Break Into Another World

Chapter 1861: Do you have any face?


"My Xia Xiao's people, even if they offend them, so what? Can't they afford to offend them?"

Xia Xiao's cultivation was only in the Realm of Destruction; even the cultivation of Xu Ming and Huang Zhizun on the bright side was far superior to Xia Xiao.

However, behind Xia Xiao, there is a master of the domain master realm; therefore, he is very arrogant when he does things, and he does not even care about the existence of Nirvana realm. And the ordinary Nirvana Realm, because they are afraid of Xia Xiao's master, so they don't dare to do anything to Xia Xiao.


Xia Xiao didn't know that Xu Ming and Huang Zhizun deliberately hid their cultivation, just to lead the snake out of the hole!

Is there a domain master behind Xia Xiao? Xu Ming and Huang Zhizun should not be too happy! —Isn't that the little snake they wanted to lead?

Wait until the "Domain Lord Little Snake" is drawn, and then find a way to draw the "World Lord Big Snake".

Therefore, the more arrogant Xia Xiao is, the more happy Xu Ming and Huang Zhizun are.

Xu Ming was like this, quietly watching Xia Xiao's arrogance.

Sure enough, Xia Xiao continued to arrogantly said: "Xu Ming, right? Let's stop this matter, just treat it as a face for me!"

"Give you a face?" Xu Ming said lightly, sipping his tea.

"Not bad!" Xia Xiao said, "Everyone from Lijianzong, come with me!"

Immediately, Li Jianzong felt like being granted amnesty; looking at Xia Xiao, his eyes were filled with awe and gratitude.

"Slow!" Xu Ming's voice sounded faintly, "I said, can they leave?"

"Huh?" Xia Xiao's face sank, "Xu Ming, do you mean...don't give me face?"

"Face?" Xu Ming sneered, "Do you have any face?"

Xia Xiao's face became more and more ugly: "My master, is the domain master realm who is in charge of this domain! - Do you think I have any face?"

"Haha!" Xu Ming laughed, "Put your face up and let me see if you have any face!"

Xia Xiao was stunned—what do you mean?

Huang Zhizun understood it by heart.

call out-

A palm shadow was drawn directly and instantly landed on Xia Xiao's face.


There was a bright red palm print on Xia Xiao's face.

The whole place was silent.

"Xia Xiao... was pumped?" Goddess Xuewei and Elder Qingzhu looked at Xia Xiao's face in horror.

Who is Xia Xiao?

He is a disciple of the domain master!

Ordinary Nirvana realm powers would sell him a bit of face when they saw Xia Xiao. And this "Phoenix Servant" actually shot Xia Xiao directly?

"I..." Xia Xiao was also stunned.

You must know that his master is the absolute controller of this domain! In this domain, no matter how arrogant Xia Xiao is, others will sell him some face!

Where did Xia Xiao think that in his own territory, he was actually drawn...

"Face?" Xu Ming looked at the palm print on Xia Xiao's face and sneered, "Where is the face? Why didn't I see it?"

"You..." Xia Xiao was extremely angry, "Xu Ming, you are provoking my master!"


That's right, Xu Ming was deliberately provocative, trying to attract Xia Xiao's master.

However, of course Xu Ming couldn't say this idea directly, so as not to cause suspicion; instead he said: "Your master is your master, you are you! By the way, where is your face, and then bring your face together, Let me take a closer look!"

Xia Xiao was stunned, and a bad premonition suddenly appeared in his heart.

But it's too late...


Huang Zhizun shot again.

Another bright red palm print was printed on the other side of Xia Xiao's face.

"I..." Xia Xiao was shocked and angry.

Xu Ming's voice sounded faintly: "Where is your face, I still haven't seen it!"

This time, Xia Xiao has learned to be obedient, and does not dare to be arrogant anymore, so he turns around and wants to leave.

Xu Ming was speechless: You're cowardly so soon? That's only two slaps!

"Xia Xiao!" Xu Ming's voice sounded, "If you think you have face, take away all the people from the Sword Sect, I promise not to stop! If you think you have no face, then leave them all here. It's gone!"

"Humph!" How dare Xia Xiao take people away, he snorted heavily, "You wait for me!"

After the cruel words, Xia Xiao ran away.

Sect Master Lijian, Feng Yu, etc. all had a sad look on their faces - one moment ago, Xia Xiao swore to take them away; the next moment, after being slapped twice, Xia Xiao left them and ran away...

What is this!

"Senior Xu Ming!" Goddess Xuewei said with a wry smile, "If you do this, you will offend the domain master to death!"

At this time, Goddess Xuewei didn't dare to mention anything about inviting Xu Ming to come out! After all, Goddess Xuewei did not have the courage to accompany Xu Ming to bear the wrath of the domain master.

Xu Ming smiled without saying a word.

Originally, Xu Ming wanted to join the Chibai Sect first, and then slowly figure out a way to bring the domain master over.

The appearance of Xia Xiao accelerated Xu Ming's plan many times! Now, Xu Ming doesn't need to join the Chibai Sect, he should have been able to attract the domain owner - since the goal has been achieved, Xu Ming naturally does not need to join the Chibai Sect!

"The disciple was beaten in the face. If it were me, I would definitely not be able to bear it, and I would definitely give the disciple a head start!" Xu Ming secretly said, "Master Xia Xiao, he should come to me for revenge soon!"

At that time, with Xia Xiao's master doing some writing, they should be able to successfully lead to the world master realm.

"Senior Xu Ming, how should these people from the Lijian Sect be dealt with?" Elder Qingzhuo asked for instructions.

"Let it go!" Xu Ming thought that he would soon be able to lead a "Domain Lord Snake" in a good mood, he waved his hand.

"Let it go?" Elder Qingzhuo was startled.

But since it was what Xu Ming meant, of course he did it immediately.

Moreover, for the Qingzhuo elders, they are actually not very willing to see that within the jurisdiction of the Chibai Sect, a power like Lijian Sect has been lost. Now that Xu Ming said "let it go", the Qingzhuo Elder was naturally overjoyed.

"Let go?"

Inside Chibaizong.

After Xia Xiao got the news, his face was stunned: "Xu Ming did nothing, and let everyone from Li Jianzong go?"

Xia Xiao almost wanted to vomit blood - if he knew it would be like this, he ran to join in the fun! Now, Li Jianzong is all safe and sound, but Xia Xiao foolishly crawled up, got two slaps, and came back with his tail tucked.

It can be said that from beginning to end, Xia Xiao is the only stupid X!

"Too deceitful! Too much deception!" Xia Xiao gritted his teeth - Xu Ming would rather let Sect Master Lijian and others go directly than give Xia Xiao any face;

"Damn... If I get more attention in front of Master, I will definitely ask Master to take action and avenge me!" Xia Xiao thought gloomily, "But, I am not valued by Master at all! If I find it because of this matter Master, maybe, not only will Master not avenge me, he will punish me!"

Before, Xia Xiao let go of his cruel words in front of Xu Ming. But now, after returning, Xia Xiao didn't dare to complain to the master...

I have to say, Xia Xiao is really very embarrassed!

"What!? Xia Xiao has been bullied by me so much that his master has no reaction at all?"

Xu Ming waited left and right, but he didn't wait for Xia Xiao's master to arrive. He couldn't help but feel depressed: "This Xia Xiao, shouldn't he be a fake apprentice?"

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