Break Into Another World

Chapter 1870: What have I been through?

The army is overwhelmed!

The sect leaders such as Baijian Divine Master, Heavenly Fierce Sect Master, Jin Hong Sect Master, Peerless Sect Master, etc., were all lined up in front of the formation, silent and arrogant.

A chilling aura enveloped the entire Chibai City.


The core executives of Chibaizong are all solemn.

"Why didn't they do it?"

"It looks like what are you waiting for?"

What are you waiting for?

The great masters of Chibaizong suddenly realized something, and they all showed panic.

"Waiting for... Lord Domain Master?"

Enlighten the Domain Lord!

He is the absolute ruler of this territory!

He has absolute control over this territory!

In the territory ruled by Domain Lord Qiu Wu, everything could not escape his control—for example, elders of Qingzhuo and other high-level Chibai Sect leaders, heard that they had provoked the direct disciples of Domain Lord Qiu Wu. Prepare to be "slaughtered by the neck".

This is the power of Qiu Wu's domain master!

"Master should be here soon!" Kuangkui and Xia Xiao were all excited.

However, they have been cleaned up honestly, so no matter how excited they are in their hearts, they dare not show it.


Time and space suddenly shocked.

Then, the whole world fell silent. The chilling aura between heaven and earth also disappeared in an instant.

At the same time, a figure floating like a fairy came from space and time. As soon as he appeared, the entire space and time fell into his control, and all things surrendered in front of him.

"Lord Domain Master!"

"Lord Domain Master!"

"Lord Domain Master!"

The Lord of the Hundred Swords, the Lord of the Heavenly Fierce Sect, and others, all bowed their heads.

"Lord Domain Master!" In Chibai City, Goddess Xuewei also shouted bravely.

"Master..." Kuang Kui and Xia Xiao, the brothers and sisters in trouble, suddenly had a feeling of tears in their eyes—their master has finally arrived!

The Lord of Qiu Wuyu stood proudly above the sky, looking down at the entire Chibai City: "Humph!"

With just a light hum, God Master Baijian immediately understood, and immediately stepped forward and shouted: "Xu Ming! Lord Domain Master has already arrived, why don't you come out quickly to lead your death!"

The leaders of other sects also stepped forward to yell.

"Xu Ming, hurry up and kneel, you may still have a chance of survival! Otherwise, the disciples who dare to move the Lord of the Domain will not be solved by 'death'!" The Heavenly Fierce Sect Master's voice was grim.

"Not bad! The reason why the Domain Master didn't do anything is to reward you with a chance of life! Now, the chance of life has been given to you, it depends on whether you can grasp it yourself!"

"Life or death, you decide!"

At this time, the gaze of Qiu Wu's domain master came to Kuang Kui and Xia Xiao calmly just now.

"Master..." Being shrouded in the eyes of Qiu Wu Domain Master, Kuang Kui and Xia Xiao suddenly felt a sense of security.

"Don't panic!" Domain Master Qiu Wu said lightly, "I'll save you as a teacher right away!"

Then, Domain Master Qiu Wu looked at Xu Ming, frowning slightly—he saw that Xu Ming was still drinking tea leisurely.

"I don't know whether to live or die!" The domain master Qiu Wu was suddenly angry.


The power of time and space, controlled by Qiu Wu Domain Master, directly protected Kuang Kui and Xia Xiao.

At the same time, the domain master Qiu Wu directly shot!

Layer upon layer of time and space, layer upon layer, oppressed Xu Ming and Huang Zhizun.

Kuangkui and Xia Xiao's eyes lit up: "Master has taken action!"

The domain master has taken action!

All the great powers watched in awe.

You must know that Qiu Wu Domain Lord, even in the Domain Lord Realm, is an extremely tyrannical existence! Looking at the domain, no one can stop the Qiu Wu domain master's move!

In the eyes of everyone, Xu Ming and the "Phoenix Servant" are no exception!

"Senior Xu Ming and Senior Huang Servant... It's definitely over!" Goddess Xuewei had mixed emotions, including sighing, panic, annoyance, and self-blame.

The one who blames himself is why did he ask Xu Ming and "Huangpu" to accompany her to participate in the Hundred Sects Association? If she doesn't ask, then nothing will happen next.

Thinking of this, Goddess Xuewei had a vague apology to Xu Ming.

Of course, more is the hatred for Xu Ming - after all, if Xu Ming was not too "arrogant", things would not have developed as they are now!

Goddess Xuewei only wanted to use six words to describe Xu Ming: Do yourself a favor, don't live!

The other great powers of Chibai Sect naturally don't think like the Goddess Xuewei; they only have hatred for Xu Ming!

Because of Xu Ming, their Chibai Sect is about to be destroyed! Although Xu Ming should have to pay the price with his life for this, it is still difficult to understand the hatred of the Chibai Sect!



"Since the Lord of the Domain has already taken action, how can such a small person survive?"


"The Lord of the Domain is really kind, and he just killed them in such an understatement; if it were me, I would definitely capture these two young people and torture them for the endless era!"

"Yeah, yeah! Lord Domain Lord benevolent and righteous..."

The great powers of all parties are naturally unwilling to miss this opportunity to flatter; they are flattering, hoping to be heard by the domain master.

And Xu Ming, still drinking tea indifferently, didn't react at all, as if he didn't see this earth-shattering attack at all.

"Are you frightened by the deterrence of the domain master?" Many great experts thought.

And at this moment, Huang Zhizun shot!

Huang Zhizun... But the Supreme Realm exists! For him, Qiu Wu's domain master is probably not even an ant.

The so-called "shaking the sky" attack, in the eyes of Xu Ming and Supreme Huang, is naturally not even a joke!


Huang Zhizun just waved his hand lightly, and Qiu Wu’s attack that crushed the world instantly disappeared without leaving a trace.




Confused all over the place!

Before waiting for the great powers of all parties to react from the confusion, Huang Zhizun grabbed the Qiu Wu domain master with one claw, just like catching a chicken.


The poor Qiu Wu domain master was thrown beside his two disciples with a dazed expression.

"I... what have I experienced?" Domain Master Qiu Wu's face was full of capital letters, and he didn't know how to accept the facts in front of him.


At this time, the great powers of all parties can react!

The domain master Qiu Wu was suppressed!

In their minds, the invincible Enlightenment Domain Lord was suppressed by one move!

And it was suppressed by Xu Ming's servants!

At this time all the talents realized that Xu Ming was not arrogant at all!

You must know that even Xu Ming's servant "Huang servant" is so terrifying in strength; then, what level of Xu Ming's own strength should it reach?


Really unimaginable!

At this time, everyone realized that Xu Ming's behavior from beginning to end was not that he didn't know how to live or die, but that he didn't take Qiu Wu Domain Master in his eyes at all!

To be precise... Qiu Wu's domain master is simply not worthy of his attention!

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