Break Into Another World

Chapter 1857: Go do something!


Chibai City.

It is a medium-sized city in the Fish Ghost Realm, and it is also the sect of Chibai Sect.

Within the jurisdiction of Chibai City, there are many "aboriginals" from the Fish and Ghost Realm. However, no one knew that on this day, there were two superpowers in Chibai City—Xu Ming and Huang Zhizun.

In Chibai City, in an ordinary house.

Xu Ming was drinking tea leisurely, while Huang Zhizun was standing behind him respectfully, reporting something.

"Master, I have already inquired about it!" Huang Zhizunhui reported, "The world masters in the fish ghost realm all live in the fish ghost half-zun's lair; if you want to secretly find a world master to start, it is almost impossible. possible thing!"

"Well..." Xu Ming took a sip of tea, pondered for a while, and said, "Since this is the case, then we have to find a way to lure the snake out of the hole!"

Huang Zhizun continued to report: "Most of the aborigines in the fish ghost world live quite miserably! According to my inquiries, the reason why there are indigenous people in the fish ghost world is mainly to raise them as 'trial slaves'!"

"Trial slave?"

"That's right!" Huang Zhizun said, "The Fish and Ghost Realm mainly relies on the 'Battle of Life and Death' to attract the strong from all sides of the disorderly frontier! Some powerful people will also bring some weak juniors here. But Not everyone is qualified to enter the battlefield of life and death; those juniors, if they want to enter the battlefield of life and death, they must first kill some trial slaves! Of course... those trial slaves are not killed in vain, but You have to pay for some treasures! And the Fish Ghost Banzun relies on this method to make money!"

Xu Ming nodded slightly - Fish Ghost Banzun, he was earning the entire "Destiny Day" money, and he still had some ability.

Huang Zhizun continued: "Like the Chibai Sect jurisdiction where we are now, in each era, hundreds of trial slaves must be offered, and their cultivations range from Chaos Realm to Great Desolation Realm!"

"So many?" Xu Ming was slightly surprised - in his opinion, the Chibai Sect's jurisdiction is not very large!

Huang Zhizun said: "The competition in the fish ghost world is cruel, so the proportion of strong people is also relatively high! Of course, these strong people squeeze their own potential more severely, so the potential in the future is relatively limited, and it is difficult for anyone to step into the domain master realm! "

Xu Ming thought for a while and said, "In that case, let's lead a snake out of the hole in Chibai Sect, and lead a world master out!"

"Master, what should we do?" Huang Zhizun asked.

"How to do it is very simple!" Xu Ming said, "It's nothing more than to make some reputation first! Of course, we can't do it too high-profile, otherwise, it will attract the attention of Yugui Banzun, which is not what we want to see! "

If he was noticed by Banzun Fish Ghost, then Xu Ming could only go ahead and shake Banzun Fish Ghost head-on to save the disciples! And this is not what Xu Ming wants to see; after all, if the fish ghost half-respected dog jumps over the wall, then Xu Ming's disciples will be in danger!

"Let's take a step by step!" Xu Ming said, "Huang Zhizun, you go outside and find a 'destined person' first!"

Huang Zhizun was stunned: "Anyone?"

Xu Ming said indifferently: "When you walk out of the house and see anyone you see, you are all destined!"

Huang Zhizun immediately understood what Xu Ming meant—that is, to arbitrarily arrest someone.

Chibai City, although not ranked in the entire fish ghost world, but within the jurisdiction of Chibai Sect, it is definitely a holy land-like existence!

In Chibai City, there are many sects!

In addition to the overlord of the Chibai Sect, there are more than a dozen sects, large and small, which also use this place as the foundation and are attached to the Chibai Sect.

Every epoch, countless geniuses come to Chibai City, hoping that they can join one of the forces.



A genius with the appearance of a young man, roaring with grief and anger. His cultivation is only at the "Saint" level, and he has not even reached the Chaos Realm.

"Just because my 'heart world' has been severely damaged, the major sects are unwilling to take me in?" The young man's eyes were full of unwillingness - you must know that in the jurisdiction of the Chibai Sect, only by entering the major sects can you feel more at ease practice. If you don't join these sects, then once you break through to Chaos Realm, you might be caught as a "trial slave".

Therefore, some geniuses who have reached the peak of the "Saint", if they cannot join the party, they will not even dare to break through to the Chaos Realm casually.

And this young man, who now has no hope of joining the sect, can imagine the unwillingness in his heart!

at this time…

The figure of Huang Zhizun appeared in front of this young man.

"Huh?" The young man was stunned for a moment - he felt the incomparably ethereal and mighty aura coming from Huang Zhizun's body; facing Huang Zhizun was like facing the whole sky.

"What's your name?" Huang Zhizun said gently.

The young man continued: "I... my name is Lu Yan!"

"Lu Yan?" Huang Zhizun nodded slightly, showing admiration, "I think your bones are very strange, but you are a rare genius in thousands of epochs. Would you like to worship me as a teacher?"

Lu Yan's eyes widened. He doesn't know yet, this is his big chance!

"Yes! Yes!" Lu Yan nodded like and replied again and again - he didn't know yet, standing in front of him was a supreme powerhouse, the master of the powerful fish and ghost world." The fish ghost half-zun" is even more terrifying! If he knew, I'm afraid Lu Yan wouldn't be able to stand still!

"Fine, come with me!"

Supreme Huang led Lu Yan and returned to the house where he lived.

Xu Ming didn't show up, he just glanced at Lu Yan who was brought back, and secretly said in his heart, "The aptitude is really ordinary! doesn't matter!"

Under the training of the Supreme Realm powerhouse, no matter how ordinary the aptitude is, it can be trained into a peerless genius!

With the strength of Supreme Phoenix, he can already control time to a certain extent.

Huang Zhizun increased the time flow rate of a small area by hundreds of millions of times, so that Lu Yan could speed up his cultivation. For him, maintaining a Lu Yan in a small area and cultivating at a time flow rate of billions of times was simply an easy task.

Xu Ming is just a cup of tea, Huang Zhizun has already finished training Lu Yan.

Coming out of the billions of times the flow of time, Lu Yan at this time is no longer a "Saint" level of cultivation, but... Chaos Realm!



Lu Yan felt the surging strength in himself, and was extremely excited! At this time, of course, he already understood what an incredible existence his master was!

"Could it be... Master will be a Nirvana realm powerhouse?" Lu Yan looked at Huang Zhizun and couldn't help thinking, "Master's strength is so terrifying, but I have never heard of his name. It seems that he must be It's a great power hidden in the city! I must keep a low profile and not easily expose the identity of the master!"

Lu Yan was thinking about it, but Huang Zhizun said, "Go do something! Just go and sweep the chaos of the major sects in Chibai City first. Remember, don't weaken your reputation as a teacher!"

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