Break Into Another World

Chapter 1865: Xu Ming is a good man

"Senior Xu Ming..."

Although Goddess Xuewei held back her anger, she was more afraid—she was worried that Senior Xu Ming would throw his sleeves away when he was angry; in that case, she would be really miserable!

After all, if there is no senior Xu Ming and senior Huang servants to rely on, the strength of Goddess Xuewei, in the Baijian Mountains, is simply not worth mentioning! In the face of various forces later, she will have no right to speak.

"It's okay!" Xu Ming said lightly.

With the strength of Xu Ming and Huang Zhizun, although they were outside the formation, they had been blocked by the formation, and the situation inside the formation could be seen clearly.

"This Kuangkui is not stronger than the God of Hundred Swords; however, the God of Hundred Swords respects him so much. It seems that he has an extraordinary origin!" Xu Ming secretly said in his heart, with a slight smile on the corner of his mouth, "I don't know... What's going on?"

Xu Ming likes this kind of person who is not strong, but has a great background! Because... bullying this kind of person can easily lead the snake out of the hole without revealing any strength.

"I originally planned that if the Hundred Sects Association could not successfully lead the snake out of the hole this time, I would find a powerful person with a background and deliberately cause something to happen! Now that I meet this Kuang Kui, it is the best!" Xu Ming pondered, after a while, what kind of excuse should he find to give Kuang Kui a few slaps first.

At the gate of the big formation, I waited for about two hours.

At this time, news came from the formation that Goddess Xuewei was allowed to enter.

"Senior Xu Ming, later, everything will be entrusted to you!" Goddess Xuewei said through voice transmission.

"Don't worry." Xu Ming said lightly.

Goddess Xuewei added: "Before my father's fall, his status in the alliance was still quite high! Senior Xu Ming's strength is even better than his father's, so it shouldn't be difficult to control the situation!"

Xu Ming smiled and said, "I will protect the Chibai Sect and not lose an inch of land!"

Not an inch of land is lost!

With Xu Ming's promise, Goddess Xuewei was really relieved.

At the same time, Goddess Xuewei couldn't help but compare it to Elder Xia Xiao - Elder Xia Xiao only wanted to possess her, and she didn't want to scatter eagles without seeing rabbits! As for Xu Ming, he didn't want anything, and he also promised that the Chibai Sect would not lose an inch of land!

After such a comparison, the Goddess Xuewei came to a conclusion: Xu Ming is a good person!

Of course Xu Ming didn't know that he was accidentally issued a "good person card".

Entering the Baijian Mountain Range, Goddess Xuewei, Xu Ming, and Huang Zhizun all flew directly to an empty mountain peak.

Goddess Xuewei clearly felt that the eyes from all parties were obviously different.

"It seems that the forces of all parties have decided on our Chibai Sect!" Goddess Xuewei thought to herself, "Oh! How could they have thought that the senior Xu Ming and senior Huang servants I invited are all in the Nirvana realm. There is a very strong existence in it!"

"Huh?" Goddess Xuewei was thinking, suddenly, her pupils shrank suddenly, and her eyes fell on Kuang Kui, "He is..."

Goddess Xuewei's expression changed slightly, and her heart was already turbulent: "Kang Kui? Kuang Kui, the direct disciple of Lord Domain Master!?"

The disciples of Lord Domain Master are also divided into three, six and nine!

For example, Xia Xiao is a disciple of the domain master. However, Xia Xiao was not valued at all in front of the domain master, which was equivalent to just putting on a name; while Kuangkui was passed down by the domain master himself! - One can imagine the huge gap between Xia Xiao and Kuang Kui!

"Why is he here?" For some reason, Goddess Xuewei had a bad premonition. After all, Kuang Kui's appearance was completely beyond Goddess Xuewei's expectations.

"Sect Master Xuewei!"

As soon as Goddess Xuewei was seated, the voice of God Lord Hundred Swords rang out.

"God Master!" Goddess Xuewei looked at God Master Baijian, with a valiant appearance, showing the momentum of a suzerain.

Seeing Goddess Xuewei's aura, Xu Ming couldn't help but stunned slightly. He couldn't help but feel more certain about Goddess Xuewei: "It's not easy for Goddess Xuewei to take over Chibai Sect!"

The Baijian Divine Master said solemnly: "Sect Master Xuewei, as far as I know, since the fall of Your Honor, your Chibai Sect has been very helpless in ruling the territory?"

Feeling powerless?

Goddess Xuewei sneered in her heart—why would she feel powerless? Isn't it because the various forces present here secretly launched an attack on her territory? I am afraid that even the Lord of Hundred Swords has secretly dispatched his subordinates to attack the territory of Chibaizong!

And now, the Lord of Hundred Swords can still speak so righteously and awe-inspiringly! I have to say, his face is really thick enough!

The Lord of Hundred Swords continued: "Fortunately... Brother Kuangkui is willing to help you control the territory! If Brother Kuangkui comes forward, he will definitely be able to suppress all dissatisfaction!"

Hearing this, Goddess Xuewei couldn't help but turn pale.


Her worst fear happened!

Kuangkui wants Chibaizong's territory - what to say "help control the territory", let's be blunt, isn't it a robbery?

Goddess Xuewei suddenly felt powerless!

Before coming, Goddess Xuewei thought that with Xu Ming and Huang Pu, the two Nirvana realm powers, it should not be a problem to keep the territory; I didn't expect that this time, a mad Kui appeared in the Hundred Sect Alliance!

From Goddess Xuewei's point of view, even if Xu Ming and Huang Mai have the strength of the pinnacle of Nirvana how dare they oppose Kuang Kui! After all, Kuang Kui is the handed down of the domain master!

The domain master personally passed on, strength is second, the key is identity respect!

"It's over..." Goddess Xuewei was in despair! - She knows that resistance is meaningless! If you obediently give up the territory, the Chibai Sect will be able to keep its heritage and develop in another place; but if you resist, the entire Chibai Sect will be completely destroyed!

Almost in an instant, Goddess Xuewei made a decisive decision - to give up the territory!

Survive the broken arm!

"Senior Xu Ming, in front of Huangpu..." Goddess Xuewei was about to express her thoughts, but she saw Xu Ming gestured with a look, Huangpu's imposing aura was soaring to the sky, and the aura of "Nirvana's peak" was fully revealed!

"Kangkui!" The servant of the phoenix shouted directly, "What are you? You dare to covet the territory of my Chibai Sect? Could it be... Really think that our Chibai Sect has no one!?"

"This..." Goddess Xuewei was stunned for a while. She never thought that she was ready to give up the territory, and the servant of the Phoenix jumped out to resist...

Resist the domain master's personal inheritance?

Isn't this courting death!

Immediately, Goddess Xuewei thought of a possibility: Senior Xu Ming and Senior Phoenix Servant, shouldn't they not know Kuang Kui and his identity?

Only this possibility can explain why Huangpu dares to provoke Kuangkui so arrogantly!

Goddess Xuewei even wanted to persuade them to stop.

At this time, Xu Ming grabbed Goddess Xuewei and said lightly: "Don't worry, no matter what strength this Kuangkui is, I will protect Chibai Sect and not lose an inch of land!"

Not an inch of land is lost!

It was still these four words, but Goddess Xuewei wanted to vomit blood: "It's over! Senior Xu Ming and Senior Huangpu, really don't know the identity of Kuang Kui..."

Updated today.

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