Break Into Another World

Chapter 1823: has arrived

The Eternal Hall is the top power in the true universe; every time it reaches the Nine Heavens, it is also the top power.

"The Eternal City is ahead!" The true genius of the universe who led the way looked at Xu Ming with some fear.

This true cosmic genius is named "Yi Yi". In the real universe, it is just a very ordinary genius.

"But..." In the depths of Yi Yi's eyes, there was a trace of untraceable hatred, "Even if I am a very ordinary member in the real universe, I am also a real genius in the universe! I can't tolerate being bullied by a genius in the virtual universe. !"

When Yi Yi was on the road, he had secretly sent out a message, asking the masters of his forces to come to the Eternal City to avenge him. Come to think of it, that master should be here soon.

This little action of Yi Yi was naturally hidden from Xu Ming's eyes. But Xu Ming didn't bother to care about anything, he just wanted to arrive at the Eternal City earlier.


Xu Ming's eyes turned to the Eternal City.

In Eternal City.

The geniuses of the Eternal Hall do not have the atmosphere of the enemy at all. There were quite a few geniuses, sitting around, listening to Zuo Wei and other geniuses say things about Xu Ming.

After listening to Zuo Wei's words, Cang Qiong Overlord frowned slightly, and said, "You mean... Xu Ming, a genius in the virtual universe, killed more than a dozen of you with his own power?"

"Yes..." Although he didn't want to admit such a humiliating experience, Zuo Wei had to admit, "Xu Ming's strength is very strong!"

"It's very strong?" The sky overlord sneered, "The world of the first layer is also a genius of the virtual universe. No matter how strong it is, where can it be strong? If you can have the strength of the 'world lord's fourth-order', I'm afraid it will be in the sky. But... I'm afraid that Xu Ming has a lot of unexpected encounters on his body! - I'm afraid he won't dare to come to the second world, if he dares to come, I'll take a good look at what kind of encounters he has!"

The Overlord of the Sky, as the absolute overlord of the Erzhongtian world, naturally does not take Xu Ming in his eyes.

"Haha! Senior Brother Cang Qiong, mere Xu Ming, how can you be qualified to let you do it yourself?" An Eternal Palace genius flattered, "Let me do it, it's enough to suppress him easily!"

"I can too!"

"I can come too!"

"The genius of the virtual universe can be wiped out with a flip!"

"I'm not afraid of him coming! I'm afraid that he won't dare to come to the Second World!"

The geniuses of the Eternal Palace all laughed.

These Eternal Hall geniuses, even if they are placed in the real universe, are the top geniuses, and their strength has reached the fifth rank of the 'world master'; naturally, there is no one who will take the virtual universe genius "Xu Ming" in his eyes.

"That's right!" The Cang Qiong Overlord suddenly looked at Zuo Wei and said, "You said... This Xu Ming is here to find Xu Yin?"

"Yes!" Zuo Wei continued, "Senior Brother Cang Qiong, as you know, Senior Brother Jian Yi once gave an order - as long as there is a genius with a virtual universe, if you want to find Xu Yin, you must report to him immediately!"

"I know!" The Sky Overlord nodded. He had already received this order.

"That's why I reported it!" Zuo Wei said, "And the reply from Senior Brother Jianyi was: I killed him directly! Now that I failed to kill Xu Ming, I haven't had time to apologize to Senior Brother Jianyi!"

"I'll send a message to tell Senior Brother Jianyi!" The sky overlord said, "Actually, we all know why Senior Brother Jianyi ordered that Xu Ming to be killed! I guess, if I report the matter now, Senior Brother Jianyi will definitely give the order. , let me search for Xu Ming's traces in the entire Erzhongtian world; as long as Xu Ming comes to the Erzhongtian world, he will kill him directly!"

All the geniuses of the Eternal Hall nodded: "Yes! Senior Brother Jianyi's character is like this!"

"Shh!" The Sky Overlord lowered his voice and said, "Don't talk for now, I'm going to send a message to Senior Brother Jianyi!"

Communication between "Nine Heaven" and "True Universe" is extremely expensive!

After all, communication needs to rely on the connection of causality; and the causal connection between the "Nine Heavens" and the "true universe" is very little, almost no.

"A single communication will consume half of the value of the original chaotic core!" The sky overlord shook his head with some distress, and then began to communicate.

Soon, on the other end of the communication, Jian Yi's voice came: "Qingqiong, why are you looking for me?"

"Senior Brother Jianyi!" The Cang Qiong Overlord continued, "Zuo Wei and the others lost to Xu Ming, were killed by Xu Ming and escaped to the Second World, and now they are here with me! According to their description, Xu Ming should have the 'World Lord Four'. Rank' or even higher strength!"

"The genius of the virtual universe in the realm of all things, has the strength of the fourth-order world master?" Jian Yi's voice was extremely gloomy, "Anyway, you killed him for me! - Can you do it?"

"Yes! Yes!" The Sky Overlord continued, "As long as Xu Ming dares to come to the Second Layer World!"

"He will definitely come!" Jian Yi said, "You can find a way to search for his traces in the Erzhongtian world! The sooner you find and kill him, the more credit you will count; when you return to the real universe , I will not treat you badly!—Go!"

"Yes!" The sky overlord respectfully said.

At this moment, the expression of the overlord of the sky changed slightly - he felt that someone was bombarding the great defense formation of the Eternal City.

boom! boom! boom! …

One after another bombardment resounded throughout the Eternal City.

Zuo Weilian looked at the figure outside the city, his face changed suddenly, and he said, "He is Xu Ming! He actually arrived so soon!"

"What!? Xu Ming dares to directly kill our Eternal City? He dares to bombard the great formation of our Eternal City!?" The sky overlord was shocked and angry, "Even if you want to court death, you are not in such a hurry, right?"

The Sky Overlord even sent a message: "Xu Ming has arrived! Senior Brother Jianyi, please wait a moment, I will kill him now! I will report the results to you later!"

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! …

In the Eternal City, the geniuses of the Eternal Palace all rushed out of the city with murderous aura. In their opinion, Xu Ming dared to chase down to the Second World, and even came directly to the door to bombard the great formation of the Eternal City. It's just hitting the face of their Eternal Palace!

Outside the Eternal Yi Yi was waiting, and the expert he invited hurriedly arrived; but he saw that Xu Ming directly smashed the great defense formation of the Eternal City.

"You..." Yi Yi looked at Xu Ming in disbelief, "You dare to attack directly? You are... hitting the face of the Eternal Palace!"

"Hit the face of the Eternal Palace?" Xu Ming sneered disdainfully, "Is the face of the Eternal Palace very precious?"

No matter how precious the face was, Xu Ming wanted to hit him, so he did!

"You... lunatic!" Yi Yi hurriedly retreated, for fear that the geniuses of the Eternal Palace would mistakenly think that he and Xu Ming were in the same group. Of course, at the same time, Yi Yi also took the opportunity to escape from Xu Ming.

And Yi Yi had just retreated some distance, and the helper he invited just happened to arrive!

Seeing this, Yi Yi hurriedly ran towards his helper.

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