen fell into thinking. He knew very well that with Xu Ming's attitude, he would not have succeeded in "white wolf with empty gloves"; but to be honest, half the market price, this price, still quite moved Huang Fen's heart.

"Okay!" Huang Fen hesitated and said, "However, I don't have many 'Chaos Protocore fragments' on me! Just use the 'Chaos Protocore' to pay for it!"

Chaos Protocore!

Xu Ming's pupils shrank suddenly, he couldn't ask for anything!

You must know that in the world of First Layer, there are almost no geniuses who have the original core of chaos; some are just fragments! If he had known earlier, Huang Fen would buy the primordial core of chaos; then Xu Ming must have saved a few more points in the sea of ​​​​cosmic flowers before!

"More than 10 million points, just five primordial chaotic cores!" Huang Fen said.

"Deal!" Xu Ming obviously also knew that the value of the primordial chaotic nucleus was extremely high; after thinking about it, he agreed to the deal.

"Five primordial chaotic cores... I finally have a level 22 hanging point!" Xu Ming secretly said in his heart.

He also didn't expect that the first time he had a level 22 hanging point, someone else took the initiative to "send" it to the door.

Both parties were quite satisfied, and Xu Ming paid all the points to complete this transaction, while Huang Fen paid five chaotic cores.

"Five chaotic primordial cores, that is the 5:22 level hanging point..." Xu Ming just wanted to say that it was really few!

It's really very few. You must know that Xu Ming's level 21 hanging points are all in the hundreds of millions!

However, the 22-level hanging point is more than a billion times more precious than the 21-level hanging point! After all, a chaotic pronucleus can create a virtual universe; and after a virtual universe is destroyed, the fragments of chaotic pronucleus left behind are billions of dollars!

"Unexpectedly, Huang Fen took out five chaotic pro-nuclei with ease! The genius of the true universe is indeed rich! It seems... in the future, if you want to obtain the chaotic pro-nucleus, you have to use the idea of ​​a true cosmos genius!" Xu Ming Muttering, he has already flown out of Zhenyu County and flew to Eternal County.

"Xiaohang, first convert the five primordial chaotic cores into level 22 hanging points!" Xu Ming said, and at the same time he was expecting that it was the first time he had obtained a level 22 hanging point. Will any new functions be enabled?

"Exchange completed!" Xiaohang's voice sounded, "Congratulations to the host, for the first time to obtain a 22-level hanging point, one step closer to revealing the essence of the universe, hereby reward: open a new plug-in function that has not been turned on!"

"Sure enough, there are new features!"

Xiaohang's voice was extremely pleasant to Xu Ming!

"What new function will it be?" Xu Ming was looking forward to it.

Xiaohang's voice continued to sound: "The new function is: Infinite Blue!"

"Infinite Blue?" Xu Ming was stunned for a moment. This function already existed in the very early plug-in version. Xu Ming has always been curious about what effect this function will have. After all, other plug-in functions can literally guess the effect; only the "Infinite Blue" function seems a bit confusing.

Xu Minglian looked at the function introduction.

Infinite Blue: The host can burn the divine body wantonly, and the divine body will not be damaged! This feature is free!

The function brief is very concise, but also very clear. To put it bluntly, when Xu Ming burns his divine body, he doesn't have to pay any price!

You must know that burns the divine body, but the only way to use it when you are desperate is the explosive state that cannot be maintained for a long time! As for Xu Ming, he could maintain his explosive state at any time without paying any price!

"Very good! Very good!" Xu Ming secretly said.

With this plug-in function, Xu Ming's strength will undoubtedly rise to a new level!

While thinking about it, Xu Ming's figure cut through the sky, and he didn't realize that he had arrived at the gate of Eternal County.

The one stationed at the city gate was the genius in gray that Xu Ming had encountered before.

At the beginning, when Xu Ming first came to Eternal County, he was stopped by this genius in gray. Xu Ming wanted to ask the genius in gray clothes for news, but the genius in gray clothes asked Xu Ming to exchange the "flower of the true self" for the news.

For this reason, Xu Ming will go to Zhenyu County, will challenge the ancient list of all things, and will enter the eternal battlefield and the universe of flowers.

And now, Xu Ming came with the "Flower of True Self".

"Oh?" When the genius in gray saw Xu Ming coming, he couldn't help being a little surprised. He sneered and asked, "Why are you here again so soon?"

Listening to his tone, he obviously didn't know how much trouble Xu Ming had messed up after he went to Zhenyu County! If he knew, he would never dare to talk to Xu Ming in such a disdainful tone!

"You don't know me?" Xu Ming asked deliberately.

"Heh! Isn't it a genius in the sky, why should I know you?" The genius in gray sneered, "So what if you know? What if you don't?"

This gray-clothed genius is stationed at the city gate and is generally in a state of retreat and meditation; only when someone enters or leaves the city will he leave the state of retreat and take a look at the outside world.

As for Xu Ming's time in Zhenyu County, to be honest, it was just a flick of a finger. And in this flick of a finger, the genius in gray has never opened his eyes, and naturally he doesn't know that Xu Ming has already reached the top of the ancient list of all things! 2k novel reading network

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