Break Into Another World

Chapter 1858: snow goddess


"Go and do something! Just go and sweep the chaos of the major sects in Chibai City first. Remember, don't weaken your reputation as a teacher!"

"Uh..." Lu Yan was stunned - Master's request is really strange!

Immediately, Lu Yan "comprehended": "I'm afraid Shizun wants to go out of the mountain, right?"

Lu Yan clenched his fists secretly: "Since that's the case, I must help Shizun make a name for himself!"

"Yes! Master!" Lu Yan said loudly, "But..."

"But what?" Huang Zhizun said indifferently.

"But Master... I don't know your name yet!" Lu Yan said.

"Uh..." Huang Zhizun was slightly startled - of course he was too lazy to mention his name in front of ants like Lu Yan; and Lu Yan didn't dare to ask casually, for fear of causing the master's displeasure.

It was only now that he left the apprenticeship and was about to go out to help Shizun make a name for himself, and Lu Yan suddenly realized that he didn't even know Shizun's name - how could he become famous without knowing the name?

Huang Zhizun thought for a while, and said, "This is the teacher's name: Huang Servant!"

"Phoenix servant?" Lu Yan was a little strange in his heart, and didn't understand why Master would use such a name.

"Go!" Huang Zhizun said lightly, "Go and sweep all the chaotic realms of the sects in Chibai City first! If there is a strong person above the Xuanhuang realm who dares to deal with you, you can directly report the name of the teacher. Come on, the teacher will know the situation on your side!"

"Yes!" When Lu Yan walked out of the house, his eyes were full of confident light.

The center of Chibai City.

Red White Sect.

A goddess with a delicate form sighed a long time.

There was some helplessness and some helplessness in the voice.

Few people know that this delicate goddess is actually the suzerain of Chibai Sect - Goddess Xuewei.

"I don't know... how long can I maintain Chibai Sect..." Goddess Xuewei frowned slightly.

A force like Chibaizong usually needs a powerful Nirvana Realm, or a few ordinary Nirvana Realms, in order to maintain and compete with other surrounding forces.

As for Chibai Sect, there is only Goddess Xuewei in the Nirvana Realm, and she is a very weak existence in the Nirvana Realm, which is not enough to deter the surrounding. From time to time, there will be some forces that come to the Chibai Sect to "rob people" - after all, every jurisdiction has to offer "trial slaves"; robbing people from other sects' jurisdictions can make offerings a little less. A master in his own domain.

"Sect Master!" At this moment, a Destruction Realm expert with a white feather fan came over and smiled softly.

"It's Elder Xia!" Goddess Xuewei said, but there was a hint of disgust in her eyes.

"Sect Master, what I said last time, how are you thinking about it?" Elder Xia, whose name is "Xia Xiao", "As long as you agree, I will invite the tutor to come forward! With the power of the tutor, I will bless your little one. Chibai City is as easy as the palm of your hand."

Goddess Xuewei hardly hesitated: "No need!"

"Sect Master, you have to think carefully!" Xia Xiaoyu said earnestly, "It's not easy for you to support Chibai Sect!"

"Many thanks to Elder Xia for your trouble!" Goddess Xuewei said, "This Sect Master has something to do, Elder Xia please do it first!"

Obviously, Goddess Xuewei was chasing guests.

"Heh!" Xia Xiao sneered, a meaningful smile on the corner of his mouth, looking at Goddess Xuewei, it was even harder to hide his greed, "Then I'll take my leave!"

Not long after Xia Xiao left.

An old man with long brown hair and a mighty aura walked in.

"Sect Master!" The old man bowed slightly.

"The turbid elder quickly waives the ceremony!" Goddess Xuewei continued - Chi Baizong has been able to support until now, to be honest, this turbid elder has contributed greatly! Although Elder Qingzhuo was only in the Destruction Realm, his strength was close to Nirvana Realm. It was because of his help that the burden on Goddess Xuewei was relieved a lot.

Elder Qingzhuo said: "Sect Master, something big has happened!"

"Major event?" Goddess Xuewei said with a serious expression, "What's wrong? Could it be that other sects are attacking?"

What Goddess Xuewei was most worried about was that other sects would attack in large numbers; in that case, even if she could resist, she would have to pay a huge price.

"That's not it!" The turbid elder continued, "It should be... a good thing!"

"A good thing? Should?" Goddess Xuewei was a little puzzled.

Elder Qingzhuo said: "In our Chibai City, a genius has appeared!"


"This genius has only the cultivation base of Chaos Realm..."

Chaos Realm…

Goddess Xuewei suddenly lost interest—a genius in the Chaos Realm, no matter how strong it is, how can she help her?

Elder Qingzhuo saw the thoughts of the sect master, but continued: "This genius has only the cultivation of Chaos Realm, but he has swept all the Chaos Realm geniuses in the major sects! This is not the key, the key is... just counting. A few days ago, this genius was only a 'Saint', and he was rejected by all the sects in Chibai City!"

"What!?" Goddess Xuewei's eyes suddenly lit up - when she heard this, how could she have guessed that behind this genius, there is probably a great power hidden!

"It can make a break through to the Chaos Realm within a few days, and sweep the same level invincible..." Goddess Xuewei's eyes lit up, "I am afraid that this kind of thing can only be done by the Nirvana Realm. Are you here? In our Chibai City, there is a Nirvana Realm power!?"

At the same time, Goddess Xuewei also understood why Qingzhuo Elder said "it should be a good thing", but did not say "sure"; after all, whether this mighty person who is suspected to be in the Nirvana Realm is an enemy or a friend, he still doesn't know.

"That almighty, what's the name?" Goddess Xuewei asked.

The turbid elder said: "Phoenix servant!"

"Phoenix servant?" Goddess Xuewei confirmed that she had never heard of this name, "In any case, let's go visit this great master, it is best to draw him over! If he is really a great master of Nirvana, Then our Chibai sect will have two Nirvana realms; in that case, other surrounding forces will not dare to bully our Chibai sect! That Xia Xiao will not be so arrogant..."

"Xia Xiao!" The clear and turbid elder's eyes were slightly cold, but he soon became silent - there is no way, the Chibai Sect is too weak, they can only bear it!

"Do you know where that 'Phoenix Servant' is?" Goddess Xuewei asked again.

"I've already inquired about it!" Elder Qingzhuo said, "It's in a house in our Chibai City! And... there seem to be two people living in that house!"

"Two people?" Goddess Xuewei was stunned for a moment, then panicked, "The name of the almighty is 'Phoenix Servant', could the other one be..."

Elder Qingzhu and Goddess Xuewei all thought of a terrifying possibility—the other one, could it be the "master" of this servant of the phoenix?

If this is the case, how strong should the master be?

Thinking of having such a power in her own city, Goddess Xuewei couldn't calm down: "Get up quickly! I'll visit them now!"

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