Break Into Another World

Chapter 1815: between palms

[Book Title: Chapter 1815 of Opening and Breaking into Another World Author: Wang Bu Steal]

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Highly recommended: A thought of breaking the prison, the legend of the eternal dragon king

Xu Ming's voice fell.

Before Rong Hai could speak, the left guard of the Eternal Hall laughed first.

"Hahahaha... Brother Rong Hai, now, you can't say that I don't give you face, but Xu Ming's own choice. Now, if I want to kill him, you won't stop him, right?"

"Humph!" Ronghai snorted angrily. Then, he looked at Xu Ming: "Xu Ming, do you really have to see the coffin before you cry? This is a favor, you have to help, and you have to help! If you don't help, don't say Zuo Wei and the others want to kill you, even if it’s us, they will definitely kill you! Although we can’t do anything about Gong Taihao, it’s still easy to deal with a native of the virtual universe like you!”

After finishing speaking, Ronghai put down a sentence heavily: "I will give you one last chance if you choose to live or die!"

In Rong Hai's eyes, a native of the virtual universe like Xu Ming, no matter how talented he is, can only accept his orders and cannot disobey!

There is only one end to disobedience, and that is death!

At this time, a true cosmos genius who was following Ronghai also shouted: "Xu Ming, don't take yourself too seriously! If it weren't for you, you would still be useful to us, and you wouldn't even be qualified to talk to us! "

"That's right!" Rong Hai, another true cosmos genius, also shouted, "I am a native of the virtual universe. I don't know if I can enter the true universe in the future, and they dare to be arrogant in front of us?"

Rong Hai looked at Xu Ming and seemed to be judging: "Xu Ming, make the right choice for you! It's up to you to decide whether to live or die!"

Xu Ming indifferently glanced at the thirty true cosmos geniuses on the side of Ronghai, and finally, his eyes fell on Ronghai.

"Go away!" Xu Ming spat out a word.

what! ?

The true cosmos geniuses on the melting sea side suddenly lost their momentum.

"What did you say!?"

"court death!"

Rong Hai looked at Xu Ming with judgment: "Are you forcing me to kill you?"

The real geniuses of the universe, such as the left guard on the side of the Eternal Hall, all laughed in their hearts.

"Xu Ming is finished!"

"Dare to provoke Rong Hai like this, he will die!"

"Yeah! Even in the real universe, Ronghai is still the top genius! Compared to Jianyi, he is no less so! Xu Mingrang said the word 'go away' to Ronghai, it's no wonder he didn't die!"

"Alright! If Xu Ming was killed by Ronghai, we would be very happy! Otherwise...even though we killed Xu Ming, we can explain to Jianyi; but in case, if Xu Yin finds out, maybe we will It's not going to end well either!" said the left-back.

Listening to the meaning of Zuo Wei's words, Xu Yin seems to be in the Eternal Palace, and it doesn't seem to be very miserable, even if it is not as good as Jian Yi, but at least it is much better than Zuo Wei and others! Otherwise, Zuo Wei would not appear to be afraid of Xu Yin.


"It's best for Ronghai to do it directly and kill Xu Ming!"

The geniuses on the side of the Eternal Hall are all looking forward to watching.

"Good! Good! Good!" Ronghai laughed angrily, "I really didn't expect that one day my Ronghai would let the natives of the virtual universe say the word 'go away' in front of me! Your strength is very strong? Strong enough to deal with Gong Taihao? Humph! In my opinion, it's just spreading rumors; now, I will kill you, and then we will find a way to deal with Gong Taihao!"

The geniuses on the side of the Eternal Hall were immediately excited that Ronghai was finally about to make a move!

"Kill it!" Rong Hai waved his hand, and the thirty true cosmos geniuses gathered around Xu Ming.

"Noisy!" Xu Ming was really impatient.

You know, Xu Ming is worried about his daughter, and he is hesitating whether to take a shot at geniuses such as Zuo Wei; but Rong Hai is like a big fly, buzzing in Xu Ming's ear.

Can Xu Ming not be angry?

"I tell you to get out, you get out!" Xu Ming snorted coldly, and immediately drew out his slap.

This slap floated at a speed and trajectory that Ronghai and others could not imagine; in the end, it landed heavily on Ronghai's face.


The pure black three-dimensional shadow "Melting Sea" was directly slapped away by a slap. This was also Xu Ming's first shot against a true universe genius!

The divine body of the molten sea was thrown away uncontrollably; it kept flying for a long distance before it landed on the ground in the distance with a "bang".

This "bang" is not loud, but when Zuo Wei and other true universe geniuses hear it, it sounds like thunder!

"Ronghai... was slapped away by a slap!?"

All the true geniuses of the universe, whether it is Huang Fen, Zuo Wei, or Rong Hai's side, are all unbelievable.

Who is the molten sea?

He is the top genius in the entire universe! Although it is the cultivation base of all things, but in terms of strength, it is comparable to the third-order powerhouse of the world master! Compared with the "No. 1 in the Primordial All Things List", the strength is one or two levels stronger! And now... being slapped away by Xu Ming without any resistance?

how can that be! ?

All true cosmic geniuses fell into consternation, unbelievable.

But... what's impossible!

You must know that even if Xu Ming doesn't hang, his strength is comparable to that of "The Fifth-Order World Lord"! As soon as the plug-in is opened, I am afraid that there is a "half-honor" level of strength! To deal with the third-order battle power of a world master, isn't Xu Ming easy?

However, Ronghai obviously didn't think much of it.

"You dare to attack me!?" As soon as Ronghai stood up, his first reaction was anger!

Extremely angry!

"Yes! It must be because of Xu Ming's sneak attack that Ronghai didn't have time to react!" The other true universe geniuses also thought so.

"Take him down for me!" Rong Hai raised his arms and roared, "I want him to die!"



All the geniuses on the Ronghai side reacted and rushed towards Xu Ming.

"Go away!" Xu Ming turned his palm down, and then slowly pressed it down.

Suddenly, there seemed to be an invisible force directly oppressing the thirty geniuses such as Rong Hai. Before these geniuses could react, they were all crushed to the ground, unable to stand up no matter how hard they struggled.


The scene fell into endless shock and silence.

After a long time, there was a sound of heavy breathing one after another.

Huang Fen, Zuo Wei and other real geniuses in the universe, looked at Xu Ming, and looked at Rong Hai and other geniuses who were pinned to the ground, they all looked at each other, unable to speak for a long time.

A native of the virtual universe, with a flip of his palm, suppressed a group of top geniuses in the real universe? Among them, there are more top talents like Rong Hai?

"Humph!" Xu Ming snorted coldly, letting go of the suppression of Rong Hai and others in disdain, "I'll take care of you later!"

Now, Xu Ming is really not in the mood to clean up Rong Hai and others; his mind is all on the geniuses of the Eternal Hall.

Xu Ming looked at Zuo Wei indifferently: "Say, why am I looking for Xu Yin, and you are going to kill me?"

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