Break Into Another World

Chapter 1878: if……

"Ahead is the fish ghost world!"

Three figures swiftly swept across the border of disorder, and they were the three squatters.

Each of the three wasted, the strength is not weaker than Yuan Zun; if the three act together, even the weaker median supreme, must retreat!

"Humph! Ask our three brothers to deal with a half-zun? It's really a bull's knife to kill a chicken!"

"It can't be like this... Fish Ghost Realm, although it is only a broken virtual universe, but under the endless years of management of Yu Ghost Banzun, it has long been impregnable! Ordinary low-ranking Supreme, it is really difficult to break into the Fish Ghost Realm! "

"It doesn't need much, we just need to complete the task! - I hope that the fish ghost is a little more familiar, otherwise, it will be his honor to die in the hands of our wasteful three!"

Soon, the three gods reached the vicinity of the Fish Ghost Realm.

"Half-Prince Fish Ghost!" One of the three statues of wasted, "The Supreme Being of Wasted" shouted out loud, and the sound moved the entire fish-ghost world.

"Huh?" Yugui Banzun was stunned for a moment, "Waste the three?"

Yugui Banzun had naturally heard of the reputation of the three wasted, and knew that they were the powerhouses of the Black Tribulation Hall. And this is what makes the fish ghost Banzun puzzled.

"I just expelled the black and red twins, and the Black Tribulation Palace sent three supreme realm powerhouses to come to the door? This Black Tribulation Palace is too pretentious, right?" Yugui Banzun couldn't help thinking.

In his opinion, just expelling him, but not killing him, is completely worthless! If it was just because of such a thing, it would be too overbearing!


What the Fish Ghost Banzun didn't know was that the black and red twins he had come into contact with had both fallen. Moreover, before the fall, the black and red twins were communicating with the Black Tribulation Hall, and they were suppressed by the fish ghosts!

The spear is directed at the Fish Ghost Banzun!

But the fish ghost Banzun himself didn't know it at all.

"Three supreme masters, what advice do you have?" Yugui Banzun said.

"Half-Prince Fish Ghost!" The Supreme Being shouted, "You dare to slaughter the Ban-Prince of my Black Tribulation Hall. If you don't hurry up and capture it, go back with me and wait for the fate!"

The fish ghost half-respect was suddenly stunned - the half-respect of the Slaughtering Black Tribulation Hall? When did I slaughter the half-zun of the Black Tribulation Hall?

"Three!" Fish Ghost Banzun said in a row, "Did you have any misunderstanding?"

"Misunderstanding? What is the misunderstanding!?" The Supreme Being shouted, "We have ample evidence to prove that you slaughtered the black and red twins of our Black Tribulation Hall!"

"I... I don't have it!" Yugui Banzun looked bewildered - what he did not do at all, the Black Tribulation Hall actually has sufficient evidence?

How did this Nima come out with evidence! ?

"How dare you be stubborn!?" The aura of the Supreme Being wasted, frantically oppressing the entire Fish Ghost Realm.

"I haven't done it, I just haven't done it!" Yugui Banzun felt that it was difficult to explain.

"Humph! It seems that you refuse to admit it?" The Supreme Being said coldly, "If you offend our Black Tribulation Hall, you think you will be fine if you don't admit it? Kill it!"

"You guys..." Fish Ghost Banzun never thought that the other party would make a move in a few words, "I really didn't do it!"

Fish Ghost Banzun wants to cry but has no tears - where the **** did you get the evidence!

However, the wasted three respects did not give him a chance to explain, so he started directly!

boom! !

The power of the three supreme realm powers, mightily crushed the fish ghost half-zun.

" don't deceive people too much!!" The fish ghost half-zun directly motivated the power of the entire fish-ghost world to fight against the wasteful three.

"Dare to struggle!?"


A collision!

The two sides were evenly divided.

However, under the mighty power of this collision, the entire Fish Ghost Realm shook; all the mortals in the Fish Ghost Realm were also wiped out! Only the gods and above can survive.

"Huh?" The three of us were shocked. "You can force the three of us to join forces? It seems that you do have some skills! But... If you think that you can provoke us to waste the three, then you are too real!"

boom! boom! boom! …

The wasteful three smashed towards the fish ghost half-zun again and again.

The frontier of disorder.

Xu Ming and Huang Zhizun were originally near the Fish Ghost Realm, and they didn't leave very far.

"What's going on?" Suddenly, Xu Ming noticed the violent fluctuations in the direction of the Fish Ghost Realm. "What happened? Why is there such a big movement in the Fish Ghost Realm? Could it be that... someone is attacking the Fish Ghost Realm?"

Xu Ming and Huang Zhizun looked at each other: "Go and have a look!"

The two masters and servants quietly sneaked in the direction of the fish ghost world.

Approaching the fish ghost world, Xu Ming and Huang Zhizun finally saw the situation clearly.

"Sure enough, someone attacked the Fish and Ghost Realm! Those are... the three Supremes?" Xu Ming was a little surprised.

"Three wasted!" Huang Zhizun recognized the identities of these three supremes and said, "Three wasted, is the great power of the Black Tribulation Hall! In the vicinity of 'Destiny', it can be regarded as a relatively famous existence; three Together, the strength level has completely reached the mid-level supreme level! - How did they deal with the fish ghost half-exalted?"

"Median supreme level?" Xu Ming smiled, "Now, the fish ghost half-zun seems to be miserable!"

Xu Ming saw that under the collisions of, the fish ghost half-zun actually gradually fell into a disadvantage.

At this time, there should be no creatures in the entire fish and ghost world - those who are weak have already disappeared under the aftermath of the battle; and those who are relatively strong, who have reached the Nirvana realm and the domain master realm, have also fled. In the world of fish and ghosts, wandering in the border of disorder.

Of course, escaping from the fish and ghost world does not mean it is safe! After all, the battle between the three gods and the fish ghost half-zun has spread too far; there are always strong people in the Nirvana realm and the domain master realm, which are affected by the aftermath, and they die directly.

And the fish ghost world has gradually begun to crack, obviously it can't last for a long time.

"The Fish Ghost Banzun is about to lose!" Huang Zhizun said.

"I didn't expect... why didn't we talk about the Fish Ghost Banzun, and he would be killed by the Black Tribulation Hall!" Xu Ming sighed.

Huang Zhizun said: "Even if you kill the three ghosts, you will have to pay the price! A half-lord who controls a virtual universe, even if it is just a broken virtual universe, is not so easy to deal with!"

"Yeah!" Xu Ming watched silently.

The fighting continues on both sides.

The inferiority of the fish ghost half-zun is becoming more and more obvious; however, he can only continue to grit his teeth and carry it hard and cannot escape.

After all... Fish Ghost Banzun's own strength is actually not worth mentioning in front of the Supreme Being; it is entirely by the Fish Ghost Realm that he can persevere under the wasted three masters for so long! Once escaped from the fish ghost world, the fish ghost half-zun may be killed in an instant!

Therefore, the Fish Ghost Banzun had no way out, and could only grit his teeth and carry it hard.


Xu Ming's eyes lit up, and a thought appeared in his heart: "What would happen if... the three statues died here?"

(End of this chapter) Read the latest chapter of "Claw Machine Bookstore in Another World" for free for the first time.

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