Break Into Another World

Chapter 1884: messenger of sinking

"Ha ha ha ha…"

When Yue Jian Banzun heard this, he suddenly burst into laughter, madly laughing.


"Why are you afraid!?"

Yue Jian Banzun seems to have suddenly fallen into madness: "Being suppressed by the cosmic chains, unless the chains can be lifted, otherwise...the suppression will become stronger and stronger, until it is completely suppressed...turned into a stone statue, and died in silence!"

"kill me?"

"If I can't lift the cosmic chains, I will definitely die! If you want to kill me, I'll just die early! What's there to be afraid of!?"

"And if I...if I tell you the news of the Stone Statue Forest, with your talent and strength, it is possible to lift the chains of the universe and survive!"


"It was also suppressed by the cosmic chains! Why should I die, but you can survive?"

"Humph! If you want to know the news of the Stone Statue Forest, I won't tell you! Hahahaha... If you want to die, just die together!"

" can give me enough treasures! Treasures that make me hopeful! Then I will tell you the news of the Stone Statue Forest!"

"Hum! Don't think I'm a lion! You go to any great power who has entered the stone statue forest, and the conditions they offer are definitely higher than mine! - Or, you give me hope of living; Or, you don't want to know the news of the Stone Statue Forest, we will die together!"

Moonlight Banzun growled frantically.

This is the madness of a man who knows he is mortal!

"What? Do you want to kill me?"

"bring it on!"

"Destiny Heaven, Biliantian, and other surrounding territories, I'm the only one who has entered the Stone Statue Forest! If you kill me, I'm afraid it will be difficult to find a second person who has gone to the Stone Statue Forest! And even if I do find it... I'm sure , they will be the same as me! Hahahaha…”

Xu Ming looked at Yuejian Banzun calmly, but did not speak.

However, Xu Ming was able to judge that what Yuejian Banzun said was probably true—yes! Everyone knows they are going to die, so what else do they need to be afraid of? Of course crazy!

"Suppressed by the cosmic chains, it will eventually become a stone statue?" Xu Ming secretly said, "Is the stone statue forest named after this?"

"Master?" Huang Zhizun said from the side, "Would you like to try to enslave him?"

As long as Yuejian Banzun is enslaved, then what Yuejian Banzun knows is also known to Xu Ming!

"Enslavement?" Xu Ming frowned slightly. Now, it seems that this is the way to go!

However, Yuejian Banzun seemed to see the thoughts of Xu Ming and Huang Zhizun: "Do you want to enslave me? Hahahaha... Then you can try, can you succeed in enslaving! Those suppressed by the cosmic chains People, no power can enslave me! This is the rule of the universe! Don't talk about you, even if you are the supreme, you can never enslave me!"

Xu Ming was suddenly helpless.

Killed Yue Jian Banzun? - For Xu Ming, although it is not difficult, it does not make any sense! Moreover, just because the other party refused to tell him the news of the Stone Statue Forest, killing someone directly was not in line with Xu Ming's way of doing things.

Enslaved Moon See Banzun? —Cosmic chains are both a kind of suppression and a kind of protection! Yuejian Banzun has a cosmic chain on his body, so he will not be enslaved by any power at all.

"Could it be... Really want to satisfy Yuejian Banzun's lion's big mouth?" Xu Ming couldn't help thinking.

Supreme Divine Soldier, or hundreds of servants above the realm of the realm... No matter which condition, it is too harsh!

"Let's go!" Xu Ming said lightly.

Since it was pointless to kill and enslaved, Xu Ming had no choice but to take the Moon Seeing Banzun for the time being!

"Walk slowly! Don't send it!" Yue Jian Banzun laughed loudly, "I hope you can find the location of the Stone Statue Forest! But... by the time you find it, it will probably be countless years later! By that time, the universe on your body will be The chain suppression, I am afraid it is already very strong, it is too strong to be lifted, hahahaha..."

Yue Jian Banzun seemed to have seen that Xu Ming, a peerless genius, was finally turned into a stone statue under the suppression of the cosmic chains.

Thinking of this, Yue Jian Banzun couldn't help but feel somber: "Genius? No matter how talented you are, in the end, isn't it a stone statue?"

"No!" Yue Jian Banzun's expression suddenly lingered, "I don't want to become a stone statue, I still have hope! - As long as I gather the number of powerhouses who sacrificed and sacrifice to the will of the universe, then there is hope that it will be lifted. Drop the cosmic chains on your body!"

"Yes! I still have hope!"

This means of sacrifice is exactly what Yuejian Banzun obtained in the stone statue forest.

It's a pity... Yue Jian Banzun got it a little too late!

If Yuejian Banzun can get it sooner, then his strength is still strong, with the strength of the seventh and eighth rank of Banzun, there is still hope that ten and a half-zun and a hundred world masters will be sacrificed!

However, when Yuejian Banzun obtained this sacrificial method, the cosmic chains had already suppressed him very strongly, and his strength was only at the third level of Banzun; It is almost impossible for the World Lord to make sacrifices!

Of course, although it is almost impossible, Yue Jian Banzun is not willing to give up!

After all, to give up is to simply wait to die!

"In the future..." Yue Jian Banzun's gaze fell on Xu Ming's back, and a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth, "This Xu Ming will experience the same despair as me!"

He himself will become a stone statue, and he is looking forward to seeing Xu Ming become a stone But at this moment...

In the void near the altar of Yue Jian Banzun, a ripple suddenly appeared.

One after another, the space ripples became stronger and stronger, and soon turned into violent space waves; it was like a turbulent wave in the river, rolling in.

"This is..." Yue Jian Banzun was stunned - this kind of situation, it is clear that a super existence is coming from the boundless and distant territory!

"Master, be careful!" Huang Zhizun also had a grim expression on his face, "This kind of means that crosses the endless frontier, even the ordinary high-ranking extreme can't do it! It must be a very strong existence in the upper-ranking extreme, and then it can be mastered!"

"Oh?" Xu Ming also showed a hint of seriousness - Huang Zhizun's implication was that there was an extremely powerful superior, who was rushing over!



Space is turbulent.

Soon, the rolling waves converged into an endless and deep space vortex.

In the depths of the vortex, an ancient breath was transmitted from an endless distance.

Yue Jian Banzun felt this breath, and his face changed slightly: "It's him!?"


An ancient figure in a black robe slowly emerged from the center of the vortex. His gestures and gestures have the majesty that shocks time and space.

"Superior Supreme!" Huang Zhizun's expression was extremely grim, "It is stronger than any high-ranking Supreme I have ever seen!"

Yue Jian Banzun seemed to think of something: "The messenger of sinking..."

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