Break Into Another World

Chapter 1810: Heavenly Supreme

The words are divided into two parts.

The entrance to the sea of ​​​​cosmic flowers.

Facing the entrance like a black hole, Huang Fen had a smile on the corner of his mouth.

"In the real universe, the paths of cultivation are vast! Some are powerful enough to reflect the heavens and use the power of all heavens for their own use; It has even been given many privileges by the universe... Among the thousands of cultivation schools, the way of the true self can only be regarded as a very ordinary cultivation path!"

Huang Fen's attainment in the "realm of the true self" is not very high; because what he majors in is not the way of the true self, but other schools of cultivation.

However, all paths are interlinked; so Huang Fen sometimes uses the "Flower of True Self" when he is cultivating.

"With so many points, I can choose the flowers of my true self in the universe of flowers!" Huang Fen secretly said, "Those low-grade flowers of true self are of no use to me; best, I can be in the flowers of the universe. In the sea, find a few more flowers of the true self!"

Even though Huang Fen had tens of millions of points, he never thought about hollowing out the entire sea of ​​​​cosmic flowers.

Not to mention hollowing out, even if only a small part of it is dug out, it is something you can't even think about!

Only Xu Ming, who had "infinite clones" hanging, directly summoned millions of clones to dig together; only then did he dig the sea of ​​cosmos flowers so that not even a grain of soil remained.

"Go in!"

call out-

Huang Fen got ready and plunged into the entrance of the sea of ​​​​cosmic flowers.

"I must find the true flower of the gods! Moreover, I must find more than one!"


Soon, Huang Fen came to the sea of ​​​​cosmic flowers.

As soon as this came, Huang Fen was forced there in a daze.

"Where's the real flower of me?" Huang Fen looked sluggish.

It stands to reason that the universe of flowers will be full of "true flowers"; even if they are occasionally picked off by other geniuses, they will soon grow back.

Therefore, the entire universe of flowers should be filled with flowers of the true self!

And now... let alone the "flower of the true self", Huang Fen couldn't even see a grain of soil!

You can't really see a grain of soil!

This void is completely empty!

"What's going on!?" Huang Fen was stunned for a long time, unable to understand.

"Xu Ming! It must be Xu Ming! He just came out of the sea of ​​​​cosmic flowers, and there must be something tricky!" Gradually, Huang Fen's eyes changed from doubt to disbelief, "Could it be... , all... hollowed out?"

Huang Fen couldn't believe how Xu Ming did it!

But in any case, it is meaningless for Huang Fen to stay in the cosmic flower sea. He entered the cosmic flower sea to pick the "true self flower"; but now, the entire cosmic flower sea is empty, and he is still Pick a fart!

"Humph! Go out and find Xu Ming, and ask clearly!" Huang Fen's eyes were full of anger, "If he dares to trick me on purpose..."

The anger of a true cosmic genius is something not everyone can bear!

In Huang Fen's opinion, Xu Ming, who is number one on the Primordial All Things List, can't do it either!

real universe.

It is an unimaginable world.

The power in the real universe is also unimaginable in the virtual universe!

For example, the same "Supreme Realm" powerhouse, the Supreme Being of the true universe, is much stronger than the Supreme Being of the virtual universe!

As long as any Supreme Being descends into the virtual universe in the real universe, it can sweep across the entire quadrant!

But... the universe has its own rules of operation! The Supreme Being in the real universe is not allowed to descend into the virtual universe casually!

Therefore, no matter how strong the Supreme Being of the real universe is, he can only be arrogant in the real universe, but it is difficult to affect the virtual universe. Unless the strength reaches the top level of the entire real universe, it will be easier to come to the virtual universe.

Of course, there are only a handful of existences at that level, even the entire true universe.

At this time, on the top of a majestic mountain in the real universe, three superpowers are sitting in a triangle.

If Xu Ming was here, he might feel that these three powerful voices were somewhat familiar—the three powerful voices, one domineering, one enchanting, and one honest; it was when Xu Ming was on the battlefield of eternity that he wanted to come to the battlefield of eternity. , but the three powers who are limited by the rules of the universe!

It is also the three existences who want to compete with the father-in-law Taihao for the "Boundary Breaking Gun".

But now, these three unimaginably powerful powers obviously don't know that the one who got the Boundary Breaking Spear was not the grandfather Taihao, but... Xu Ming!

"I really didn't expect..." sighed in a solemn voice, "Gong Taihao is willing to give up the cultivation realm of 'Heavenly Supreme', take the risk of reincarnation, and break the boundary gun! And... he really made him succeed!"

"Princess Taihao is really capable of fighting for it!" The enchanting voice also said.

"It's nothing strange! It's just that Gong Taihao is cruel enough to himself, and we are not cruel enough to ourselves!" said a domineering voice, "The Boundary-breaking Spear, after all, is a magic weapon of the breaking-level! Who can own a breaking-world? The magic weapon is almost invincible in the entire universe! - It's not surprising that Gong Taihao is willing to fight with his life!"

"Yes!" The enchanting voice said again, "After all, this is a world-breaking magic weapon! How many world-breaking magic weapons are there in the entire universe? - You know, even the existence of Gu Hanmo's level has been for a broken world. The World God Soldier has fallen!"

"Be careful!" said in a sincere voice, "Gu Hanmo, it's not something we can talk about! Besides, how could someone like Gu Hanmo fall so easily?"

"That's right!" The enchanting voice was startled, and even a little cold sweat broke out on her body - she still clearly remembered the female devil who slaughtered the sky and destroyed the earth! Even the powerhouses at the level of Heavenly Supreme, there are a lot of people who died under Gu Hanmo's hands!

"Don't talk about Gu That's not something we can talk about!" The domineering voice said, "Let's think about how we can get the Boundary Breaker Spear from the hand of the father-in-law! If we restore him to his previous life and possess the Boundary Breaker Spear, he will definitely come to deal with us! At that time, even if the three of us join forces, we may not be able to stop Gong Taihao!"

"Yeah..." The enchanting voice was also deeply worried.

"But..." said with a sincere voice, "My grandfather will definitely hide in the world of the first layer of heaven, what can we do? Even if we send some geniuses from the real universe into the world of the first layer of heaven, I'm afraid we can't help the grandfather Taihao! After all... With Gong Taihao's wit, it is impossible to give the geniuses of the true universe a chance to besiege him; and if he fights alone, even the top true universe geniuses will definitely not be a match for Gong Taihao!"

The strength of true cosmic geniuses is often incomparably tyrannical; even the weakest have the strength of the "Immortal All Things List"; - But even so, he still can't deal with Gong Taihao, unless he is besieged!

However, Gong Taihao will not foolishly give others a chance to besiege!

"There is one person, maybe you can give it a try!" said a domineering voice suddenly.

"Who?" The other two great masters even looked over.

The domineering voice said lightly: "Xu Ming!"

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