Break Into Another World

Chapter 1879: chain of suspicion

"What would happen if... the three statues were wasted and died here?"

A series of thoughts gradually emerged in Xu Ming's heart.

If the three gods died here, who would be most suspicious? —No matter who is the most suspect, no one will suspect Xu Ming! Even, no one will know that Xu Ming has been to the fish ghost world.


Even if someone knew that Xu Ming had been to the fish ghost world, they would not doubt Xu Ming. After all, no one would think that Xu Ming could deal with the wasteful three. In other words, if Xu Ming had a way to kill the three wasted gods, it would be... a white kill!

Oh no! It's not killing in vain, but... After killing, you can still harvest a lot of treasures!

"Also welcome..." Xu Ming's eyes became brighter and brighter, "If I can kill the three squatters, then the biggest suspect of the Black Tribulation Hall should be the Temple of Despair!"

Xu Ming's speculation is completely reasonable.

The Temple of Black Tribulation, the only enemy in "Despair", I am afraid it is also the Temple of Despair! The other major forces have no friction with the Black Tribulation Hall; and the second-class forces dare not offend the Black Tribulation Hall.

If the three gods were wasted and died here, the Black Tribulation Hall did not doubt the Temple of Destiny, but who should they doubt?

And the consequence of doubt is - conflict!

"Great!" Xu Ming suddenly thought of something and slapped his thigh.

"Master?" Huang Zhizun couldn't help but wonder.

Xu Ming sneered: "The Temple of Death, I must destroy it! However, for me, the Temple of Death is too powerful; such a behemoth is not something I can shake now! But...if I use the Temple of Black Tribulation What about this blade?"

"Master, what do you mean...?"

"It's very simple..." Xu Ming narrowed his eyes slightly, "To kill the three wasted statues!"

Xu Ming paused and continued: "After killing the three squatters, the Black Tribulation Temple will definitely suspect the Temple of Despair! At that time, the Temple of Destruction will definitely not admit it - but, regardless of whether it is the Temple of Destiny or not. Admit it, the Temple of Black Tribulation will definitely doubt the Temple of Despair! This is inevitable!"

"And... don't forget, the Temple of Destiny also died a Half-Zun Yun! Although it was killed by us, the Temple of Destiny didn't know about it! So, at that time, the Temple of Destiny will definitely have a suspicion. Object - Who do you think is most likely to be the suspect of the Temple of Death?"

Huang Zhizun's eyes lit up: "Black Tribulation Hall!"

"That's right! It's the Hall of Black Tribulation!" Xu Ming said, "After all, the Hall of Black Tribulation was supposed to kill Yun Banzun. This is no longer a secret! Everyone knows about it!"

The black and red duo came to the fish ghost realm to kill Yun Banzun. There are many people who know about this - at least Yuanzun knows it!

Therefore, when the time comes, the Temple of Destiny will definitely count the death of Banzun Jueyun on the head of the Temple of Black Tribulation! Although the Black Tribulation Hall has never been killed, it can't be relied on if you want to!

"The Temple of Black Tribulation suspects that the Temple of Destiny has killed the three Zun Zun, but the Temple of Destiny does not admit it; and the Temple of Destiny suspects that the Temple of Destiny has killed Banzun Jueyun, and the Temple of Black Tribulation does not admit it! In this way... the two sides will Trapped in a chain of suspicion! Once this chain of suspicion is formed, it is difficult to remove, and the next step is..."

"A battle?" Huang Zhizun said.

"That's right!" Xu Ming said, "It's a big battle! It's not certain, the two sides are fighting, but they are trusting; or, they are fighting, and they have reached some kind of reconciliation... But at that time, the two sides will inevitably lost heavily!"

"Indeed!" Huang Zhizun agreed.

Xu Ming continued: "As long as we kill the three wasted, then the chain of suspicion has already formed! If we continue, we will try to kill more powers in the Temple of Despair and the Temple of Black Tribulation, then, this The chain of suspicion will become stronger and stronger, and it will become more and more difficult for the two sides to resolve their hatred in the future!

Huang Zhizun was secretly shocked when he heard it: "It's still the master!"


Huang Zhizun is also a little puzzled: "How can we kill the three wasted statues?"

After all, the strength of the three gods united is comparable to that of the median supreme! And Huang Zhizun is now seriously injured, and his strength is at best a relatively weak lower-ranking supreme; as for Xu Ming, he does not even have the combat power of a lower-ranking supreme!

"Wait!" Xu Ming said, "I believe that even if Yugui Banzun can't kill one or two of the three wasted statues, it will definitely cause them no trouble or even serious injuries! When their battle is over, we will wait for an opportunity. Move!"

"But..." Huang Zhizun actually thought that even if he was injured, it would not be so easy to kill! The Supreme Realm Great Expert, which one is not the same existence?

"Of course—" Before Huang Zhizun could say anything, Xu Ming interrupted, "If you just put your hope in the fish-ghost Banzun, then if you want to kill the three wasted statues, it must be a lot worse! But... it's just strange, Wasting three respects gave me enough time to prepare!"

"What do you mean?" Huang Zhizun was taken aback.

Xu Ming smiled strangely and said, "Find a way to isolate this area so that the message cannot be sent out!"

"It's simple!" Huang Zhizun said. It's just a matter of isolating the communication near the Fish and Ghost Realm. It's easy for the Supreme Phoenix to The rest... Leave it to me! "Xu Ming smiled strangely.


Around Xu Ming, a clone suddenly and quietly appeared!

"Unlimited Avatar" hang, open!

"Huh?" Huang Zhizun's eyes lit up, and he immediately understood - the master is going to enlarge his move!

Swish! Swish! Swish! Swish! …

Ten clones quickly turned into twenty, forty, eighty...

The avatar split quietly, barely making a sound.

But the speed of the split is appalling!

Within a few breaths, the number of Xu Ming's clones had already reached thousands! And, it keeps doubling and growing!

Soon, the number of Xu Ming's clones reached hundreds of thousands, millions, tens of millions...

Hundreds of millions!

Hundreds of millions of clones!

How terrifying! How magnificent!

Moreover, the strength of each clone has reached the half-respect level!

Hundreds of millions and a half!

And it is still a half-zun with extremely consistent action!

It can't be described as terrifying!

"It's so good to have a low cultivation base. Open the 'infinite avatar' hanging, and you don't feel bad about hanging up at all!" Xu Ming secretly said.

His current cultivation is in the Nirvana realm, so he only needs a level 20 hanging point to open the "infinite clone". As for Xu Ming, he even had a lot of level 22 hanging points; spending hundreds of millions of avatars using level 20 hanging points, he didn't feel anything at all!

"Hundreds of millions of clones, this game should be stable, right?" Xu Ming thought for a while, "No! Although it is quite stable, it can be a little more stable!"

To be more stable, you need more clones!

More clones require more hanging points!


Isn't it just hang up?

Brother Ming looks like someone who lacks hanging points?

Updated today.

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