Break Into Another World

Chapter 1816: immortal

"Say, why do you want to kill me when I'm looking for Xu Yin?"

As Xu Ming spoke, his body was full of murderous aura; there was no doubt that if Zuo Wei and others didn't tell the truth, Xu Ming would definitely kill the killer unceremoniously.

In Xu Ming's view, under the threat of death, Zuo Wei and others should make the right choice.


Zuo Wei laughed!

Because Zuo Wei's body was just a solid black three-dimensional shadow, Xu Ming couldn't tell that Zuo Wei was actually smiling disdainfully; but Xu Ming was sure that Zuo Wei was definitely smiling.

"Huh!?" Xu Ming's expression turned gloomy.

You must know that Xu Ming suppressed 30 real cosmos geniuses including Rong Hai with the flip of his palm. He should have already shown his strength, and he has also shown that he has the ability to kill! Under such circumstances, Zuo Wei not only did not answer Xu Ming's question honestly, but also dared to laugh?

Could it be that the genius of the true universe is really not afraid of death?

"Xu Ming!" Zuo Wei sneered disdainfully, "I admit, your strength is very strong, even stronger than we understand! But... want to know why we want to kill you? Haha! Don't be naive, no one will tell yours!"

Xu Ming's killing intent was even colder: "Are you really not afraid of death?"

"You can try it!" Zuo Wei sneered lightly.

Hearing this, Xu Ming became more and more angry, and at the same time, he couldn't help but become more and more puzzled - the geniuses of the real universe are not afraid of death?

In the world, how can there be an existence that is not afraid of death?

The stronger the strength and the higher the talent, the more afraid of death! In particular, fear of death is worthless.

For example, now, if a genius such as Zuo Wei died in Xu Ming's hands, it would be a bit worthless death!

"Hmph! I really don't believe it!" Xu Ming thought, his spear was already in his grip.

Immediately after…


Xu Ming's spear, without any hesitation, landed directly on the real genius of the universe next to the left guard.

With this shot, Xu Ming shot with anger, and he has already displayed a strong power; Zuo Wei and other real geniuses in the universe can't even react in time, this shot has already arrived!


The true genius of the universe next to Zuo Wei, his divine body was directly weakened by 80%, and only 20% remained - he was almost killed by a single shot! Moreover, even if he holds up this shot, he will surely die in the next shot!

"Do you have anything to say?" Xu Ming looked at the unlucky genius he had chosen and asked—in fact, with Xu Ming's strength, he could kill him with a single shot; the reason why he deliberately attacked lightly, Naturally, to force something out of his mouth.

"Xu Ming, just because you are a native of the virtual universe, you are not qualified to threaten our genius in the real universe!" This genius with a very weak divine body is still very proud.

"Really?" Xu Ming was too lazy to say more, and directly shot him, killing him into nothingness.

"Xu Ming!" Zuo Wei shouted coldly, "You actually dare to kill the genius of our Eternal Palace? Aren't you afraid to take revenge with our Eternal Palace!?"

Zuo Wei not only did not panic, but also questioned.

Xu Ming said coldly, "It's not that I want to make enemies with Eternal Palace, but Eternal Palace wants to make enemies with me!"


Another shot!

This shot fell on the left guard!

Rao is Zuowei is the strongest genius in the Eternal City, and this shot also directly took away 60% of his divine body - and this is still merciful to Xu Ming! If you don't show mercy, the left guard is also a one-shot kill.

"Don't tell me?" Xu Ming said coldly.

"Heh!" Zuo Wei just sneered and said nothing.

"Huh?" Xu Ming was really shocked, and of course he was more puzzled - because in his opinion, Zuo Wei and other real geniuses in the universe really died meaningless! But it is obviously meaningless, why are they so willing to die?

"Humph!" Xu Ming snorted coldly, but the next shot did not hit Zuo Wei, but another true cosmic genius.

With this shot, Xu Ming didn't show any mercy, and immediately killed him with one shot.

"Don't tell me yet?"

Seeing that the other party had nothing to say, Xu Ming fired another shot, killing one more person.

The true cosmic geniuses of the Eternal City are decreasing one by one.

However, no one was convinced! Moreover, what is even more surprising is that even the genius who is about to be killed is very calm and calm, as if it was not himself who was killed.

"Not right!"

"Very wrong!"

"What's the trick?"

The more Xu Ming killed, the more confused he became.

Soon, the true cosmic genius of Eternal City was killed and only Zuo Wei was left.

Zuo Wei smiled and looked at Xu Ming, and said contemptuously, "Xu Ming, ah Xu Ming! I thought you knew a lot! I didn't expect that you didn't even know this... Hahahaha! It's ridiculous!"

Know a lot?

what do you know?

Xu Ming became more and more puzzled, but he couldn't get a clue.

"Come on! Kill me!" Zuo Wei sneered; looking at his appearance, he obviously didn't look like a person who was about to die, "Even if you don't kill me, you will never get the slightest information! Hehehehe...Look at you. It looks like he has a good relationship with Xu Yin, right? Very good! Very good! I will pass this news back to the real universe! Just wait... Hahahaha!"

Hearing this, Xu Ming suddenly realized something: "None of them really died?"

"Haha! It looks like you're not stupid!" Zuo Wei sneered, "It's no secret! You guessed it right! Not only did they not die, but they are nearby! And you, a virtual universe Indigenous people, you can't even see them! - The means of our true cosmic genius, you, know nothing!"

Xu Ming's face became more and more gloomy.

He could feel that what Zuo Wei said was true; otherwise, why would those true geniuses in the universe die so calmly?

"I'm near me, but I can't see it?" Xu Ming couldn't imagine it.

Zuo Wei continued to sneer and said: "What else do you want to ask? Or, do you want to kill me? - If you want to kill me, just come! Anyway, you can't know anything! Hahahaha..."

Xu Ming was really helpless.

A strong sense of powerlessness flooded his heart.

Unkillable enemy?

How does this kill?

And at this moment Ronghai suddenly said: "Xu Ming, if you are willing to help deal with Gong Taihao, I can tell you how to deal with them!"

"Oh?" Xu Ming was startled, and immediately looked at Ronghai.

"What!?" Zuo Wei's face suddenly turned pale, "Brother Rong Hai, it's too unkind of you to do this!?"

Where did Zuo Wei think that, both geniuses of the true universe, Ronghai actually wanted to "sell" them?

Ronghai smiled helplessly and said, "Don't blame me, I'm just doing what I was ordered to do!"

Saying that, Ronghai looked at Xu Ming again: "Xu Ming, how are you? Think about it! - By the way, if I don't tell you how to deal with them, I'm afraid you will never be able to deal with them!"

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