Break Into Another World

Chapter 1877: Longmen

"Half-Prince Fish Ghost..."

The head of the branch hall frowned slightly.

"The strength of the fish ghost Banzun itself is not that strong! But... I am afraid it will not be much easier to deal with him than to deal with a world master who controls the virtual universe!"

Of course, it must be easier!

After all, dealing with a world master who controls the virtual universe, the price is extremely high! And to deal with the fish ghost half-zun, as long as you send three or five supreme realm powerhouses, it's almost the same!

Of course, to deal with a mere Half-Prince, it is quite exaggerated to send three or five Supremes!

"Waste the three!" shouted the master of the branch hall.

"Palace Master, please order!" The waste of three, in fact, is the existence of three Supreme Realm! These three Supremes, one is good at attacking, the other is good at defending, and the other is good at formation, and they work together perfectly!

Although the three of them are only low-ranking supreme, they once had a record of joining forces to kill the "median supreme"! Strength is unquestionable!

"The three of you, go to the Fish Ghost Realm and suppress the Fish Ghost Banzun!" The hall master of the branch hall ordered, "If the Fish Ghost Banzun knows each other and is ready to capture him, then bring him back; if he dares to resist, he will Just kill it!"

"Yes!" The three gods took orders.

And the master of the branch hall refocused on Yuan Zun's virtual universe.

"Yuan Zun!" The head of the branch hall shouted loudly, and the voice was transmitted directly into the virtual universe, resounding throughout the entire virtual universe of Yuan Zun, "What? You really don't want to come out and talk!?"

Go out and talk?

In the virtual universe, Yuan Zun couldn't help sneering - go out? How to get out?

You must know that outside his virtual universe at this time, there are many strong people! The Black Tribulation Hall is divided into halls, and nearly half of the powerhouses have come here! The upper-ranking supreme, the middle-ranking supreme, the lower-ranking supreme... are all staring at the outside world.

And Yuan Zun is just a poor inferior supreme! Hiding in the virtual universe is like a little mouse blocked by a group of cats.

go out?

It's impossible to get out! After all, once you go out, it will be a situation of "people are the knife and I am the fish"!

Yuan Zun is not stupid, how could he go out and die?

Therefore, no matter what the hall master of the branch hall said, Yuan Zun hid in the virtual universe, as steady as a dog: "Want me to go out? Dao Shi, come in if you have the ability!"

Dao Killing Supreme is the name of this branch hall master!

"You..." The head of the branch hall, Dao Killing Supreme, couldn't help shaking his head, "I really wanted to have a good talk with you! But since you refused, then fine... don't talk about it! You're on your side. Hide in the virtual universe, and never want to enter the border of disorder again!"

Yuan Zun couldn't help sneering: "If you really send a few Supreme Realm powerhouses to watch over me forever, then I will be honored!"

If you want to block Yuan Zun in the virtual universe, you must have a long-term guardian of the Supreme Realm powerhouse! Yuan Zun does not believe it, the Black Tribulation Hall is willing to pay such a price to deal with himself!

"Hahahaha..." The Taoist Palace Master smiled, as if everything was within his expectation and control, "As you wish, I am afraid that there will be a Supreme Realm powerhouse to 'accompany' you for a long time, and more than One or two!"

"Huh?" Yuan Zun's heart suddenly flashed a bad premonition.

The Dao Killing Hall Master did not continue to look at Yuan Zun, but turned his hand and a dragon-shaped arrow appeared.

When Yuan Zun saw this dragon-shaped arrow, his pupils shrank suddenly: "Dragon Gate!"

Dragon Gate is a mysterious and ethereal alliance; however, it controls the power of the "Second Quadrant" of the disordered frontier and cannot be challenged.

It is said that…

The strength requirement to join Longmen must be "superior"!

The uppermost is supreme, before you can join! Median Supreme, can't join!


The Lord of the Taoist Temple directly urged the "Dragon Gate Order".

call out-

A projection, projected from an endless distance outside the "Destiny Heaven", condensed into an old man with a gray beard in front of the Taoist Temple Master.

"Elder Long!" The master of the Taoist Temple nodded slightly.

"Oh? It's the Master of the Dao Killing Palace!" Elder Long said lightly, "Call me, what's the matter?"

"Elder Long, I want to build several virtual universes!" Dao Murder Hall Master continued.

A virtual universe cannot be created just by wanting to create it!

After all, to build a virtual universe, only a chaotic original nucleus is needed; and for the existence of the realm of the world, it is not difficult to obtain the chaotic original nucleus. If virtual universes can be built at will, then the entire disordered frontier, the number of virtual universes has long been flooded.

If you want to build a virtual universe, you must first obtain the consent of the elders of Longmen! Even if it is the uppermost supreme, it is the same!

"How many virtual universes are there to build?" Elder Long observed the surroundings and immediately understood, "This is 'Destiny Heaven', right? I remember, you Black Tribulation Hall, haven't entered 'Destiny Heaven' yet? You are Do you want to be stationed in Destiny Heaven?"

"That's right!" The Master of the Dao Killing Hall said directly, "Originally, our Black Tribulation Hall would not be stationed in the 'Destiny Heaven' so quickly; but there is no way. Those who are too arrogant, don’t give us any face at the Black Tribulation Hall, making it difficult for our Black Tribulation Hall to do things here! We still have to build a station by ourselves. "

"Oh..." Elder Long nodded slightly and asked again, "How many virtual universes do you want to build?"

The master of the Taoist Temple said: "Seven!"

"This is impossible!" Elder Long denied directly, "Using seven virtual universes to form a seven-star array, the power is too terrifying! This is just a small station in the Black Tribulation Hall, I can't agree! At most... Three!"

Elder Long stretched out three fingers and said lightly.

"Five!" The Taoist Hall Master bargained.

Combining the power of the five virtual universes to form a five-element array, although the power is not as powerful as the seven-star array, it is also stronger!

"Only three seats, there is no need to discuss!" Elder Long said, "If you want to make it, forget it!"

"Three seats... Okay!" Seeing Elder Long's attitude so resolute, the master of the Taoist Temple also knew that there was no room for bargaining, so he had to say, "Thank you Elder Long! I will come to Longmen in the future and visit in person!"

"Haha!" Elder Long smiled, and the projection dissipated directly.

At this time, Yuan Zun was already dumbfounded.

"Dragon Gate would actually agree with him to build a virtual universe here...and there are still three..."

Of course Yuan Zun guessed, UU reading www.uukanshu. What does the master of the Dao Slaughter Palace want to do—he wants to build three virtual universes around his own virtual universe!

In this way, Yuan Zun's virtual universe is directly trapped in the resident of the Black Tribulation Hall! As soon as Yuan Zun walked out of his own virtual universe, he walked under the eyes of the great masters of the Black Tribulation Hall...

"This is too cruel..." Yuan Zun couldn't help but twitch.

Moreover, Yuan Zun knew that the main purpose of the Dao Killing Hall Master was to station the resident of the Black Tribulation Hall in the "Destiny Heaven"; as for dealing with him, it was just a matter of convenience!

Just doing it smoothly, it forced Yuan Zun into a corner!

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