Break Into Another World

Chapter 1811: kill it

"Xu Ming!"

The enchanting voice and the honest voice all had some impression of Xu Ming's name. After all, it was with the help of Xu Ming that Gong Taihao started the "Boundary Breaking Gun" assessment with sacrifice.


The two great powers asked suspiciously.

"Isn't Xu Ming the number one in the Primordial All Things List? A top true cosmic genius can achieve such strength, right?"

The domineering voice said: "You may feel that Xu Ming is not much stronger than the top true universe genius; however, I found that Xu Ming's strength is not simple!"

"Oh?" The two great experts suddenly looked at the domineering voice curiously, "Why not simple?"

The domineering voice continued: "You haven't come to the battlefield of eternity, so you don't know! Before, I tried to forcibly come to the battlefield of eternity. Although it was blocked by the rules of the universe's operation, I also used time back and saw some things that happened before my arrival. The thing - I saw that Xu Ming was able to be chased by millions of top talents on the Heavenly Ranking without losing! Moreover, looking at Xu Ming's appearance, he should have deliberately let himself be surrounded by millions of Heavenly Ranking talents. Live; from this, it can be seen how confident he is in his own strength! - I am afraid that it far exceeds the number one in the Primordial All Things List!"

"But..." The enchanting voice wondered, "Since Xu Ming is so strong, why didn't he get the Boundary Breaker Spear, but his father-in-law Taihao got it?"

"It's needless to say!" said in a sincere voice, "After all, Gong Taihao is the reincarnation of Heavenly Supreme Being, and he must know more about the assessment of the Boundary Breaking Gun than Xu Ming!"

The domineering voice paused and said, "Anyway, let's ask Xu Ming to try it first! If Xu Ming can't help Mr. Taihao, we have to find another way!"

If you want to deal with Gong Taihao, you can only find someone stronger than Gong Taihao! Otherwise, with the cunning of Gong Taihao, there would never be a chance for people to besiege him.

Just as the three superpowers of the Heavenly Supreme level were discussing how to deal with Gong Taihao... A message was transmitted from the world of the first layer to the Eternal Hall of the True Universe.

Eternal Hall…

Absolutely the top force in the true universe!

Once, when the Eternal Hall was at its peak, it was even qualified to dominate the entire universe. Even now, the Eternal Palace is no longer as strong as it was before the Endless Era, but it is at least the top three forces in the entire True Universe!

The top three in the entire real universe!

One can imagine how high the Eternal Hall's position in the true universe is!

Any disciple of the Eternal Hall, walking in the real universe, no one dares to provoke it!

At this time, the Eternal Hall, the living area of ​​the core disciples.

A very graceful genius is holding an ancient poetry collection and reciting. This genius, who cultivated "Confucianism and Taoism", has already reached the realm of "exporting Taoism"; even if he looks at the entire real universe, his talents are ranked at the forefront.

His name "Jian Yi" is even more prestigious in the entire real universe!

In the real universe, there are probably not many who can match him in talent!

It's just... Although Jian Yi looks quite graceful, the depths of his eyes always make people feel that there is a hint of sinister color hidden in them.

"Huh?" Suddenly, Jian Yi was slightly startled, "Oh, it turned out to be a message from the world of First World!"

"Zuowei, why are you looking for me?" Jian Yi said casually - to be honest, he really looked down on those true cosmic geniuses who entered the "First Layer World"! In his opinion, the First Layer World is just a bit of a chance, and the real genius will not go to the First Layer World at all.

"Senior Brother Jianyi!" Zuo Wei on the other end of the communication is also a genius of the true universe, and he is also a disciple of the Eternal Hall; just in terms of status, he must be far worse than Jianyi, "I encountered a situation in the world of one layer of heaven, So I will report to you immediately!"

"Speak!" Jian Yi said lightly.

"In the world of First World, someone is inquiring about 'Xu Yin'!" Zuo Wei continued.

"Xu Yin?" Jian Yi heard these two words, his expression suddenly gloomy, and asked, "Is it a genius from the virtual universe?"

"Yes! The genius of the virtual universe, and it seems that the strength is not weak!" Zuo Wei replied.

Jian Yi thought for a moment and said lightly: "Kill it!"

"Killed directly?" Zuo Wei couldn't help but hesitated, "Then... in case Xu Yin knew, would it...?"

"So what if you know?" Jian Yi said disdainfully, "Don't worry! If Xu Yin really finds out, I will protect you! - The younger generation of the Eternal Palace today, I have the final say; mere Xu Yin, in me There can't be any waves here!"

"Then... Okay!" Zuo Wei couldn't help but regret, why did he take credit for reporting this matter. You must know that Xu Yin has progressed very fast in the Eternal Hall, and it may not necessarily catch up with Jian Yi in the future; if he really kills that Xu Ming, if Xu Yin finds out in the future, there will definitely be some trouble.

Although Jian Yi said that he would protect him, who knows if he will really protect him then?

If there is no guarantee, just throw him away... Isn't it a tragedy for the left guard?

But now, Zuo Wei has no choice - he dare not go against Jian Yi's intentions!

"It can only be done neatly!" Zuo Wei secretly said, "Xu Ming, Xu Ming, although you and I have no grievances, even if I don't even know each other, I have to kill you! If you want to blame, you can only blame you for having Maybe I know Xu Yin!"

Obviously, Xu Yin's situation in the Eternal Hall is probably not very good!

Otherwise, it is impossible for Xu Ming to inquire about Xu Yin's news, and someone will kill him.

One World.

Holy State.

Outside the city gate of Eternal Xu Ming couldn't calm down.

"Xu Yin should not have been in the first world..." Xu Ming secretly said, "In this case, if you want to see Xu Yin, I am afraid I will have to wait for me to go to the real universe! But... Eternal Hall should be very powerful in the real universe. , It shouldn't be difficult to find the Eternal Hall!"

Of course Xu Ming wanted to see his daughter immediately, but it seemed impossible now.

However, as long as Xu Ming can get some news about his daughter and let him know that her daughter is doing well, Xu Ming can feel more at ease!

at this time…

boom! !

A furious aura swept from afar—that direction was exactly the direction of Zhenyu County.

"Xu Ming!!" A pure black three-dimensional shadow, stepping heavily on the space, shot at it—it was Emperor Fen!

Every time Huang Fen took a step, he was full of anger, and the entire space and time trembled heavily.

Xu Ming glanced at him and smiled immediately—of course he knew why Huang Fen came here. After all, it was the "bad thing" he did.

Huang Fen's roar shook time and space: "Xu Ming! How dare you play with me!"

"Tricking you?" Xu Ming smiled and asked casually, "Why did you say this?"

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