Break Into Another World

Chapter 1874: revenge shame

"Fifteen yuan!" Yugui Banzun quoted directly, "I've worked so hard to make such a trip, and I don't even hesitate to offend the Divine Phoenix Chaos Realm and Xu Ming, so I earn five chaotic cores, isn't it too much?"

"Haha!" Jueyun Banzun laughed, "But the problem is... they are just some ordinary disciples, they are not worth fifteen chaotic primordial cores!"

The two sides wrestled for a while and bargained.

In the end, a deal was reached at the price of "12 Chaos Protocores".

As soon as the transaction was completed, the atmosphere between the two parties suddenly became harmonious.

"Brother Yugui!" Banzun Jueyun said with a smile, "You really don't worry, you have offended the Divine Phoenix Chaos Realm?"

"What is there to worry about?" Yugui Banzun sneered, "Although Divine Phoenix Chaos Realm is a 'medium-sized virtual universe', to be honest, there are really few people I see in my eyes! It looks like Divine Phoenix! The realm master, he didn’t dare to leave the Divine Phoenix Chaos Realm at all; the only thing that can make me fearful is the old sword! However, in this fish and ghost world, let alone the old sword, even if the supreme being is in person, What can I do? And... do you think that Elder Jian and other great experts will come to me desperately for the sake of Xu Ming's disciples?"

Fish Ghost Banzun still doesn’t know, because of him, the Divine Phoenix Realm Lord has died; Divine Phoenix Chaos Realm has also changed hands, and now it is under the control of Jian Lao!

"Haha! You can easily make money from this transaction!" Jue Yun Banzun laughed, "But what can I do? I am in the Divine Phoenix Chaos Realm, and I don't know any great powers, so I can only watch you earn it. !"


Jueyun Banzun must have earned it himself! He gave Yugui Banzun twelve chaotic pro-cores, but when he returns to the Temple of Destiny, he will definitely find a way to "reimburse" back twenty chaotic pro-cores!

Of course, Jueyun Banzun may not be able to return to the Temple of Destiny! Because... he has been targeted by Xu Ming!

"That's right!" Jueyun Banzun suddenly said, "Brother Yugui, let me remind you!"

"Please tell me!" Fish Ghost Banzun said sternly.

"Be careful Xu Ming!" Jueyun Banzun reminded.

"Xu Ming?" Yugui Banzun disdained, "Just a genius, what is there to be careful about?"

Just like the geniuses in the battlefield of life and death, in terms of talent, they are not necessarily weaker than the great powers in the Holy City of Fish and Ghosts; however, they are only geniuses, so in the eyes of other great powers, they are ants!

But now, in the heart of Yugui Banzun, he actually regards Xu Ming as an ant, and doesn't take it seriously at all!

"No! Don't underestimate Xu Ming!" Jueyun said, "As far as I know, the speed of Xu Ming's strength improvement is very terrifying! More importantly... Behind Xu Ming, there is a 'black catastrophe'. The traces of the temple are here!"

"Black Tribulation Hall!?" Jueyun Banzun's face suddenly became solemn - in the frontier of disorder, the reputation of the Black Tribulation Hall is very prosperous! As long as you can take out enough treasures, the Black Tribulation Hall can help you kill almost any existence under the Supreme; even if you have the Supreme Being of the virtual universe, the Black Tribulation Hall can permanently block it in the virtual universe!

Hearing the words "Black Tribulation Hall", Yugui Banzun even began to doubt whether his deal was worth it!

After all, the "Hall of Black Tribulation" is not something you can easily offend!

However, the transaction has been reached, and the twelve chaotic original cores have also been obtained. Naturally, the Fish Ghost Banzun will not regret anything.

"Okay! I just remind you, don't worry too much!" Jueyun Banzun smiled, "Destiny Heaven, after all, is the site of our Destiny Temple! Even if it is the Black Tribulation Hall, when you get here, you have to bow your head. !—Come on! Don't say more! I'll go first!"

Jueyun Banzun got up.

"I'll send you off!" Fish Ghost Banzun also got up.


Xu Ming and Huang Zhizun suddenly became serious.

Fish Ghost Banzun wants to send Jueyun Banzun?

When Jueyun Banzun leaves the Fish and Ghost Realm, it will be Xu Ming's chance to save people!

"Hey—" Suddenly, Huang Zhizun looked up outside the dome in surprise, and the sound transmission reported, "Master! In the border of disorder, there are two and a half nobles, rushing towards the direction of the fish and ghost realm... If No mistake, they should be the 'black and red twins' you mentioned, master."

"Black and red twins?" Xu Ming couldn't help but be stunned.

How could they be in "Death Day"?

Also, why did you come to the fish ghost world?

Xu Ming originally planned that as soon as Banzun Jueyun left the Fish Ghost Realm, he would do it! And now, Xu Ming is going to wait and see.


Jueyun Banzun and Fish Ghost Banzun left the scope of the Fish Ghost Realm and entered the realm of disorder.

Xu Ming and Huang Zhizun were watching from afar in the Holy City of Fish Ghosts; their eyes passed through countless billions of realms, monitoring the every move of Banzun Jueyun and Banzun Fish Ghost.

"Brother Jueyun! If you have any errands in the future, feel free to come to me!" Yugui Banzun politely said - making money, of course Yugui Banzun is happy to do it!

"This is natural!" Jueyun Banzun also agreed.

And just then...

boom! boom!

Two tyrannical auras came in vain - it was the black and red twins!

"Boy, you really are here!!" The eyes of the black and red twins fell directly on Jueyun Banzun, "It's easy for us to find it!"

"Black and red twins!" Jueyun Banzun panicked, "You... how did you guys find this place!?"

You must know that the black and red twins are both half-respected seventh-order powerhouses! And Jueyun Half Venerable is only the weakest Half Venerable Rank 1!

In the face of the black and red twins, how could Jueyun Banzun not be frightened?

"Why are we here?" Both the black and red sages sneered, "We naturally have news channels!"

As a killer force, the Black Tribulation Hall's intelligence is naturally very powerful! It is not difficult to grasp the movements of Jueyun Banzun!

Moreover, the black and red twins came this time for revenge!

The powerhouses sent by the Black Tribulation Hall into the "Destiny Heaven" are far more than the two black and red duo! Even the powerhouses of the Supreme Realm have come!

at this time…

Most of the powerhouses in the Hall of Black Tribulation went to Yuan Zun's virtual universe, ready to find a way to deal with Yuan Zun! Worst of all, Yuan Zun must be "blocked" in the virtual universe, and he must not set foot in the chaotic territory from now on.

And the black and red duo, because of the information, I heard that Jueyun Banzun is in the fish ghost realm not far from Yuanzun, so they came here specially to get revenge!

"Dare to provoke our Black Tribulation Hall? Boy! It's not surprising that you just grabbed your hands!" The black and red twins said, and they went directly to Jueyun Banzun.

Jueyun Banzun is only a first-order half-zun, and how big is the gap between the two half-zun and seventh-tier powerhouses, and how can he resist?

In desperation, Jueyun Banzun had no choice but to turn to Fish Ghost Banzun - after all, Fish Ghost Banzun, but Banzun's ninth-rank strength! It's not a big problem to deal with two semi-respected seventh-order!

"Brother Yugui, help me!" Jueyun Banzun said in a row.

"Help?" Fish Ghost Banzun was completely indifferent - thankless, he would offend the Black Tribulation Hall; such a thing, Fish Ghost Banzun would not do it stupidly.

At this time, Jueyun Banzun said again; "You don't need to kill them, as long as you help me expel them and give me a chance to escape, I will give you ten chaotic cores!"

As soon as he heard the chaotic original nucleus, the fish ghost half-zun suddenly lit up.

"Okay! Deal!" Fish Ghost Banzun said without hesitation.

It's just expelling the black and red This is very easy for the fish ghost half-zun! Moreover, it will not offend the Black Tribulation Hall very much.

For ten chaotic pronuclei, you can do it!

boom! !

Fish Ghost Banzun shot directly, stopped the attack of the black and red twins, and began to expel the two.

Soon, the fish ghost Banzun drove the black and red twins to the depths of the disordered border; not long after, the three figures were no longer visible-obviously, the fish ghost Banzun was overtaking the black and red twins. go further.

"Huh—" Jueyun Banzun let out a long sigh of relief. Although I paid ten chaotic primordial cores, I am very distressed; but at least, it is much better than being captured by the black and red double honors!

Jueyun Banzun was about to flee in another direction when suddenly, a figure appeared in front of him.

"Xu...Xu Ming!?"

Jueyun Banzun looked at the face in front of him in disbelief.

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