Break Into Another World

Chapter 1872: Disciple's message

The Devil Swallowing World Lord still has some notoriety in "Death".

In order to practice the exercises, he often sneaks into some broken virtual universes and devours countless billions of beings. This is where the name "devour the devil" comes from.

However, long before Huang Zhizun was suppressed, the Demon-Swallowing World Lord disappeared in the Border of Chaos. Huang Zhizun also thought that he was far away from death, or that he had been suppressed by other powers; he did not expect that the Devil Swallowing Realm Master turned out to be in the Fish Ghost Realm and became a realm patrol.

"Don't dare! Don't dare!"

The Demon-Swallowing World Lord heard Huang Zhizun "complimenting" that he had a good life, and he stepped forward and said with a smile. That look of nodding and bowing, as low as possible, as low as possible.

"Is this still the famous world patrol envoy?" The domain master Qiu Wu looked at the scene in front of him and couldn't believe his eyes - the terrifying world patrol ambassador, when he saw Huang Zhizun, turned out to be more than a Dogs are even meaner!

"Supreme Huang, I don't know if you came to our Fish Ghost Realm, what's the matter..." The Devil Swallowing Realm Master asked cautiously. For fear that if he did the wrong thing, he would be slapped to death.

Huang Zhizun glanced at him and said, "This is my master, Xu Ming!"

"Your master!?" The Demon Devouring World Lord was so frightened that he almost knelt down.

The master of Huang Zhizun, what kind of existence is that! ?

Simply unimaginable!

Although the Demon Swallowing World Lord felt that Xu Ming's cultivation was not strong, how could he dare to question Xu Ming's strength? After all, in the eyes of the Demon Devouring World Lord, with Xu Ming's strength, if he wants to see what his cultivation is, then what he sees is what he is!

"Predecessor...Senior!" The Demon Swallowing World Lord became more and more like walking on thin ice.

The domain master Qiu Wu, who was on the side, saw this scene, and wanted to give himself a few slaps—even the patrol envoy was so cautious and like walking on thin ice when he saw these two big men; Arrogant in front!

The Domain Master Qiu Wu felt that it was a miracle that he could still stand here alive now!

The Demon Devouring Realm humbly said, "The two seniors came to the Fish Ghost Realm for...?"

Xu Ming just drank his tea indifferently, without saying a word.

Huang Zhizun said: " is like this! We plan to kill the fish ghost half-zun!"

Slaughtered the fish ghost half-zun! ?


Domain Master Qiu Wu was so frightened that his feet softened, and he slumped directly onto Lin.

The Demon Swallowing World Lord was also so frightened that he trembled—he didn't doubt at all whether Huang Zhizun had such strength.

"What? Devil swallowing, do you want to tip off?" Huang Zhizun teased and said, "Come on, send a message and talk to Yugui Banzun!"

"I don't dare! I don't dare!" The Devil Devouring World Lord continued, "The Fish Ghost Banzun has only a relatively ordinary relationship with me! I hid with him and kept my name incognito, just to avoid the enemy, without any other connection!—Two If a senior wants to deal with the fish ghost, I will never go out!"

"Even if you want to go out, you can't do it!" Huang Zhizun sneered.

In fact, at the moment when the Demon Devouring World Lord came, Huang Zhizun used his unparalleled divine sense to completely block off Chibai City and its surroundings. There is no news that can be spread from this area.

"Yes! Yes!" The Demon-Swallowing World Lord didn't dare to talk nonsense, but just insisted.

"Seeing that your attitude is okay, I won't kill you!" Huang Zhizun said again, "My master has a few words to ask you, you should behave well!"

The Lord of Devil Swallowing continued: "I know everything!"

At this time, Xu Ming looked directly at the Demon-Swallowing Realm Lord: "Do you know that Fish Ghost Banzun went to the Divine Phoenix Chaos Realm not long ago?"

"I know!" The Demon Swallowing World Lord did not dare to hide it, and continued, "Accordingly, it is helping the Temple of Despair, and it has brought back dozens of talents!"

"That's right!" Xu Ming said, "Then do you know where those dozens of talents are now?"

"Still in the fish ghost world!" The Devil Devouring World Lord affirmed, "It seems that he was imprisoned in his own world ring by the fish ghost half-respect!"

Xu Ming's eyes suddenly lit up!

If you are still in the fish ghost world, it will be much easier to handle! At least, it's easier than going to the Temple of Death!

After all, the Temple of Despair, but the powerhouse of the "Supreme Shadow" level sits in the seat! And the Fish Ghost Realm, there is only one and a half priests!

The only problem is that Xu Ming's disciples are imprisoned in the world ring of the Fish Ghost Banzun! Then... once Xu Ming started, he might hurt his own disciples unintentionally.

Therefore, in order to rescue the disciple, Xu Ming had to make a good plan.

"That's right!" The Demon Devouring World Lord continued, "The dozens of talents brought back by the Fish Ghost Banzun are going to trade with the Temple of Destiny! The time for the trade should be very soon!"

"Oh?" Hearing this, Xu Ming's heart suddenly came to the prototype of the plan—then start while they are trading.

"Very good!" Xu Ming looked at the Demon Devouring World Lord and said with satisfaction, "Your news is very useful to me!"

Huang Zhizun even patted the Demon Devouring World Lord on the shoulder and said with a smile, "Congratulations, you have successfully survived!"

The Demon-Swallowing World Lord was overjoyed and said again and again: "Huang Zhizun, please rest assured! I will never let anyone here leak the slightest rumor! If the slightest rumor is leaked, you can come and take my life. !"

In order to save his life, the Demon Swallowing World Lord can really work very hard!

Xu Ming suddenly laughed: "You're smart! But..."

Xu Ming did not continue, but Huang Zhizun already understood it.

call out-

A strange fluctuation penetrated into the mind of the Demon-Swallowing World Lord. At the instant, Huang Zhizun enslaved the Demon-Swallowing World Lord.

"However, you should be enslaved first! In this way, my master can be more at ease!"

Of course, Huang Zhizun is only preparing to enslave the Devil Devouring World Lord for a period of time; when the fish ghost half-zun is solved, the enslavement will be released.

After all, a Demon Devouring World Lord is not even qualified to be enslaved by Huang Supreme!

"Master!" The Demon Devouring World Lord was enslaved, and instantly became endlessly devout to Huang Zhizun.

"Hey—" Domain Master Qiu Wu looked at the world patrol envoy who made him extremely fearful, and was enslaved like this, and he was immediately frightened. As for his two disciples, even more so.

However, Huang Zhizun was not interested in enslaving Qiu Wu Domain Master.

"Just stay in Chibai City!" Huang Zhizun instructed, "Remember, don't let the things that happened here miss a trace of news!"

"Please don't worry, Master!" The Demon-Swallowing World Lord continued to say—to him, it would be easy to suppress a Domain Lord and a group of ants who were the strongest but only in the Nirvana Realm! In fact, if it wasn't for the Demon Swallowing Realm Master to see that the two masters were more benevolent, he would probably have swallowed the entire Chibai City, and even the entire Qiuwu Realm!

Is there any way to be more secretive than eating them all?

"There's one more thing!" Xu Ming suddenly thought of something and explained, "This Chibai Sect has some fate with me! Just take care of me a little bit!" Read the latest chapters for free for the first time.

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