Break Into Another World

Chapter 1885: We are different!

"Sinking messenger..."

Many places in the Stone Statue Forest are very safe, and even hands-on is prohibited. But there is one place that is a place of great danger and great opportunity, and that is the center of the stone statue forest - the sinking abyss!

And the messenger of sinking comes from the depths of sinking abyss; in the forest of stone statues, it is the spokesperson of the rules!

"Why did the messenger of the sinking appear here?" Yue Jian Banzun couldn't help but think, "Could it be... to invite Xu Ming?"

There are very few great powers suppressed by the cosmic chains in a certain "heaven"; like in Destiny Heaven, Biliantian, and dozens of surrounding territories, only Xu Ming and Yuejian Banzun are known to be chained by the universe. suppressed.


How vast is the disordered frontier! In the second quadrant, there are more than billions of "sky"!

Looking at the entire second quadrant, there are more than hundreds of millions of people suppressed by the chains of the universe! Therefore - the peerless genius suppressed by the cosmic chain is not uncommon at all!

And there is only one stone statue forest; in the stone statue forest, the status of the fallen messenger is even more noble! —Want the fallen messenger to come and invite a genius in person? It's almost impossible!

"It must not be here to invite Xu Ming!" Yue Jian Banzun secretly said, "The messenger of the sinking must have other things when he arrives!"

You must know that the genius who can be personally invited by the fallen messenger will have a high possibility of releasing the cosmic chain after entering the stone statue forest. How could Yuejian Banzun want to see that Xu Ming was invited by the fallen messenger!


Yue Jian Banzun didn't even think about it, if the messenger of sinking came here, if he didn't come to invite Xu Ming, why would he come here? Is it hard to come to this place where birds don't **** on vacation?

The ancient figure in the black robe slowly emerged from the center of the time-space vortex.

His gaze fell directly on Xu Ming. As for Yuejian Banzun not far away, he is not qualified to be looked at by him.

"Xu Ming?" The ancient figure said indifferently, "I, the messenger of sinking, hereby invite you to enter the forest of stone statues!"


Yue Jian Banzun has the urge to vomit blood!

Back then, in order to enter the Stone Statue Forest, he did not know how much energy and how much he paid. Later, when he finally entered the Stone Statue Forest, the cosmic chains had already suppressed him very strongly, and the cost of removing the cosmic chains was already terrifying!

But what about Xu Ming?

This has just been suppressed by the cosmic chain not long ago, right? The fallen messenger ran to the door in person and invited Xu Ming to go to the Stone Statue Forest!

What is the gap?

This is the difference!

"Oh?" Xu Ming was also stunned—whatever he really wants!

However, Xu Ming did not immediately agree, but asked cautiously, "What are the conditions for you to go to the Stone Statue Forest with you?"

Xu Ming didn't want to be entangled in any causal entanglement, so he had to ask clearly about the conditions first.

Yue Jian Banzun once again vomited blood - Nima! Really more popular than dead people ah! Xu Ming was not willing to accept the invitation from the messenger himself, but he had to ask first if there were any conditions.

The fallen messenger smiled and said: "There are no conditions! The Stone Statue Forest is for you who have been suppressed! And I am nothing more than guiding you!"

"Oh? Then why...?" Xu Ming was slightly startled, and then turned his eyes to Yuejian Banzun, the meaning is self-evident - why did you come to invite me, but it's so difficult for Yuejian Banzun to go to the Stone Statue Forest?

"Haha!" The messenger of sinking suddenly laughed, "He? It's just trash! Who has time to pay attention to him!"

he? It's just trash!

Yue Jian Banzun suddenly felt very hurt!

But, in the face of the messenger of sinking, he did not dare to refute in the slightest! After all, with the strength of the fallen messenger, wanting to kill him is just a matter of thought!

Although Yue Jian Banzun is almost destined to be unable to unlock the chains of the universe and almost destined to die; but if he can live for a while longer, who would want to die in a hurry?

"But..." The fallen messenger said again, "Only you can go to the Stone Statue Forest, not your servants!"

"Okay!" Xu Ming said, "Can you leave now?"

The messenger of sinking said: "Follow me into the vortex, and you will be able to lead to the stone statue forest!"

Said, the figure of the messenger of sinking directly sank.

"Huang Zhizun!" Xu Ming explained, "Go back first!"

"Yes! Master!" Huang Zhizun respectfully said.

Afterwards, Xu Ming glanced at Yuejian Banzun again, with contempt in his eyes, as if to say: We are different!

"You..." Yue Jian Banzun became more and more angry and aggrieved when he saw this contemptuous look in his eyes; but he couldn't refute it at all—Xu Ming was really different from him!

call out-

Immediately afterwards, Xu Ming's figure also turned into a streamer, submerging into the vortex of time and space.

Huang Zhizun watched Xu Ming leave, and just then looked at Yuejian Banzun: "Right! You seemed very arrogant just now?"

"I..." Yue Jian Banzun suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.


Huang Zhizun slapped Yuejian Banzun and flew out of the endless billions of realms.

"Humph! Remember this slap! Don't be too arrogant in the future!"

Yue Jian Banzun wants to cry again without tears!

call out-

In the depths of the time and space vortex, Xu Ming stepped on the time and space ripples and moved forward rapidly.

In front of him, the figure of the messenger of sinking can no longer be seen. Obviously, the messenger of the sinking left directly after receiving Xu Wow!

After moving forward for a while, Xu Ming finally saw that the end of the time-space vortex appeared in front of him. There, I am afraid that it was also Xu Ming's destination, the Stone Statue Forest.


Xu Ming flew directly into the end of the time-space vortex.

"This is…"

The surrounding time and space shifted, and Xu Ming appeared directly on an incomparably vast continent.

This continent is even larger than the entire Divine Phoenix Chaos Realm. Moreover, the suppression of time and space is also extremely strong; even Xu Ming is difficult to put his spiritual sense far away.

However, what really shocked Xu Ming was not how vast the continent was, nor how strong the suppression of time and space was, but what he saw around him—Xu Ming finally knew why this continent was called "Stone Statue Forest" !


I saw Xu Ming in all directions, densely packed with powerful stone statues!

Countless stone statues, with expressions of grief, madness, or despair...

This is a forest of stone statues!

"These stone statues... are they all powerful people who were suppressed by cosmic chains and finally turned into stone statues?" Xu Ming couldn't help but guess, "How many powerful people are needed to form this dense, endless forest of stone statues? ?"

Xu Ming guessed right, these stone statues were indeed living powers!

In the entire second quadrant, there will be hundreds of millions of "repressed" in every era in endless years! In countless eras, more than 70% of the "repressed" have turned into statues and stood here.

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