Break Into Another World

Chapter 1871: huang huang huang huang

"You... who are you!?"

It was not easy for Qiu Wu Domain Master to react, and he looked at Xu Ming and Huang Zhizun with a look of horror.

"Your strength has definitely reached the level of a realm master!" Qiu Wu's realm master said in horror, "Who are you? In the fish ghost realm, it is impossible for me not to know those whose strength has reached your level! Unless..."

At this point, Domain Master Qiu Wu thought of a possibility: "You are... outsiders!?"

"Yes! You are definitely outsiders!" Domain Master Qiu Wu said with absolute certainty.

"Oh?" Xu Ming looked at Qiu Wu's Domain Master with interest, not admitting it, but not denying it either.

"Outsiders!" Qiu Wuyu suddenly regained some momentum, "Why are you here? You should go to the 'Fish Ghost Domain', our Qiu Wuyu is not where you should be!"

The fish ghost world has the rules of the fish ghost world.

The fish ghost world is famous for its "life and death battlefield", which attracts the powerhouses from all over the world. The battlefield of life and death is located in the "fish ghost domain", the core of the fish ghost world.

As for the other territories of the fish ghost world, outsiders are not welcome to enter, and outsiders are not allowed to break the rules here.

And now Xu Ming is breaking the rules!

Thinking of this, Domain Master Qiu Wu suddenly became imposing: "An outsider, how dare you be so arrogant? Do you know that you are provoking the majesty of the Fish Ghost Banzun? - Obediently capture your hands and wait for the fall, maybe you still have a chance of survival. Otherwise, no matter how strong you are, you will never escape from the Fish Ghost Realm!"


In the hands of Qiu Wuyu, a letter talisman was crushed.

call out-

A strange wave suddenly spread, and it disappeared into the Zheng of the Void.

"I'm calling someone!" Xu Ming secretly said in his heart, looking forward, "I don't know... Will I call the Fish Ghost Banzun directly!"

If the one who came directly was the Fish Ghost Banzun, then it would be easier to handle!

Xu Ming and Huang Zhizun teamed up, took advantage of his unpreparedness, suppressed him directly, and it was over.

However, Xu Ming felt that it should not be the fish ghost half-zun who came. After all, Domain Lord Qiu Wu is just an ordinary Domain Lord, and as he is, I am afraid that he is not qualified to directly contact Yugui Banzun.

Sure enough, after issuing the summons, Domain Master Qiu Wu said arrogantly, "Wait! The World Inspector will be here soon!"

"World Patrol Envoy?" Xu Ming was slightly disappointed.

However, the patrolling envoy should exist in the realm of the realm, and he should know more about the situation in the fish-ghost realm. Catch a patrol first, and the later actions are more convenient to enter the school

At this time, the powerhouses of all parties finally figured out the situation.

"It's an outsider!"

"It turned out to be an outsider... No wonder!"

"Humph! Outsiders dare to come to our Qiuwu Domain to be arrogant? I really don't know whether to live or die!"

"Look! The patrol envoy will be here soon!"


The deep void channel extends from the endless distance. A ferocious and maddening aura permeated from the other end of the passage.

Just a hint of breath made the great powers of the entire Chibai City feel palpitations and oppression; some weak ones were even scared to kneel on Lin.

"The inspector... is coming!" The domain master Qiu Wu was both looking forward and fearful.

The expectation is that the patrol envoy will come to save himself.

What I am afraid of is... the name of the patrol envoy is too fierce!

The patrolling envoy is in charge of the killing power, and in the entire fish and ghost world, he can run rampant and do whatever he wants. Even if it is slaughtering a realm of life, no one will blame the patrol.

Therefore, the great powers of the entire fish and ghost world are all afraid of patrolling the world.

Like Qiu Wu's domain master, if he hadn't been expecting the patrolling envoy to come to save his life, he would not have dared to break the letter and disturb the patrolling envoy.


The evil spirit that enveloped Chibai City became more and more tyrannical. Obviously, the patrolling envoy is passing through the void passage and descending quickly.


Suddenly, the **** fog directly covered the entire Chibai City.

"Huh?" Huang Zhizun felt the breath of the blood mist, and raised his brows slightly, not knowing what he was thinking.

Not long after, a figure formed from blood mist all over his body tore open the void channel and drilled out.

Boundary Patrol, here we come!


All the powers of all parties were so frightened that they fell to their knees, trembling, and did not dare to look up at this figure. I'm afraid to take a look at it more, it is a great disrespect, and it will lead to disaster.

"Hahahahaha..." The hideous laughter shocked the entire space and time, "Qiu Wu, why are you looking for me? Could it be... what right do you have to violate the rules set by the half-lord?"

When patrolling the world, the arm formed by the blood mist directly skyrocketed hundreds of millions of times, and grabbed a bunch of great powers kneeling outside the city.


The surroundings of Chibai City were full of panic. However, no one dared to make a sound; for fear that if they made a little noise, it would be their turn next.

The domain master Qiu Wu was also frightened and trembled, and even reported: "Report to the patrol, there are outsiders here, I can't suppress..."

"Oh? Outsiders?" The patrol envoy's gaze looked towards the domain master Qiu Wu, "What outsiders, so ignorant of life and death! How dare you come to my fish and ghost world..."

The patrol envoy was arrogantly arrogant. Suddenly, his words suddenly stopped, and there was an endless panic on his face!

"Huanghuanghuanghuanghuang..." The patroller stammered, unable to even speak.

"What's the situation!?" The domain master Qiu Wu couldn't help but be stunned - although he looked a little dazed, of course he could see that the patrolling was afraid of something.

However, with the strength of the patrolling ambassador, how could he be afraid of anything?

"Huang?" Domain Master Qiu Wu suddenly thought again that Xu Ming's servant is not the servant of Paohuang"?

"Huanghuanghuanghuanghuanghuangzun!" The patrol envoy stammered, and finally gave the name of Huangzhuangzun, "Huangzhuangzun, you...why are you here..."

Phoenix Supreme! ?

Hearing the word "Supreme", Qiu Wu Domain Lord was stunned on the spot. Of course he knows that not everyone is qualified to add the word "Supreme" after their name; even the fish ghost world's ruler, Yugui Banzun, is only "Half-step Supreme"!


To be able to make the patroller so frightened, then the Supreme Huang, I am afraid that it is really a Supreme Realm existence!

"Supreme..." Immediately after, the domain master Qiu Wu thought of one thing in more and more horror - this Supreme Huang is just Xu Ming's servant!

Servants all exist in the Supreme Realm, so what level of existence should Xu Ming be?

"Devouring the Demon World Lord!" Huang Zhizun looked at the World Patrol Envoy and said lightly, "It's been a long time since I heard from you in the Border of Chaos, so you're hiding here! It looks like you're living a good life!"

(End of this chapter) Read the latest chapter of "Claw Machine Bookstore in Another World" for free for the first time.

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