Break Into Another World

Chapter 1873: The Holy City of Fish and Ghosts

Fish Ghost Domain.

The holy city of fish and ghosts.

Here, is the absolute core of the fish ghost world. Even the battle of life and death in the fish-ghost world, which is known as "Death", is also located in the fish-ghost holy city.

The entire holy city is like a big mouth, swallowing talents from all over the world.

Around the battlefield of life and death.

The viewing platforms looked like the fangs of ferocious beasts.

The top of one of the **** fangs is a simple tea house. The powerful people who tasted tea and watched the battle in the teahouse were all powerful beings from all parties in the "Death", and most of them had reached the Nirvana state, or even stronger.

Xu Ming and Huang Zhizun both hid their cultivation and sat in the teahouse to watch the battle and listen to the chatter around them.

Everyone was drinking tea and chatting.

"This battlefield of life and death is really a cemetery for talent!"

"Yeah! The talents who come here are definitely considered top talents in the virtual universe of all parties! However, when they arrive here, they are as humble as grass! It is difficult for one person to survive among tens of thousands of talents. !"

"It can't be like that! At least... these are the only places where they see hope! If they are elsewhere, even if they are willing to exchange their lives, they will not be able to exchange hope!"

"Not bad! This is the sorrow of ants!"

In the eyes of the great masters of all parties, these talents who are generally below the prehistoric realm are really just ants. If they are in a good mood and see which ants perform better, they may be accepted as registered disciples and rewarded with some opportunities.

"Are you ants?" Xu Ming looked at the battlefield of life and death thoughtfully.

At this time, the two sides of the battle in the battlefield of life and death, one is a lonely young man in black, and the other is a strong man with a savage aura, both of them are cultivated in the prehistoric realm.

It has the power to preside over the battle and unravel the identities of both sides of the battle.

"This black-clothed talent comes from a certain virtual universe in the vast 'Death'! His Dao Companion was captured by a Destruction Realm powerhouse, and his relatives and friends were chased and killed by the powerhouse! Only he...because once I had a fortuitous encounter and escaped with the help of treasures! Later, I followed other strong men and entered the realm of disorder, and now I have come to our fish and ghost world!"

"And this savage beast... his enemy is also a shattered realm powerhouse! The chaotic world he lives in was directly wiped out by that shattered realm powerhouse! Fortunately, he happened to be not in his own chaotic world at that time. Inside; of course, this is also the greatest misfortune..."

Both sides of the battle have experienced bitterness and hatred.

However, among the powers who were present at the battle, almost no one sympathized with them. After all... who has cultivated to this level of power, who didn't come out of the slaughter?

The bitterness and hatred they have seen are too much!

Even Xu Ming is very plain - there are too many people in the world who are worse than the two of them! Xu Ming will not be overflowing with sympathy, and sympathize with the past one by one.

boom! boom! boom! …

In the battlefield of life and death, the two sides fought hard for a long time.

In the end, the black-clothed talent was one move short of chess and couldn't bear to be beheaded. And that savage talent has also been seriously injured; if his luck is a little bit worse, he will be the one who will die!

Victory and defeat!

The barbarian only dragged its weight to support the divine body, looking forward to waiting! He hoped that there would be a great power to accept him as a disciple.

And yet... until he left, none of the greats were interested in him.

As these spectators said - this is the sorrow of the ants!

"An ant?" Xu Ming couldn't help but smile bitterly, "Under the rules of the universe, who is not an ant?"

Just like Xu Ming, who is still being suppressed by the cosmic chains!

Xu Ming continued to drink tea, and sent a voice transmission to Huang Zhizun, asking, "How is it?"

Although Huang Zhizun was sitting opposite Xu Ming, no one noticed that Huang Zhizun's divine sense had already covered the entire fish-ghost holy city; moreover, his divine sense had quietly penetrated into layers of formations.

"I have found the trace of the Fish Ghost Banzun!" Huang Zhizun said.

Here, although it is the old nest of the fish ghost half-zun. However, Huang Zhizun is the middle rank after all, even if his strength has fallen to a level that is barely comparable to the lower rank due to his serious injury; but his essence is the median rank, and his power level is several levels higher than Yugui Banzun!

The power of several levels higher, quietly probed the Holy City of Fish Ghost, and it was under the circumstance of the fish ghost Banzun being defenseless; naturally, it was almost impossible for the fish ghost Banzun to notice.

"Yeah!" Xu Ming nodded lightly, "Monitor first, don't startle the snake!"

After all, this is the old nest of the Fish Ghost Banzun. If you start a snake, it will be difficult to rescue the disciples smoothly!

"Master!" Huang Zhizun said again, "There is also a half-zun, who is with the fish ghost half-zun!"

"Oh?" Xu Ming couldn't help but be stunned.

And a half-honor?

That rescue is much more difficult!

"Project their scene and show it to me!" Xu Ming said.

"Yes! Master!" Huang Zhizun directly projected the situation on Yugui Banzun's side.

At this time, the fish ghost half-zun was sitting and talking with the other half-zun.

"It's him!" Xu Ming recognized at a glance the half-zun opposite the fish ghost Banzun - Jueyun Banzun!

Jueyun is the power of the Temple of Judgment!

At the beginning, when Xu Ming had just left the "Nine Layers", he was intercepted by the Jueyun Banzun.

Later, Xu Ming didn't have a chance to make a move, and the Jueyun Banzun was driven away by the black and red twins from the Black Tribulation Hall because he was "misunderstood".

Unexpectedly, Xu Ming would meet this Jueyun Banzun in the Fish and Ghost Realm. It really answers that sentence - the enemy's road is narrow!

"It seems... The one sent by the Temple of Destiny to trade with Banzun Fish Ghost is this Banzun Jueyun?" Xu Ming thought to himself.

But now, Jueyun Banzun is in the fish ghost Banzun's lair, and Xu Ming has no chance to do it, so he can only wait for the opportunity.

"Brother Yugui!" Jueyun Banzun shook his head and said, "The hall master told you to bring back as many of Xu Ming's relatives and friends as possible, why did you only bring back some disciples? And... these disciples seem to be only Xu Ming. How much status does Ming have in Xu Ming’s heart? Even if I bring these disciples back to the Temple of Death, it doesn’t seem to be of much use, right? How could Xu Ming risk his life to save these disciples? ?"

"Heh!" Fish Ghost Banzun laughed.

He knows that although Banzun Jueyun is so disdainful, he just wants to lower the price on purpose! In the end, Banzun Jueyun will definitely "buy" Xu Ming's disciples back.

"I don't care about that!" Yugui Banzun laughed, "Anyway, in order to capture Xu Ming's disciples, I specially entrusted a realm in the Divine Phoenix Chaos Realm to pay ten chaotic costs! No matter what, you want me to make some money, right?"

In fact, Yugui Banzun only gave three pieces of the original core of chaos to the Lord of the Shadow World at that time; however, he would definitely not tell the truth, but directly became ten pieces!

Updated today.

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