Break Into Another World

Chapter 1876: back very steady

The fish ghost world should be completely destroyed soon!

Xu Ming's words are naturally not aimless, but have a basis - after killing Jueyun Banzun, then Xu Ming is going to kill the black and red double honor! At that time, Xu Ming will definitely do his best to leave no trace.

So here comes the question...

With Xu Ming leaving no trace, who is most suspected?

Who else could it be? - This pot of Yugui Banzun can be said to be very stable on the back!

When the Fish Ghost Banzun expelled the Black and Red Shuangzun and returned from the Border of Chaos; Xu Ming had already left the Fish Ghost Realm with Huang Zhizun and the Devil Swallowing Realm Lord.

At the same time, the Demon Devouring World Lord also packed many of Chibai Sect's great powers into the world ring and took them away.

"Huh? Banzun Jueyun has left?" After Yugui Banzun came back, he didn't see Banzun Jueyun. He thought he had taken the opportunity to leave, and didn't care much.

Fish Ghost Banzun didn't know, but after he came and went like this, Jueyun Banzun had already died.

"Damn fish ghost half-zun!"

In the chaotic frontier, two figures quickly shuttled past, it was the black and red twins!

Both Black and Red Shuangzun felt very depressed - they came to "Desperate Day" to do business, and they didn't go well! Every time, it will be blocked.

"Humph! Are all the great powers in this 'Destiny Heaven' so arrogant? One by one, they don't take our Black Tribulation Hall in the eyes!"

"Just a mere half-respect, dare to despise the majesty of our Black Tribulation Hall! I really don't know whether to live or die! - Report this matter quickly, please come over and teach this fish ghost half-respect!"


The Black and Red Shuangzun even began to communicate, scolding the fish ghost Banzun for what they had done to them.

"Oh?" The Hall of Black Tribulation, among the great powers who came to "Destiny Heaven" this time, there is the hall master of the branch hall; after hearing the report of the black and red twins, he couldn't help but his face darkened, "Fish Ghost Banzun , so arrogant!?"

"Yeah! Hall Master!" The black and red twins said in a row, "If it wasn't for him to block it, we would have won the Jueyun Half-Prince! The Hall Master, even a half-honor dares to be arrogant, can't be light!"

"This..." The head of the branch hall pondered, and said, "I have my own decision, you come back first!"

The head of the branch hall of the Black Tribulation Hall had obviously heard of the name of Yugui Banzun; he also knew that Yugui Banzun had managed his Yughou Realm to be impeccable. If you want to storm the Fish Ghost Realm, I am afraid that one or two lower-ranking Supremes may not be able to win.

Send a number of Supreme Realm powerhouses to deal with the Fish Ghost Banzun? And, is it just because of such a little contradiction? - As expected by the Fish Ghost Banzun, the Black Tribulation Hall will not do this!

"But the palace master..." The black and red twins still had to communicate and say something; but suddenly, their communication was interrupted.

"Huh? What's going on?" The head of the branch hall couldn't help but startled. He tried to send a message to the black and red twins, but he couldn't get in touch.

The head of the branch hall suddenly became cold: "Could it be... something happened?"

unknown! He can only wait and see.

"what happened!?"

The Black and Red Shuangzun also discovered at the first time that their communication was blocked and could not be sent out!

"There is an ambush!"

The two realized it immediately, and immediately became alert.

"Who thinks that life is too long! How dare you set up our Black Tribulation Hall?" The black and red twins shouted loudly.

Set up an ambush in the Black Tribulation Hall, once the defeat is exposed, it will inevitably be hunted down by the Black Tribulation Hall!

This is taboo!

"I think it's too long!" In the space and time, two figures walked out in a hurry - it was Xu Ming and Huang Zhizun.

"Xu Ming!" The black and red duo's eyes widened, "We didn't go looking for you, but you still dare to come to your door and die!?"

"Death!?" Xu Ming smiled and said directly, "Introduction—I wonder if you have heard of the name 'Huang Zhizun'?"

"Huang Zhizun?" Both the black and red duo were startled.

The strongest in the Supreme Realm will naturally not be unknown in "Destiny Day". Of course, the black and red duo knew some information about Huang Zhizun. After hearing Xu Ming's introduction, they instantly recognized Huang Zhizun's identity.

"Huang Zhizun, you... how come you are here!?" The black and red duo had heard that Huang Zhizun was suppressed.

"You don't need to care about this anymore!" Xu Ming said lightly, "You still care about how you will die!"

"You..." The black and red twins looked at Xu Ming in disbelief, "You dare to kill us?"

You must know that setting up an ambush to kill the master of the Black Tribulation Hall is to offend the Black Tribulation Hall to death!

And the Hall of Black Tribulation will definitely pursue the murderer endlessly.

However, Xu Ming smiled: "Why don't you dare? You can't get out the news, who will know that I killed you? Besides, all the clues... seem to point to the fish ghost, right?"

"Huh?" The black and red duo were stunned for a moment—indeed, if they died here, the most suspicious person would be the fish-ghost half-honor.

Xu Ming sneered again: "Don't worry! At that time, no one will suspect me!"

"Pfft!" The black and red twins just want to vomit blood—how can we be at ease! ?


The black and red twins looked at each other and ran away. As long as one person escapes the blockade area, the truth can be sent out; when the time comes, the great powers of the Black Tribulation Hall will come to the rescue quickly.

"Escape?" Xu Ming sneered - the question is, can you escape?

"Kill it!" Xu Ming commanded lightly.

"Yes!" Huang Zhizun's arms skyrocketed billions of times, one left and one right were captured towards the fleeing black and red twins.

Outside the virtual universe of Yuan Zun.

The great powers of the Black Tribulation Hall are all entrenched here, discussing how to deal with Yuan Zun.

"You don't need to think about beheading! A supremely powerful person is in his own virtual universe, and it is almost impossible to kill him successfully!" Banned in this virtual universe, so that he can't step into the border of disorder!"

For the existence of the Supreme Realm, if you can't step into the border of disorder, it is no different from being in prison!

As for the Hall of Black Tribulation, he knew that he couldn't kill Yuan Zun, so he wanted Yuan Zun to "go to jail".


But at this moment, the head of the branch hall suddenly sank, and the whole person "swipe" to stand up.

"What's the Palace Master?"

"What happened?!"

The head of the branch hall said coldly: "The black and red twins have fallen!"

I was still in communication just now, and in the blink of an eye, the black and red twins fell directly?

It's too fast...

"The black and red twins are in 'Destiny Heaven', and there are not many enemies at all! It must be the hand of the fish ghost half-lord..." Thinking of this, the face of the hall master of the branch hall became more and more gloomy, "A mere half-honor, dare to do this. To blatantly provoke our Black Tribulation Hall! It's like I don't know whether to live or die!"

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