Break Into Another World

Chapter 1824: Wan Lianfeng, Lu Tianhai

"Senior Brother Lu, that's him, he's Xu Ming!" Yi Yi cried while running, "He killed Junior Brother Ye and threatened me in every possible way!"

Lu Tianhai is the number one master of Yi Yi's force; his strength has already reached the "peak fifth-order world master", even among the many true universe geniuses in the Lotus Heart world, they are all top-notch existences.

"Useless waste, you have the face to say it?" Lu Tianhai glanced at Yi Yi with disgust, and said, "To be threatened by a vile genius of the universe? What a shame for our true genius of the universe!"

Yi Yi did not dare to say a word. He himself felt that it was a shame to be threatened by a virtual universe genius - even Xu Ming, a virtual universe genius, was very powerful!

"Honestly stand aside and see how I clean up this humble virtual universe genius!" Lu Tianhai said.

"Yes..." Yi Yi stood behind Lu Tianhai honestly, with some anticipation in his eyes, expecting Lu Tianhai to help him wash away his shame.

Lu Tianhai took a few steps forward and stepped through the endless void.

He squinted his eyes, looked at Xu Ming, and secretly said in his heart: "This virtual universe genius, although from a humble background, has a bit of courage... He actually dares to bombard the defense formation of the Eternal City!"

Lu Tianhai had already seen that the geniuses of the Eternal Hall, such as the Overlord of the Sky, were rushing out with murderous aura.

boom! boom! boom! boom! …

One after another, the Eternal Hall geniuses rushed out of the city.

One after another tyrannical momentum, oppressing the space where Xu Ming was.

"Xu Ming!" A stern shout sounded, it was Zuo Wei who escaped from the world of the first layer of heaven, "I didn't expect that you would really dare to chase after the world of the second layer of heaven to court death!"

"I deliberately let you all come to the world of Erzhongtian, why are you arrogant?" Xu Ming looked at Zuowei and sneered.

Zuo Wei and other more than ten geniuses were able to escape to the Second World, because Xu Ming did deliberately let them go.

When they were in the first layer of heaven, although Xu Ming could not stop them and open up a void passage to the second layer of heaven; but you must know that if Xu Ming is willing, he can fully open the plug-in and explode with all his strength, before they step into the void passage. , kill them all!

It's just that Xu Ming didn't want to slaughter the genius of the Eternal Hall without knowing what was going on.

And this time... if these geniuses in the Eternal Palace don't tell the truth, Xu Ming will not give them another chance to escape to the Third Heaven - Brother Ming's patience is limited!

"Bold!" Zuo Wei shouted, "Now that my senior brother Cang Qiong is here, you dare to speak madly! I really don't know how to write the word 'death'!"

Brother Cang Qiong?

seems strong?

Xu Ming looked at the overlord of the sky surrounded by all the geniuses, and sneered in his heart - it was just a group of true cosmic geniuses with "Destruction Realm" cultivation! No matter how strong it is, where can it go?

You know... even if Xu Ming doesn't hang up, his strength has reached the "fifth-order world master"! In the open state, it is even easier to reach the "half honor" level!

Is the sky overlord strong?

Is there a semi-strong?

Don't say half-respect! Even if there is a random "ninth-order world master" existence, he can easily suppress the overlord of the sky with one hand!

So... from the beginning to the end, Xu Ming did not take the geniuses of the Eternal Hall in his eyes; it was just that the geniuses such as Sky Overlord and Zuo Wei just liked to be self-righteous.

at this time…

"Brother Cang Qiong!" A magnificent voice sounded, and it was the helper Yi Yi invited, Lu Tianhai.

"Lu Tianhai? What's the matter?" Cang Qiong said.

"Brother Cangqiong, this Xu Ming, not only insulted my disciple of Wan Lianfeng, but also slaughtered my junior brother Ye!" Lu Tianhai said loudly, "I also ask Brother Cangqiong to give face, and let me suppress this Xu Ming!"

"Oh?" The Sky Overlord thought for a while and said, "Yes! Since you Lu Tianhai spoke up, I'll give you this face!"

In fact, the overlord of the sky can completely ignore Lu Tianhai - after all, Wan Lianfeng's power in the real universe is more than a little bit worse than that of the Eternal Hall. Even if the overlord of the sky doesn't give face, Lu Tianhai will never dare to say a word.

However, Lu Tianhai thought that this Xu Ming was related to Xu Yin; after thinking about it, he felt that it would be best if he didn't do it!

"In our Eternal Hall, although Xu Yin is not as good as Senior Brother Jianyi, but... it's not something I can provoke casually!" The Sky Overlord thought to himself, "In case Xu Yin finds out in the future, I may have killed Xu Ming. It will be somewhat troublesome! Since Lu Tianhai wants to kill, let him kill it, anyway... Senior Brother Jianyi only needs to look at the result, not the process! As long as the result is that Xu Ming is dead, then that's fine!"

The overlord of the sky is still a little jealous of Xu Yin.

Of course, it is only "a little", not to mention "very fearful".

Lu Tianhai naturally didn't know that the Sky Overlord would have so many considerations in his heart; he thought that the Sky Overlord was really giving himself face, and he couldn't help feeling light on his face!

"Then thank you Brother Cang Qiong!"

After he finished speaking, Lu Tianhai directly killed Xu Ming: "Xu Ming! You are a despicable person from the virtual universe, but you dare to kill the genius of our Wan Lianfeng! Today, I will kill you, do you accept it!?"


Lu Tianhai's voice fell, as if there was a sea of ​​blood in the sky, condensed on the top of Xu Ming's head, and suppressed it towards Xu Ming.

"Senior Brother Lu actually showed his stunt 'Blood Ocean' as soon as he came up!" Yi Yi looked at it, "It seems that Senior Brother Lu wanted to kill Xu Ming with a single blow!"

The geniuses of the Eternal Hall were also discussing.

"This trick is... a sea of ​​blood? Lu Tianhai's famous secret skill?"

"Lu Tianhai is the real power of the fifth-order realm master! Even in the Lotus Heart world, he is a top-ranked expert! - Xu Ming, a genius of the virtual universe with cultivation in the realm of all things, can die under this move. It's an honor!"

"A vile genius of the virtual universe, who dares to be so arrogant, is more than worth dying for!"

Naturally, Xu Ming would not take these ignorant comments to heart.

"Lu Tianhai?" Xu Ming couldn't help sneering - even if he is the overlord of the sky, he is not qualified to be looked at by Xu Ming; what is the mere Lu Tianhai?

Xu Ming looked at the sea of ​​blood gathered above his head, and just spit out a word: "Broken!"


The boundless sea of ​​blood instantly shattered and dissipated.



Every true genius of the universe is shocked.

Even the overlord of the sky narrowed his eyes slightly; he admitted that even if he wanted to destroy this boundless sea of ​​blood, he might not be able to do better than Xu Ming.

"Xu Ming's strength..." Hearing is false, seeing is believing! For the first time, the overlord of the sky finally began to face Xu Ming's strength!

It's just... The Vault of Heaven doesn't know that Xu Ming has never looked up to his strength at all!

"What!?" Lu Tianhai couldn't believe it, "How is this possible..."

However, Lu Tianhai did not lose his position because of this; as soon as he dodged, he killed Xu Ming's back, and the sharp sword in his hand slashed through layers of time and space, and he was about to land on Xu Ming's divine body. .

"Go away!" Xu Ming didn't even look back, he just lifted his foot and kicked back casually.


The menacing Lu Tianhai flew out at a faster speed and with a stronger momentum, and finally slammed heavily on the ground of Lotus Heart World!


Under this kick, Lu Tianhai's projection body shattered and dissipated; even his body was seriously injured!

Just a casual kick will seriously injure the existence of a world master's fifth-order peak strength!

This chapter is owed.

No more tonight, go to bed early, and continue to make up tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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