Break Into Another World

Chapter 1860: Can't you be blamed


"This..." Feng Yu was stunned, his face stunned.

"This..." The geniuses of the Chaos Realm from the Sword Sect were also confused. They were all already gearing up for a slap at Lu Yan, and the shame of being swept away by Lu Yan was a shame; Unexpectedly, in the blink of an eye, Sect Master Xuewei and Elder Qing Zhuo, the two absolute masters of the Chibai Sect's jurisdiction , suddenly appeared, and was so concerned about Lu Yan!

Kicked the iron plate!

Everyone realizes this.

Feng Yu even hurriedly sent a message to Sect Master Lijian for help, hoping that Sect Master could come to save his life.

"Seek more blessings!" Sect Master Li Jian received the call for help, and after hearing that it was Sect Master Xuewei and Elder Qingzhuo, he sent back such a sentence without hesitation.

Although Li Jianzong relies on his backing, he is very arrogant; however, arrogance also depends on the object!

In the face of Sect Master Xuewei and Elder Qing Zhuo, even if Sect Master Li Jian had a hundred courage, he would not dare to be arrogant! Or it's better to be a man with your tail clamped honestly...

It's just... At this time, for the Sect Master Lijian, "clamping the tail and being a man" is already an extravagant hope!


Elder Qingzhuo stretched out his hand to probe, directly broke through the heavy formation, and brought Sect Master Lijian over.

Sect Master Li Jian pretended not to know, and asked, "Elder Qingzhuo, you are..."

"Come with us!" Elder Qingzhuo said indifferently, "As for the outcome, whether it's death or life... Seek more blessings for yourself!"

Hearing the words "seeking more happiness", Sect Master Li Jian, Feng Yu and others all turned pale; then, they were grabbed and dragged away by the Qing Zhuo elders without any resistance.

Sect Master Lijian was in a state of panic, the only thing he could do was to quietly send a distress message to his backer.


Chibai City.

Inside Xu Ming's small house.

Xu Ming "meeted" the Goddess Xuewei and the others, and his posture was quite cold - of course, with Xu Ming's strength, facing the Goddess Xuewei who could step into the Nirvana Realm, he did have the qualifications to be aloof!

After all, let alone a weak Nirvana realm, even in the face of a fish ghost, Xu Ming still has the qualifications to be aloof.

"Goddess Xuewei." Xu Ming glanced at it and said indifferently, "I've heard of you!"

Goddess Xuewei was a little excited: "Thank you, senior!"

She has already determined that the senior Xu Ming in front of her is the master of the "Phoenix Servant"!

You must know that in the eyes of Goddess Xuewei, Huang Servant is already a strong Nirvana Realm; and the owner of Huang Servant is probably the existence of the peak of Nirvana Realm!

Goddess Xuewei came here because she wanted to invite Xu Ming, the "hidden world power", to come out. Of course, her attitude was extremely respectful.

However, what the Goddess Xuewei didn't know was that... Xu Ming, the "hidden master", was waiting for her to invite him out of the mountain!

Of course, although Xu Ming wanted to "go out of the mountain" in his heart, he would never shout "I want to go out of the mountain" on the surface.

"Let's talk about them first!" Xu Ming seemed to have no interest in Goddess Xuewei, but looked at Sect Master Lijian, Feng Yu and others.

Sect Master Li Jian, Feng Yu and others have been trembling ever since they were caught here—they already know that Lu Yan's master is the Nirvana Realm powerful "Phoenix Servant"; The master of protecting the short! Now, although they only bullied Lu Yan a little, they were actually brushing the face of Xu Ming, the hidden power!

Can the face of an almighty who is suspected to be in the Nirvana realm be brushed casually?

Feng Yu, and a kind of Chaos Realm genius, can do is to wait for the trial.

As for the Sect Master Lijian, he still had fantasies in his heart, hoping that his backers would come to protect him.

"Goddess Xuewei, what do you think they should do?" Xu Ming said lightly.

Before Goddess Xuewei could speak, the turbid elder hurriedly said: "It's all up to Senior Xu Ming to deal with! - To kill or cut, it's all in the words of Senior Xu Ming! As long as the senior gives an order, the junior will execute it immediately!"

Sect Master Lijian, Feng Yu and the others all turned pale all of a sudden - the meaning of the clear and turbid elders could not be understood any more, that is to give them up directly!

Xu Ming didn't say anything, just drank the tea lightly. Neither kill nor kill.

The Qingzhuo elder seemed to "understand" what Xu Ming meant.

"I understand, Senior Xu Ming!" Elder Qingzhuo said in a cold voice, "It's just a mere group of ants, it's not worthy to let Senior Xu Ming speak and decide their lives and deaths! I'll deal with it!"

Having said that, the turbid elder is about to start.

Sect Master Lijian, Feng Yu, and others all deeply felt their own insignificance—Xu Ming wanted to kill them, and he didn’t even need to say anything! How small!

However, at this moment...

"Leave someone!" A violent shout came.

Goddess Xuewei and Elder Qingzhuo changed their expressions - this voice was precisely the "Elder Xia Xiao" of their Chibai Sect, and she was also a person that Goddess Xuewei and Elder Qingzhuo hated.

At the same time, Elder Xia Xiao is also the backer of Sect Master Lijian.

"It's troublesome now!" The turbid elder frowned slightly.

Originally, Elder Qingzhuo planned to deal with Sect Master Lijian, Feng Yu and others directly, so as to express goodwill to Xu Ming and invite Xu Ming to come out; as for Xia I will find a way to appease it in the future. !

But now, with Elder Xia Xiao coming in person, Elder Qingzhuo could not continue to forcibly kill Sect Master Lijian and others. After all... Elder Xia Xiao has a big backer behind him; even Goddess Xuewei and Elder Qingzhuo would not dare to blatantly offend him.

"Elder Xia, save me!" Sect Master Lijian seemed to see a life-saving straw.

"Don't worry! With me, no one can touch you!" Xia Xiao landed in the courtyard and said proudly.

Sect Master Li Jian took the opportunity to run behind Elder Xia Xiao.

"Elder Qingzhuo, what do you mean?" Xia Xiao asked directly, "How dare you touch my people?"

Elder Qingzhuo secretly complained in his heart, but still said: "He has offended senior Xu Ming and senior Huangpu!"

At the same time, the voluminous elder secretly sent a voice transmission to Xu Ming, saying, "Senior Xu Ming, this Xia Xiao is a disciple of the domain master! I'm afraid it will be difficult to kill Sect Master Li Jian in front of him today, please forgive me..."

Although Xia Xiao was a disciple of the Domain Master, Goddess Xuewei and Elder Qing Zhuo never counted on him! After all, the reason why Elder Xia Xiao stayed in Chibai Sect had a purpose—the purpose was to get the Goddess Xuewei.

Unless Goddess Xuewei succumbed to him, Xia Xiao would not be able to contribute to Chibai Sect at all.

And Goddess Xuewei, how could she be willing to do such a "deal"?

"Oh? Domain Master disciple?" Xu Ming raised his brows and said nothing.

At this time, Xia Xiao's eyes also fell on Xu Ming and Huang Zhizun: "Offend them both?"

Xia Xiao's tone was full of disdain: "As far as I know, Lijian Sect Master didn't offend them, right? At most, some disciples in Lijian Sect offended this Lu Yan! Besides... I'm Xia Xiao. Even if you offend the two of them, so what? Can’t you afford to offend them?”

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