Break Into Another World

Chapter 1817: meet again

"By the way, if I don't tell you how to deal with them, I'm afraid you will never be able to deal with them!"

When Rong Hai speaks, he is full of confidence and secures the victory.

"Really?" Xu Ming looked at Ronghai, and couldn't help frowning slightly.

Intuition told Xu Ming that what Ronghai said was true! After all, Zuo Wei was still very arrogant before Rong Hai said these words; but as soon as Rong Hai said these words, Zuo Wei's face suddenly changed.

Moreover, the genius of the true universe, there is only one left guard left. It is easy for Xu Ming to "kill" the left guard, but he is afraid that after "killing", he will no longer be able to find the true cosmic genius of the Eternal Palace; in that case, Xu Ming would have no way of knowing what happened to Xu Yin in the Eternal Palace. .

After thinking for a while, Xu Ming asked: "As long as I help you deal with Gong Taihao, will you tell me how to deal with Zuo Wei and the others?"

"Yes!" Ronghai said.

While Rong Hai was dealing with Xu Ming, he was also communicating with Zuo Wei in private.

"Brother Ronghai, you are killing us like this!" Zuowei Chuanyin cried.

"Kill you all? It won't!" Rong Hai said, "You can rest assured, I will wait for him to help us deal with Gong Taihao, and then I will tell him how to deal with our true cosmic genius! - The time in between! , is it enough for you to escape from Jiuzhongtian? At that time, you will no longer be in Jiuzhongtian, but return to the real universe, why are you afraid of him? Even if he knows how to deal with the genius of the real universe, what's the use?"

Rong Hai obviously wanted to play Xu Ming - how to deal with Zuo Wei and other geniuses, I will tell you; but, when I told you, Zuo Wei and others were no longer in Jiuzhongtian.

"Is that so..." Zuo Wei suddenly relaxed, "As expected of Brother Rong Hai, he is really scheming!"

"Haha!" Ronghai said with a smile, "I'm just a native of the virtual universe! No matter how strong you are, won't you be fooled by me?"

"Not bad!" The left guard agreed.

"Xu Ming, how are you thinking?" At this time, Rong Hai urged again, "We are mutually beneficial and win-win! If I don't tell you the method, you can't deal with the left guards; and you don't help us. , we may not be able to deal with Gong Taihao! - Since it is beneficial to both parties, why can't we cooperate?"

Xu Ming thought about it and said, "I can help you deal with Gong Taihao!"

Rong Hai's eyes suddenly showed joy - did Xu Ming get it done so easily?

"But..." But at this moment, Xu Ming said again, "First tell me how to deal with the true genius of the universe, and I will help you deal with Gong Taihao!"

Xu Ming is not stupid, how could he be played so easily?

He knew almost nothing about the methods of a true cosmic genius; of course, he had to verify that the method of melting the sea was indeed effective before he would help deal with Gong Taihao. Otherwise, if he dealt with Gong Taihao first, but Ronghai broke the contract, wouldn't Xu Ming have nothing to do?

Just like now, Xu Ming took Zuowei and other geniuses of the Eternal Hall, as if there was no way.

Sure enough, after Xu Ming said his request, both Rong Hai and Zuo Wei changed their expressions slightly.

Zuo Wei looked at Rong Hai in horror, and repeated his voice transmission: "Rong Hai, you can't kill us!"

Rong Hai looked at Xu Ming, shook his head and said, "No way! If I told you first, how to deal with the true genius of the universe; and you broke the contract by then, wouldn't I have nothing to do with you? - Your request is not negotiable!"

"Huh..." The left guard on the side quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

"No discussion?" Xu Ming's face sank slightly.

"Yes, there is no discussion!" Ronghai said firmly, "I told you how to deal with the true genius of the universe, you can even use it against me - I dare not tell you lightly!"

"There is really no discussion?" Xu Ming's momentum became more and more gloomy.

"Yes!" Rong Hai said, "Help us deal with Gong Taihao first, and then I'll tell you how to deal with the left guards and the others—this is my bottom line, and I won't make any concessions!"

"Your bottom line?" Xu Ming smiled.

Weird laugh!

Isn't the bottom line used to break through?

call out-

A palm print swept across and slammed directly on Rong Hai's face, slapping him away.

"Xu Ming, you..." Rong Hai never thought that Xu Ming would do it if he said he would do it. Moreover, when he started, he also slapped his face.

"Huh! Rong Hai! Don't you think I'm stupid? - I can't even find out where the geniuses in the Eternal Palace are now. When you catch Gong Taihao, you'll tell me how to deal with them? Then, I'll go. Where can I find them?" Xu Ming said coldly, "I see... you just want me to help you for nothing, am I right?"

Ronghai was speechless for a moment.

After a while, Rong Hai sent a voice transmission to Zuo Wei and said, "Don't blame me, I just follow orders!"

What Rong Hai meant was actually agreeing to Xu Ming's trading plan.

As for the "compatriots" such as Zuo Wei who are also from the real universe... If you have a pit, let's pit it! Anyway, the relationship is not very close!

"Rong Hai..." Zuo Wei was so depressed that he gritted his teeth, but there was nothing he could do—a moment ago, he had a good chat with Rong Hai and planned to play Xu Ming together once;

Zuo Wei already wanted to slip away—and he had already secretly told those true geniuses in the universe that Xu Ming could not see to slip away first!

However at this time...

"Hahahahaha..." An incomparably reckless laughter resounded throughout the sky. At the same time, a huge trapped formation directly enveloped the entire Eternal City and its surroundings.

A familiar figure from Xu Ming came from the sky.

Master Taihao!

This figure is exactly the Gong Taihao that Rong Hai and other geniuses want to deal with!

"Master Taihao!" Ronghai shouted directly, "I didn't go to you, how dare you appear in front of me yourself!?"

"Heh!" Mrs. Taihao, who came from the sky, glanced at Ronghai disdainfully, and said, "What are you? When I was traversing the real universe, you were still stinking! And... it's just that you brought some Did the treasure come to the world of the first layer of heaven? Just want to deal with me? It’s ridiculous! - The treasure, it also depends on whose hands! In your molten sea, even if I stand in front of you, what can you do with me?"

"You..." Ronghai was instantly Grandpa Taihao was indeed not afraid of Ronghai at all. What he was really afraid of was Xu Ming! -If Ronghai gave Xu Ming the treasure and let Xu Ming deal with him, then the father-in-law Taihao really couldn't continue to hide in the world of the first layer!

Because of this, Gong Taihao, who had been hiding in the dark, saw that Ronghai was about to make a deal with Xu Ming, so he couldn't help but run out and intervene. Otherwise, when Xu Ming agrees to deal with him, it will be too late!

"Little brother Xu Ming, we meet again!" Mrs. Taihao looked at Xu Ming and smiled.

"Yeah! We meet again!" Xu Ming also looked at his father-in-law, Taihao, and laughed meaningfully at the "Kickback Man" who helped him take the blame.

It's an update today, and it'll be updated earlier tomorrow.

Today, I saw that another author in our author circle died of overwork, scared the baby to death, and dared not stay up late...

(End of this chapter)

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