Break Into Another World

Chapter 1883: won't tell you

Build an altar directly from the remains of a virtual universe!

One can imagine how majestic this altar is!

"Why did Yuejian Banzun build such a huge altar?"

Xu Ming and Huang Zhizun were both puzzled, but they were too lazy to think about it. What they were more concerned about was the location of the Stone Statue Forest.

call out-

Huang Zhizun's spiritual thoughts directly enveloped the entire altar, reporting his name: "Yue Jian Banzun! 'Destiny Heaven' Huang Zhizun, and my master, come to visit!"

The name of the Supreme is still useful!

Even in "Biliantian", there are many great experts who have heard the name of Huang Zhizun.

"Huang Zhizun?" Yuejian Banzun obviously knew Huang Zhizun, but his tone was not very polite, "You and I have never known each other. Is there something wrong with you looking for me now?"

"I want to ask Yuejian Banzun about something!" Huang Zhizun said.

After all, Huang Zhizun is a strong person in the Supreme Realm, and Yuejian Banzun is not too shameless; moreover, Huang Zhizun said that his master is here, and Yuejian Banzun is even more difficult to turn away casually!

After all, the "Master" of the Sovereign is probably the most powerful being in the Sovereign, right?

"Please come in!"

Yuejian Banzun opened a passage to the inside of the altar, but he didn't come out to greet him - for him, he didn't want to offend the Supreme Realm powerhouse for no reason, but there was no need to please the Supreme.

Xu Ming didn't mind either, and walked directly into the altar along the channel.

"This altar..."

Xu Ming could feel that in this altar, there were countless billions of creatures living, as if it was not much different from the ordinary virtual universe. But if you feel it carefully, you can find that every creature in the altar is born to exist for sacrifice!

"Sacrificing the creatures of the entire virtual universe?" Xu Ming could not help but frown slightly.

This handwriting is really big enough!

This method is really cruel!

But in the border of disorder, the weak and weak are not qualified to decide their own destiny and life.

Slaughtering a whole virtual universe of beings, this kind of thing can also be said to be common in the frontier of disorder!

Therefore, although Xu Ming frowned slightly, he didn't intend to interfere in this business - he didn't intend to worry about the weakness of others!

"Huang Zhizun, and... this one!" Yue Jian Banzun couldn't help but stunned when he saw Xu Ming - this is Huang Zhizun's master? The cultivation base is only Nirvana?

At the same time, Yuejian Banzun has probably guessed the purpose of Xu Ming and Huang Zhizun - Xu Ming has a cosmic chain on his body, and their intention here is probably to ask about the stone statue forest.

Huang Zhizun continued: "This is my master, Xu Ming!"

"Your master?" Yue Jian Banzun smiled meaningfully. Although it was not stated clearly, the contempt was already obvious - the dignified and powerful people in the Supreme Realm were willing to be slaves in the Nirvana Realm?

"I wonder if you two are looking for me?" Yue Jian Banzun said lightly.

"Yuejian Banzun!" Although Huang Zhizun was unhappy with Yuejian Banzun's attitude, but after all, he wanted to ask others, so he had to hold back his anger and cut to the chase, "We want to ask about the information about the Stone Statue Forest!"

"Sure enough!" Yue Jian Banzun sneered in his heart and said, "I do know the information of the Stone Statue Forest! But...why should I tell you!?"

Xu Ming did not speak.

For some things, just let the servant speak, Xu Ming doesn't need to speak in person.

Huang Zhizun said again: "We don't want your messages for nothing! We can use treasures to exchange messages with you!"

"Treasure?" Yue Jian Banzun said with a wicked smile, "What treasure? Supreme Divine Soldier?"

Supreme Divine Soldier?

The Supreme Divine Soldier, how precious!

You must know that even a weak and low-ranking Supreme may not necessarily be able to have a Supreme Divine Weapon! - For example, Yuan Zun does not have a single supreme divine weapon on his body.

And now, it's just a piece of news, Yue Jian Banzun dares to ask for the Supreme Divine Weapon?

How dare you open your mouth!

"The lion has a big mouth!" Huang Zhizun shouted angrily, "This is impossible! Change the request!"

"Another request?" Yue Jian Banzun jokingly smiled, "Yes! Then you help me catch ten Half-Prince servants, a hundred servants of the World Lord, and 10,000 servants of the Domain Lord! I'll tell you!"

"You..." Huang Zhizun was really angry!

Ten half-respects, one hundred world masters, 10,000 domain masters... The domain masters are quite easy to say, but with so many half-respects and world masters, even if you capture several virtual universes, you may not be able to collect so many!

Changed the request, Yue Jian Banzun still opened his mouth at the lion!

Moreover, it is still the kind of very exaggerated and illogical lion's mouth! It sounds like Yuejian Banzun doesn't want to tell Xu Ming and Huang Zhizun about the Stone Statue Forest at all!

"Why, are you angry?" Yue Jian Banzun sneered, "If you want to know the news of the Stone Statue Forest, you can exchange these! Of course, you can also not exchange, I will never, nor have the strength to force you to exchange!"


As soon as Huang Zhizun's aura exploded, he was about to act - it was about his master Xu Ming, so Huang Zhizun couldn't help but not be angry!

"Want to do it?" Yue Jian Banzun showed a disdainful attitude, "It doesn't matter! If you want to do it, then come! You are strong, and if you have the ability, kill me! Anyway, even if you kill me, don't do it. I want to know the news of the Stone Statue Forest!"


Yue Jian Banzun's attitude was something Xu Ming and Huang Zhizun had never thought of before they came. After all, it's just a bit of news; and news is the least valuable thing, so it shouldn't be difficult to get it!

Unexpectedly, when I came into contact with Banzun this, it turned out to be such a dead pig that was not afraid of being scalded by boiling water - if he had the ability to kill me, he just didn't tell you about the Stone Statue Forest!

Xu Ming has been watching indifferently, and finally said: "You go back first!"

"Yes!" Huang Zhizun retreated behind Xu Ming.

Xu Ming looked at Yuejian Banzun again and said, "It's just a piece of news, it doesn't seem to be very secret, right?"

"Haha..." Yue Jian Banzun smiled, "It's really just a piece of news, and it's really not very secret, but... I just don't want to tell you!"

Yue Jian Banzun has a gesture of "I won't tell you".

"Haha, you must be very confused, why didn't I tell you?" Yue Jian Banzun said again, "Hey! You were only in the Nirvana realm and were suppressed by the cosmic chains. You must have a great talent! Besides, you also have a Supreme Servant, it can be seen that there must be some strength! With your talent and strength, if you go to the Stone Statue Forest, there is a good chance that the cosmic chains on your body will be lifted! - Well, if you want to survive, you must pay enough price! I am reluctant to pay the price , don't want to know any news about the Stone Statue Forest!"

At the end, Yue Jian Banzun said again: "Of course, you can also find a way to ask other people! But... hehe! With all due respect, if you are unwilling to pay the price, no one will be willing to tell you the news of the Stone Statue Forest!"

Xu Ming's face was slightly cold: "Aren't you afraid that I will kill you and ask other people?"

"Hahahaha..." When Yue Jian Banzun heard this, he suddenly burst into laughter, madly laughing.

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