Break Into Another World

Chapter 1886: edge of sinking

This is the graveyard of the universe!

Countless billions of great powers have been turned into stone statues, and they have become their own tombstones.

Many stone statues still retain these mighty wills. If you get closer, you can feel the impact of one after another of residual thoughts.

"Heaven is jealous of Yingcai! God is jealous of Yingcai!"

"I, Longxiao Banzun, is invincible at the level of vertical and horizontal half-zun, and even the lower-ranking Supreme, I have killed five people! How can I, heaven is jealous of talents! The rules of the universe do not allow a monster genius like me to exist, and suppress me..."


"This vast universe can't afford me to wait for a genius? Could it be... Only by being mediocre can we finally reach the end of cultivation!?"

"I, Jie Demon Banzun! Although I was suppressed by the chains of the universe because of my cultivation of evil methods, and my death is imminent; but the great revenge has been avenged, and I have no regrets in this life!"


"Why do I have to be suppressed by the chains of the universe even though I didn't break the rules of the universe!? I'm not convinced!"

Countless impulses of will were circling in the forest of stone statues.

Endless grief, unwillingness, despair and other emotions constantly affect Xu Ming.

However, these great powers have already fallen into the Endless Era. Even if there is still will, they are already very weak, and naturally they cannot pose any threat to Xu Ming. At most, Xu Ming can feel their emotions.


Suppressed by cosmic chains and gradually turned into stone statues, who would be reconciled?

"But...Isn't there a way to remove the chains of the universe in the Stone Statue Forest? Why are there so many great powers turned into stone statues?"

With doubts, Xu Ming turned around in the stone statue forest. In these remnants, Xu Ming also collected some information.

"It turns out that the cosmic chains are also graded! From one star to seven stars, there are seven stars in total!" Xu Ming secretly said, "There is a way to remove the low-star cosmic chains in the Stone Statue Forest; but , If you want to release the chains of the universe with five stars or more, you must enter the abyss of sinking..."

sinking into the abyss...

That's the center of the Stone Statue Forest!

It is said that after entering the abyss of sinking, there are only two possibilities—either, release the cosmic chains on the body and come out; will never be able to leave the abyss of sinking!

Of course, the proportion of the "repressed" who entered the sinking abyss is very small!

" cosmic chain, the star rating is not too high!"

If the star rating is not high, there will be a way to remove it in the stone statue forest; if the star rating is too high and you need to enter the sinking abyss, it will definitely be more troublesome!


Will the star rating of Xu Ming's cosmic chains be lower? Think about it with your toes, you know it won't be low!

"Sigh..." Xu Ming sighed secretly, "The cosmic chain on my body will probably be at least six stars, or maybe seven stars..."

Seven Stars' Cosmic Chains...

This is a legendary existence in the stone statue forest, or even in the sinking abyss! But Xu Ming already had a hunch that most of his possibilities were the Seven Star Universe Chains, after all... Compared with the stars, Brother Ming really never lost!

"Go to the 'Edge of Sinking' and test my cosmic chain, what star is it!"

The edge of the sinking, that is, the edge of the sinking abyss, is also the gathering place of the powerful people in the stone statue forest.

Most of the low-star oppressed will live on the brink of sinking for a long time until the cosmic chains on their bodies are successfully lifted; or they will eventually become stone statues and be thrown into the forest of stone statues.

The edge of sinking.

Floating platform.

This is a battle platform to test the star of the universe chain.

The one who guarded the battle platform was a messenger of sinking; of course, not the one Xu Ming had seen.

You must know that the strength of every fallen messenger is the "top of the highest supreme"! Just guarding the battle platform, the strength is so terrifying; as for the power of building the battle platform, it is even more unfathomable and unimaginable!

At this time, on the floating platform, the star test of the cosmic chain is going on.


The atmosphere of this test was a little weird.

Usually, the higher the star rating, the better. The test here is that the lower the star rating, the better; the higher the star rating, the more you will cry!

"Kong Yuan Banzun, Samsung Universe Chain!"

The sinking messenger who guarded the floating platform said aloud.

On the floating platform, a half-respected figure sighed in relief: "Samsung? It's okay! There is a great hope of releasing the chains of the universe! Moreover, you don't need to enter the sinking abyss, you can release it!"

Immediately afterwards, another burly strong man boarded the floating platform.

On the floating platform, after a burst of dazzling light flashed, the messenger of sinking said loudly: "Niuba Banzun, the five-star universe chain!"

"Five stars!?"

Hearing these two words, Niu Ba Banzun almost fell down on the floating platform; his face was full of despair!

Five-star Cosmic Chains... This means that in the Stone Statue Forest, it is almost impossible to remove the Cosmic Chains on him; to remove it, one must enter the abyss of sinking!

And entering the abyss of sinking... the possibility of surviving, there is no one in a hundred!

"Five Stars..." The powerhouses around the floating platform looked at Niu Ba Banzun with pity.

"That's horrible…"

"Five-star cosmic chains! If this Niuba Banzun does not enter the sinking abyss, he will have to wait to die!"


Niuba Banzun walked down the floating platform in loneliness under the eyes of many pity. In his heart, he carefully considered how to enter the abyss of sinking.

"Next person!"

Another slender half-zun boarded the floating platform. There was a treacherous look in the eyes of this half-honor.

Soon, the quiz is complete.

"Half of the mouse, a one-star cosmic chain!"

one star! ?

The surroundings of the floating platform were startled.

The half-zun Zun on the stage was even more disbelieving, and then he showed ecstasy!

"One star! I'm one star!?" Zishu's eyes were shining, "In this way, my cosmic chains can be easily lifted!"


The one-star cosmic chain is relatively easy to remove! There is more than 90% chance that it can be removed smoothly.

When walking down the floating platform, Zun Zun felt that his feet were floating a little—how desperate he was when he was suppressed by the cosmic chains; now, the despair seems to have disappeared suddenly!

"Half the mouse, congratulations, congratulations!"


"It seems that the half-zun will be able to leave the forest of stone statues soon!"

Near the floating and sinking platform, many great experts cast envious glances at Zizhu Banzun, and said with envy.

"Hahahaha..." Seeing this, Zishu Banzun became more and more proud.

"The next test taker!" the guarded messenger said loudly, "Xu Ming!"

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