Break Into Another World

Chapter 1864: dismount

"Could it be that I am so unattractive to Xu Ming?"

Although Goddess Xuewei felt a little lost in her heart, she would definitely not continue to get together - after all, Goddess Xuewei still values ​​chastity; otherwise, Xia Xiao wouldn't have been able to succeed after entanglement for so long.

"Thank you, Senior Xu Ming!" Goddess Xuewei was about to bow down quickly.

Xu Ming waved his hand to stop her from bowing, and said lightly, "Go! Come find me when you're about to leave!"

Back to Chibaizong.

The core elders couldn't help but gather around.

"Sect Master, are you back?"

"Sect Master, how's it going? Have senior Xu Ming and senior Huangpu come to the rescue?"

The core elders are all looking forward to watching. After all, they all grew up with Chibaizong, and naturally have deep feelings for Chibaizong.

Goddess Xuewei said, "Senior Xu Ming has agreed to go to the Hundred Sects Association on behalf of our Chibai Sect!"


"Senior Xu Ming agreed, that Huang servant is just his servant, and he will definitely go!"

"It's good, there are two top nirvana realm masters, it should not be difficult for our Chibai sect to keep our place in these hundred sects and alliances!"

"Yes! God bless my Chibai Sect!"

"Sect Master?" Elder Qingzhuo was a little puzzled, "What method did you use to move Senior Xu Ming?"

Goddess Xuewei's expression was a little strange, and she forced herself to calm down and said, "You don't need to ask any more!"

She couldn't say that she tried to seduce Xu Ming, and the seduction failed!

three months later.

call out! call out! call out! call out!

Three figures cut through the sky of the fish ghost world.

It was Xu Ming, Huang Zhizun, and Goddess Xuewei.

There will be dozens of forces participating in the Hundred Sect Association. The leaders of these forces will also be present to discuss some major events that will determine the situation of one side.

"The 'Hundred Swords Mountain Range' is in front!" Goddess Xuewei introduced, "Most of the Hundred Sects will be held here!"

Xu Ming looked away.

I saw hazy mountains, shrouded in layers of mist. Every mountain range is like a sword peak, pointing straight to the sky.

Goddess Xuewei continued: "The master of the Hundred Swords Mountain Range, the Lord of the Hundred Swords, has realized the existence of the 'real self'! He is the well-deserved number one powerhouse in our alliance! This Hundred Sect Association The alliance has always been presided over by him!"

Understand the realm of self?

Xu Ming almost laughed out loud—for Goddess Xuewei, realizing the existence of the "real self" is naturally an extremely terrifying existence! However, to Xu Ming, it was not even inferior to ants.

"Let's go to the entrance of the Great Array first, please let someone know!" Goddess Xuewei said, leading Xu Ming to fly to the entrance of the Great Array of Baijian Mountain Range.

Xu Ming didn't say anything, and also flew to the entrance of the great formation.

In fact, with the strength of Xu Ming and Huang Zhizun, just one slap can break this great formation! Of course, it was impossible for Xu Ming to do this; after all, after Xu Ming came to the Fish and Ghost Realm, the reason why he kept a low profile was because he was worried that he would startle the snake.

Swish! Swish! Swish!

Soon, the three of them arrived at the entrance of the formation.

The guards of the formation are several Destruction Realm existences.

"Oh? It's Chibai Sect!" One of the guards gave Xuewei Goddess a strange look, and then said, "Wait, I'll go and report first!"

As for Xu Ming and Huang Zhizun, because they were standing behind Goddess Xuewei, and deliberately restrained their breath and concealed their cultivation, they were ignored directly.

Xu Ming didn't care either, he was happy to be ignored.

In the Baijian Mountains.

One side of the forces, each sitting on a mountain. The almighty chatter from all parties reverberated throughout the Baijian Mountain Range.

Sitting on the main peak is naturally the "Hundred Swords Sect", the power of the Lord of the Hundred Swords.

But at this time, above the main peak, in addition to the God Lord Hundred Swords and his subordinates, there was also a middle-aged man in black robes, with a particularly arrogant aura. What is even more surprising is that the always domineering God Lord of Hundred Swords, in front of this middle-aged man, seems extraordinarily humble.

"Brother Kuangkui is willing to join our alliance, it is my great fortune!" Lord Baijian touted, "Brother Kuangkui just needs a word, and I will immediately give up the position of alliance leader!"

"No! I have no interest in the vain position of the leader of the alliance!" The middle-aged man Kuang Kui waved his hand and interrupted directly, "But... the territory I need, can you prepare it for me?"

"Brother Kuangkui, don't worry, it's ready!" God Lord Baijian continued.

"Where is it?"

"Brother Kuangkui knows about Chibai Sect?" said Baijian Divine Master; when Kuangkui nodded, he continued, "The old Sect Master of Chibai Sect, whose strength has reached the peak of Nirvana Realm, was once considered one of the top ranks in the league. Powerhouse! And now, their old sect master has fallen, and Chibaizong is not qualified to occupy such a fertile territory! - This time, I have planned to let Chibaizong hand over the territory!"

"Oh?" Kuang Kui nodded and said, "Just make arrangements! I'm too lazy to bother with these trivial matters!"

"Brother Kuangkui, don't worry, I will arrange everything!" Baijian Shenzhu said.

The dialogue between Baijian Shenzhu and Kuang is not secretive, but public. The forces in the entire Baijian Mountain Range naturally heard their conversation.

All forces expressed their opinions: "Brother Kuangkui can rest assured, we will definitely let Chibaizong hand over the territory, and Brother Kuangkui only needs to settle in with peace of mind!"

"Not bad! Little Chi Baizong is no longer qualified to own this territory!"

"Humph! If Chi Baizong knows the appearance, then forget it; if you don't know the appearance, just kill it! When the time comes, also arrest the Xuewei Goddess!"

"Ha ha ha ha…"

Many great powers smirked knowingly.

at this time…

The guard guarding the gate of the formation came in to report: "God Lord, the goddess Xuewei of Chibai Sect has arrived and is waiting for the announcement outside the big formation!"

"Oh?" The Hundred Swords God Lord laughed, "If you really want to say something, just come here! - No hurry! Let her wait outside the formation first, and grind her first!"

"Yes!" The guard ordered to retreat, turned around, and arrived at the gate of the great formation.

"Sect Master Xuewei!" The guard said directly, "God has an order, let you all wait here first!"

"Waiting?" Goddess Xuewei was stunned for a moment, and then an angry look appeared in her eyes.

You must know that she is also the head of a sect, representing a power! God Lord Hundred Swords asked her to wait outside the formation, this "dismounting power" is a bit too obvious!

But... under the low eaves, people have to bow their heads!

Although Goddess Xuewei invited Xu Ming and Huangpu, in her opinion, although Xu Ming and Huangpu are the top powers in the Nirvana realm, compared with the God Lord of Hundred Swords, there is definitely a big gap. of!

Therefore, although Goddess Xuewei has anger in her heart, she can only bear it!

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