Break Into Another World

Chapter 1822: lead the way

The Double Heaven World is an incomparably huge lotus flower. A single petal is comparable to the size of the entire First World.

It is not easy to find geniuses such as Zuowei in the eternal palace among thousands of petals!

But... Xu Ming of course didn't find the "petal" one by one, but flew directly to the "lotus heart" in the middle.

"The strength of true cosmos geniuses is generally much stronger than that of virtual cosmos geniuses! Although there are a large number of virtual cosmos geniuses, it is almost impossible for those who occupy the 'Lotus Heart' area to be virtual cosmos geniuses, but true cosmos geniuses! "

Xu Ming came to Erzhongtian World to hunt down Zuo Wei and other geniuses from the Eternal Hall.

So, where do the left-backs and other talents go? - Over 90% of the possibility is to go to the Eternal Hall genius in the second heaven world.

Therefore, as long as Xu Ming finds the gathering place of the true cosmos geniuses, and then finds the residence of the Eternal Palace in the Second Heaven, he will basically be able to find Zuowei and the others!

Moreover, even if you can't find geniuses such as Zuo Wei, that's fine; anyway, you can ask about Jian Yi and Xu Yin from the mouths of other Eternal Palace geniuses in the world of Erzhongtian.

"There are more geniuses in the world of the Second Layer!" Xu Ming swept through the endless void, looking at the thousands of huge lotus petals, and secretly said, "The genius of the Destruction Realm here, just pick one out, in terms of talent, I am afraid that it will be able to top an ordinary virtual universe! - Only after being honed in such an environment can you become a real peak powerhouse!"

Like in the Chaos Realm of Divine Phoenix, although there are quite a few experts in the Realm of Destruction, but in Xu Ming's view, most of the experts in the Realm of Destruction have limited achievements—the end of their cultivation, it is difficult for them to even become ordinary domain masters. !

And the geniuses of the Destruction Realm in the second layer of the world, the current combat power is not weaker than the ordinary domain master!

This is the difference!


The so-called "genius" is actually only relative.

Just like these geniuses in the world of Erzhongtian, if they are placed in the outside world, they will definitely be cultivated by one party as a treasure. But compared with Xu Ming, these geniuses are no different from waste materials!

than talent? - Brother Ming, who has opened up, once had no rivals, now has no rivals, and will never have rivals in the future! The virtual universe can't find an opponent, and the real universe still can't find an opponent!


All the way through the air gallop.

Not long after, Xu Ming arrived at the "Lotus Heart" - from a distance it looked like the lotus heart of a lotus flower, but when approached, it was actually an incomparably huge circular continent.

"On this continent, let's look for it first!"

Xu Ming walked recklessly above the mainland.

Soon, Xu Ming's spiritual sense discovered two pure black three-dimensional shadows - these are the projections of two true cosmic geniuses.

"Sure enough, the world of lotus heart is the world of true cosmic genius."

At this time, the two true geniuses of the universe also discovered the existence of Xu Ming.


"People from the virtual universe?"

These two true cosmos geniuses sank slightly and flew directly towards Xu Ming.

When Xu Ming saw the two flying towards him, it was exactly what he wanted—after all, it would take Xu Ming to find the genius of the Eternal Palace in the Lotus Heart World by himself, how much time would it take! It would be much easier to find two true cosmic geniuses to lead the way!

Xu Ming was about to go forward when he heard two violent shouts.

"Bold! The humble people of the virtual universe dare to fly alone in the Lotus Heart World!"

"Are you qualified to fly in this sky? Why don't you descend quickly, kneel on the ground, and wait for the hair to fall!"

The momentum of the two true geniuses of the universe oppressed Xu Ming domineeringly.

Xu Ming's expression changed slightly - a despicable person from the virtual universe?

"It seems that the geniuses of the virtual universe have a very low status in the Second World!" Xu Ming secretly said.

When the two true geniuses of the universe saw that Xu Ming did not land on the ground and knelt down, their aura became more and more gloomy: "Where did you get something that doesn't understand the rules!?"

"Suppress me!"


A giant black palm immediately crushed the world and came to suppress Xu Ming. Judging from its power, it was obvious that he wanted to suppress Xu Ming to the point of kneeling on the ground.

"Huh?" Xu Ming's face changed again - he didn't even speak, these two true geniuses of the universe actually started directly?

"Broken!" Xu Ming waved his hand disdainfully, crushing the black giant palm of heaven and earth, and instantly vanished into ashes - these two true cosmic geniuses, at best, have the strength of "third-order world masters", and in front of Xu Ming, naturally there is no trace of it. strength of struggle.


"How can a humble person from the virtual universe be so strong?"

The two true cosmic geniuses were shocked.

At this time, Xu Ming's slap had arrived!



One person and one slap, while the two real cosmos geniuses were a little confused, they also recognized the reality in front of them—that is, the virtual cosmos genius in front of them is not easy!

But even so, the two true cosmic geniuses are still very arrogant.

"The waste of the virtual universe, you dare to do something to the genius of our real universe?"

"you wanna die!?"

waste? court death?

Xu Ming's eyes turned cold, and he manipulated his divine power to grab the two of them.

clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap...

After dozens of slaps.

"Are you honest now?" Xu Ming said coldly.

The two true geniuses of the universe looked at Xu Ming in shock and anger.


"You have the ability to kill us!"

The two true cosmic geniuses are very hard-mouthed. Of course, it is more about being fearless; after all, in their opinion, no matter how powerful the genius of the virtual universe is, it is impossible for them to hurt their body.

"Do you think I don't dare?" Xu Ming's expression turned cold, and with his hands, he directly wiped out their projections.

Afterwards, Xu Ming raised his hand and slapped again, directly hitting the bodies of the two true cosmos geniuses.

" practiced "Nine Heavens of Void Reality"? What's your origin!?" The two true cosmos geniuses felt the threat of death and finally panicked.

"Ha!" Xu Ming smiled disdainfully and did not answer the two's questions. Looking at the appearance of these two people, it is obvious that they are bullying waste.

"Take me to the Eternal Hall!" Xu Ming said directly.

"You... You dare to order us!?" One of the true geniuses of the universe had obviously not changed his contempt for the virtual universe; seeing Xu Ming speak in an orderly tone subconsciously blurted out his debut.

"Huh?" Xu Ming's expression turned cold, and a long spear appeared in his hand at some point, and instantly penetrated the body of this true cosmic genius.

This shot, Xu Ming shot with anger; moreover, he was not as merciful as when he shot against the Eternal Palace genius. This terrifying shot directly annihilated the body of this true cosmic genius into nothingness.

After that, Xu Ming put away the spear, looked at another true genius of the universe with a smile, and said quietly: "Take me to the Eternal Palace! Of course, you can choose to die without leading the way; if it's a big deal, I'll catch another one. A true cosmic genius will lead the way! - I don't believe that in this second-level world, all true cosmic geniuses will not be afraid of death!"

Not afraid of death?

How can you not be afraid of death!

"I'll bring it! I'll bring it!" the true cosmic genius said again and again, "I'll bring it right away!"

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