Break Into Another World

Chapter 1862: 0 associations


"This Xia Xiao, shouldn't it be a fake apprentice?"

However, Xia Xiao's master did not come, and Xu Ming had no choice. He couldn't rush over and say to Xia Xiao's master: Hi! Your apprentice was bullied by me, why didn't you say anything?

Xu Ming didn't want to startle the snake. In order to rescue the disciples, he could only be a little more patient.

"Maybe Xia Xiao's master just has something to do! Wait a minute... I have slapped my apprentice in the face, and he should come!" Xu Ming secretly said.


How did Xu Ming know that Xia Xiao knew nothing but harsh words! After Xia Xiao was slapped in the face, he didn't even dare to mention it to his master.

No matter how long Xu Ming waited, Xia Xiao's master probably wouldn't appear.

Red White Sect.

Goddess Xuewei and Elder Qing Zhuo were all relieved—no matter what the reason, the Lord of the Domain did not come, it was a good thing for them after all!

"Maybe... the Lord of the Domain doesn't care about this trivial matter, right?" Goddess Xuewei thought, "After all, Xia Xiao only received two slaps, and it didn't hurt her life!"

Goddess Xuewei and Elder Qingzhuo didn't think that it was not that the domain master ignored it, but that Xia Xiao didn't dare to go to the domain owner to cry.

Spring to autumn.

For today's Xu Ming, a few years are simply shorter than the flick of a finger.

But in the blink of an eye, many changes may occur.

Goddess Xuewei, as well as several core elders of Chibai Sect, all had serious faces and gathered together.

"The Hundred Sects will begin soon!" Goddess Xuewei said sternly.

Chibaizong, and dozens of surrounding forces, formed a huge alliance. Every few years, the forces within the alliance will hold a "Hundred Sect Association" to discuss the allocation of some resources.

Elder Qingzhuo said solemnly: "When the previous Hundred Sects Alliance was still there, the old Sect Master was still there, so he could naturally shock other forces! But this time... Sect Master Xuewei is in the Nirvana Realm. To deter other forces!"

"Alas!" Many elders sighed.

The rules of survival in the fish and ghost world are cruel!

Just like now, if Chibaizong cannot deter other surrounding forces, it will definitely be eaten up! At that time, it is very possible that the territory of Chibai Sect will be directly divided into seven or eight tenths!

In that case, the status of Chibai Sect would plummet!

"Unless..." The turbid elder said again, "There is an existence that can shock the heroes and is willing to represent our Chibai Sect and participate in the Hundred Sect Alliance!"

Intimidate the heroes?

Deterrence by what?

It's very simple, either by strength or by identity!

An elder sighed: "If Elder Xia is willing to join the Hundred Sects Association, then... it should be able to shock the heroes!"

Elder Xia, Xia Xiao, his title of "Domain Master Disciple" is still very useful!

However, Xia Xiao was not the "core elder" of Chibai Sect, so he did not appear at today's meeting.

"Xia Xiao..." Goddess Xuewei couldn't help flashing a look of disgust in her eyes - she wanted Xia Xiao to help out, she thought about it with her toes, and she knew what the other party would ask for!

"Forget it, Elder Xia!" Elder Qingzhuo shook his head and said, "Let's think of other ways!"

Obviously, the Qingzhuo elder did not expect Xia Xiao either.

"Other ways? What other solutions can we have?" The elder who spoke before couldn't help but said, "Weak, we are weak! What other solutions can we have?"

Elder Qingzhuo said: "If... Senior Xu Ming and Senior Huangpu are willing to come forward..."

Goddess Xuewei couldn't help but her eyes lit up when she heard this: "Senior Xu Ming and Senior Phoenix Servant, they are all extremely powerful beings in the Nirvana Realm! If they are willing to come forward, they can definitely deter other forces!"

"That's right!" The turbid elder said, "The strength of these two seniors is probably even more tyrannical than the old sect master! If they are willing to join the Hundred Sect Alliance, who would dare to bully our Chibai Sect? It's just..."

Elder Qingzhuo did not continue to speak.

However, Goddess Xuewei and other core elders have already understood!


Senior Xu Ming and Senior Huangpu, why do you want to help them?

"Treasures?" Qingzhuo shook his head, "Our Chibai Sect does have some treasures, but... with the strength of the two seniors, how can we see our treasures?"

"Yeah..." The other elders also shook their heads.

The background of Chibaizong is still too weak after all!

There is no strong man in the sect!

Even the treasures that make the strong are tempted are difficult to take out.


Thinking of this, the core elders of Chibai Sect couldn't help groaning.

Suddenly, Goddess Xuewei stood up with a determined expression: "I'll go!"

"Huh?" The turbid elders were all startled.

Goddess Xuewei said decisively: "I will definitely invite the two seniors to take action!"

"You?" The turbid elders could not imagine how the weak Goddess Xuewei could invite those two out of the discussion hall.

Goddess Xuewei took a deep breath and glanced at the sky deeply.

The sky of the fish ghost world is rolling with endless haze. However, the haze in Goddess Xuewei's eyes was even worse.

"Father, I really have no choice..." Goddess Xuewei's strength is mixed with fragility; her father is the old sect master of Chibai Sect, "If I want to keep Chibai Sect, the only thing I can use, It's my... body!"

Since she was a child, Goddess Xuewei knew that her body was born with temptation. If he deliberately urged, there are few people below the domain master realm who can resist this temptation.

"Xia Xiao wants to get me? Humph! Don't even think about it!"

Goddess Xuewei would rather dedicate her body to Senior Xu Ming than let Xia Xiao succeed!

However, Goddess Xuewei was about to leave Chibai Sect when she happened to meet Xia Xiao.

"Sect Master!" Xia Xiaopi said with a smile.

"It's Elder Xia!" Goddess Xuewei corrected her expression and responded.

"Sect Master, I heard... that our Chibai Sect is facing some crises?"

"Yes!" Goddess Xuewei said, "I hope Elder Xia will worry more about the sect!"

"Haha, it's easy to say! It's easy to say! I, Xia Xiao, have always been very concerned about the sect's affairs!" Xia Xiao laughed and said, "It's the sect master... In fact, if you want to solve the sect crisis, it's the sect master who thinks about it. things in between!"

Xia Xiao's words have been very straightforward - as long as the Goddess Xuewei submits to him, he will represent the Chibai Sect to participate in the Hundred Sects Association.

Goddess Xuewei certainly understood what he meant, gritted her teeth, and said coldly, "Thank you Elder Xia for your kindness, but no need! Although there is a crisis in the sect, I believe that I can still solve it!"

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