Break Into Another World

Chapter 1809: inquire about

[Book Title: Chapter 1809 of Opening and Breaking into Another World to ask the author: Wang Bu Steal]

Welcome to the latest chapter of 2k Novel Network! The domain name of this site: \"2k novel\" complete pinyin, easy to remember! nice novel

Highly recommended: The Gate of Anti-Youth and Mysterious Realm, Choose Heaven, King of Eternal Night, King of Reverse Scales, Lord of Xue Ying, Lord of Xue Ying, read the legend of Eternal Dragon King and the peak of Wulian, "It's here again so soon, you must not get the 'Flower of True Self'. Right?" The gray-clothed genius said again, "I won't tell you anything about the Eternal Palace without getting the 'Flower of True Self'! If there is nothing serious, please don't stay near our Eternal County, and please leave. !"

The genius in gray obviously didn't think that Xu Ming could have the "flower of the true self"; therefore, he directly issued an eviction order to him.

Xu Ming frowned slightly and said, "The flower of my true self, I have it!"

The entire universe of flowers was hollowed out by Xu Ming! To talk about the number of "flowers of the true self", even if the entire first layer world or even the entire second quadrant is added up, I am afraid there is no more than Xu Ming alone!

The flower of the true self, Xu Ming really does not lack, but as much as he wants!

Not to mention the flowers of the true self that are of no or ordinary quality, Xu Ming has a lot of them even if they are of the highest quality and above.

If this gray-clothed genius had a good attitude, Xu Ming might not be able to give him a flower of the highest quality of his true self;

However, with the attitude of a genius in gray, Xu Ming could only bring out the flower of his true self.

"Do you have the flower of your true self?" The genius in gray looked at Xu Ming in disbelief.

After all, Xu Ming's time in Zhenyu County was too short; in such a short period of time, it was very difficult to get the Flower of True Self.

Xu Ming didn't say anything, just grabbed a tasteless flower of the true self from the world of his heart, and said, "This flower of true self is now yours! I can inquire about something with you. ?"

The genius in gray clothes saw the flower of the true self. While shocked, his attitude towards Xu Ming also changed obviously. After all, Xu Ming was able to obtain the flower of his true self in such a short period of time, which shows that his strength is not bad.

Gray-clothed genius thought about it, took the flower of the true self, and said with a smile: "You ask! What do you want to inquire about? If I know, I will tell you!"

The gray-clothed genius played with his mind again. If he knew, he would definitely tell you! What if you don't know?

Of course, Xu Ming saw through this little bit of a genius in gray clothes at once, but he didn't bother to care about Brother Ming's things, it wasn't so easy to take!

With some anticipation, Xu Ming asked, "I want to ask you about someone!"

"Inquiring about a person?" The genius in gray squinted slightly, seeing that Xu Ming paid a "flower of true self" just to inquire about a person?

This price is very high!

"Not bad!" Xu Ming said.

"You want to inquire about the genius of the Eternal Hall?" The genius in gray immediately thought.

The geniuses of the Eternal Hall all come from the real universe!

Moreover, even in the real universe, the genius of the Eternal Hall has a very high status!

The gray-clothed genius couldn't help but have some concerns. However, thinking that even if Xu Ming inquired about the news of the genius of the Eternal Palace, it would be impossible to pose any threat to the genius of the Eternal Palace, so he put down his concerns.

"You ask!" said the genius in gray.

"I want to inquire about... Xu Yin in the Eternal Hall!" Xu Ming said solemnly.

"Xu Yin?" The genius in gray shook his head and said, "I didn't hear that there is a man named Xu Yin in the Eternal Palace!"

"Haven't heard?" Xu Ming frowned and said, "There must be a man named 'Xu Yin' in the Eternal Hall!"

Xu Yin is in the Eternal Palace, this is what Gu Hanmo told Xu Ming, there is absolutely no mistake!

"Maybe!" The gray-clothed genius said indifferently, "Even if there is indeed Xu Yin in the Eternal Hall, it may not necessarily come to the First Layer World! After all, there are only a very few geniuses in the Eternal Hall who have come to the First Layer World! Besides... even if Xu Yin came here, I might not have heard of this name!"

What the gray-clothed genius meant by saying this was not that I didn't tell you, but that I didn't know!

Moreover, looking at his appearance, it is obvious that he does not want to return the "flower of true self"! Just such a perfunctory sentence, I want to swallow this "flower of true self".

"Huh?" Xu Ming naturally saw the motive of the genius in gray, and his face sank slightly, and said, "Even if you don't know, you should have a way to find out, right?"

"There is a way...of course there is!" The genius in gray said with a teasing smile, "However, I only promise you, and I will tell you everything; but, I didn't say that I would go to other people to ask about it for your sake!"

Xu Ming looked a little displeased: "You didn't answer anything, you just wanted to take away the 'Flower of True Self'?"

"I answered! The answer is that I haven't heard of the person you asked about!" The genius in gray sneered, "If there is nothing else, please come back!"

"You..." Xu Ming suddenly got a little angry at the gray-clothed genius, and made it clear that he was playing tricks on himself!

If Xu Ming hadn't considered that his daughter was in the Eternal Palace and didn't want to fight with the Eternal Palace, I'm afraid he would have gone straight into the Eternal County!

Xu Ming suppressed his anger: "How do you want to help me find out!"

How could Xu Ming not hear it, this gray-clothed genius actually wanted more benefits.

Want benefits?


As long as it's not too much, Brother Ming will endure it for a little longer, and don't quarrel with the Eternal Palace, so as not to embarrass his daughter.

A smile suddenly appeared in the grey-clothed genius's eyes: "Well, as long as you give me another 'flower of my true self', I will reluctantly help you find out! However, you want to inquire about Xu ~ I've never heard of it, so it's probably not in the world of the first layer, but in the real universe; it must be very difficult to inquire about it! So... it can't be the flower of the true self without grade, it must be above the rank of ordinary That's it!"

"If there is no flower of the true self above the rank of ordinary, then you must give me some other treasures!" The genius in gray said again.

"A flower of the true self above Fanpin?" Xu Ming narrowed his eyes slightly, "Okay!"

With that said, Xu Ming directly took out a flower of the true self.

"Oh?" The gray-clothed genius's eyes lit up and smiled, "You're really willing to bleed!"


Not so!

In Xu Ming's eyes, the flowers of Fanpin's true self are worth less than weeds; it's just that Xu Ming is now suppressing his anger and is not in a good mood.

The genius in gray put away the flower of the true self, and said with a smile: "Don't worry! Xu Yin, right? I'll help you find out! But... I can't guarantee how much information can be found!"

With that said, the genius in gray directly sent a message.

The communication is for a genius who lives in Eternal County. Although he is not a genius in the real universe, he has a little status in Eternal County; unlike the gray-clothed genius in front of Xu Ming, who is just a gatekeeper. , not even qualified to enter Eternal County.

"Ge Liu, ask, do you know a genius named 'Xu Yin'?" The genius in gray asked.

"It's Luo Xie!" The genius named "Ge Liu" replied, "Xu Yin, I haven't heard of it! What's the matter?"

The gray-clothed genius Luo Xie said: "It should be a genius of the true universe, can you help me find out? Just inquire a little about the situation, don't need to be too detailed! Afterwards, I will definitely give a thank you!"

"Alright then! Wait a minute, I'll ask!" Ge Liu replied. 2k novel reading network

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