Break Into Another World

Chapter 1875: save the disciple

"Jueyun Banzun!" Xu Ming half-smiled, "What a coincidence! We meet again so soon!"

"Why are you here?" Jueyun Banzun was stunned for a moment, and then he reacted, "I see, you are here to save your disciples, right? Hahaha..."

Jueyun Banzun said, he couldn't help laughing. Vertex update fastest

"It's really touching! With your strength, you actually dare to come to the fish and ghost world to save people; I really don't know whether to praise you for your greatness or laugh at you for being stupid!" Jueyun Banzun still doesn't know Xu Ming's true strength , otherwise, instead of being arrogant in front of Xu Ming, he was so frightened that he ran away, "Humph! Last time in the heavenly realm, there were black and red twins protecting you and letting you escape! Now, black and red Shuangzun has just been driven away by the fish ghost half-zun, this time, I see who else can protect you!"

Jueyun Banzun sneered again and again.

"Obviously capture it! I can let you reunite with your disciples first!"

Xu Ming's disciples are now in the hands of Jueyun Banzun.

"Ha!" Xu Ming just smiled.

Ignorance is really scary!

Suddenly, Xu Ming smiled teasingly: "Banzun Jueyun, I'll introduce an old friend to you! You should know him!"

"Old friend?" Jueyun Banzun was a little puzzled.

But then, his doubts turned into infinite horror. He saw that Huang Zhizun's figure appeared near him at an unknown time.

"Huang...Huangzun!" Jueyun Banzun was shocked, " got out of trouble?"

Huang Zhizun ignored Banzun Jueyun, but walked to Xu Ming's side and bowed, "Master!"

Owner! ?

These two words made Jueyun Banzun almost jump up in fright. There is a "Huangzun" in the dignified Supreme Realm, and he actually respects Xu Ming as the master?

"This..." Jueyun Banzun was already frightened.

Xu Ming just asked lightly: "Look... can he protect me?"

Banzun Jueyun only felt that the face slap hurt so badly. The moment before, he was still talking nonsense there, laughing at no one who could protect Xu Ming; the next moment, Huang Zhizun appeared directly as "Xu Ming's servant"!

"Yes! Yes..." Jueyun Banzun could only bow his head.

"Xu Ming!" Soon, Jueyun Banzun said again, "Your disciples, I will let your disciples go in my hands now, you can let me go, okay?"

Xu Ming thought for a while: "Okay!"

The only half-respected first-order Jueyun half-respect, Xu Ming really didn't take it seriously. Even if you let it go now, when you attack the Temple of Destiny in the future, you can shoot it to death by the way!

"Then let me back some distance first!" Banzun Jueyun said while retreating; and Xu Ming did not stop him.

When Jueyun Banzun retreated tens of thousands of worlds away, a world ring appeared in his hand.

"Xu Ming, your disciples are in this world ring!"

Jueyun Banzun directly opened the world ring and let him check. Sure enough, Lin Lan and other innocent disciples were in the world ring; one by one, they sat cross-legged or sighed.


With a wave of Jueyun Banzun, he released these disciples from the world ring.

"This is…?"

"We are...?"

Lin Lan and the other disciples were suddenly released from the world ring and couldn't help but wonder. However, when their eyes fell on Xu Ming, the doubts in their hearts were immediately resolved!


It was the master who came to save them!

But immediately, all the disciples were terrified, but they heard that they had just been traded from the hands of Banzun Fish Ghost to Banzun Jueyun! Even if Jueyun Banzun is only a first-order half-zun, can Xu Ming retreat from Jueyun Banzun's hands?

What's more, the fish ghost half-zun should be nearby, right?


Xu Ming's disciples, at the first moment of reaction, even shouted, "Master, run away!"

And just then...

"go to hell!!"

I saw Jueyun Banzun crushed a rune of escape, ready to escape; at the same time, he shot without warning, and the targets of his attack were exactly Xu Ming's disciples.

"Hahahaha..." Jueyun Banzun laughed proudly, "Want to save people from my hands? Think beautifully!"

At the moment when Jueyun Banzun made his move, Lin Lan and other disciples fell into deep despair. The power of Banzun, how could they be able to resist?

However, Lin Lan and other disciples were more worried about Xu Ming. In their opinion, their own death was not a pity; however, they must not let their master have an accident to save them!

It's just... In the flash of lightning, Xu Ming's disciples didn't notice that it was Jueyun Banzun who was afraid of Xu Ming, not Xu Ming's fear of Jueyun Banzun!

"Huh?" Seeing that Banzun Jueyun dared to take action, Xu Ming's face became completely gloomy. You must know that a sneak attack like Banzun Jueyun is not easy for even the Supreme Being!

If it is an ordinary Supreme Being faced with this situation, he can either save people or keep Jueyun Banzun, and he can only choose one of the two! If he chooses to save people, Banzun Jueyun will take the opportunity to escape; and if he chooses to keep Banzun Jueyun, then Lin Lan and other disciples will probably die.


Xu Ming's methods are not comparable to ordinary Supreme!

"Time Pause" hangs up, open it directly!

A strange wave enveloped the audience. The attack of Jueyun Banzun was directly frozen in the still time.

Xu Ming waved his hand again, and directly lifted the time pause on Lin Lan and other disciples, and grabbed them beside him. As for Huang Zhizun, he shot instantly and captured Jueyun Banzun.


"Time Pause" dissipates.


Jueyun Banzun was stunned, but he reacted immediately, his face full of horror, and he repeatedly begged for mercy: "Forgive your life! Forgive your life!"

"It's too late!" Xu Ming was too lazy to say more, and said lightly, "Kill it!"

"Yes! Master!" Huang Zhizun shot instantly, and with a slight squeeze, he directly killed Jue Yun Banzun's weak first-order half-zun, and even Huang Zhizun's move was unable to catch.


Lin Lan and the other were all terrified. They just heard that Huang Zhizun called their master "Master".

"Master, why are you here?" Lin Lan looked at Xu Ming, "We are just some useless disciples. Master, you don't need to risk your life for us!"

Xu Ming said indifferently: "This matter is because the teacher has implicated you all, so there is no need to say more! Besides... This little fish ghost world, for me, is not a risk to myself!"

After thinking for a while, Xu Ming said, "I still have something to deal with, so let me send you back to the Divine Phoenix Chaos Realm first!"

With that said, Xu Ming directly summoned the Demon-Swallowing Realm Master, and ordered: "Send them back to the Divine Phoenix Chaos Realm first... By the way! The Fish and Ghost Realm should be completely destroyed soon; if anyone wants to leave Fish Ghost Realm, take it with you too! Don't come back in the future!"


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