Break Into Another World

Chapter 1887: Just a baby!

Xu Ming stepped onto the floating platform.

Immediately, countless strange eyes were cast towards him.

"Huh - Nirvana Realm?"

"Just the cultivation of Nirvana?"

"Haha... A Nirvana Realm is actually suppressed by the chains of the universe? How miserable!"

You must know that most of the people suppressed by the cosmos chain are the powerhouses at the half-rank level, and a few are the realm of the realm; as for the realm of the realm, they are almost invisible, let alone the nirvana realm!

Nirvana realm is suppressed by the cosmic chains, which is really miserable!

"What did he do? Even Nirvana was suppressed by the chains of the universe!"

"But... it's just Nirvana. Even if it is suppressed by the cosmic chain, it is at most a one-star cosmic chain! It's not difficult to untie it!"

"Yeah! Good luck and bad luck! With the experience of being suppressed this time, he will definitely be more careful when cultivating in the future, not to touch some of the rules of the universe's operation, and it is almost impossible to be suppressed again... In this way, on the contrary, A blessing in disguise!"

"bring it on!"

Under the gaze of many eyes, Xu Ming's test began.

On the floating platform, the light flickered.

The powerful people around were laughing and talking: "It's just a Nirvana realm, how many stars can it still be a cosmic chain? It must be one star!"

However, the expression of the messenger of sinking is getting more and more solemn and surprised - he is the only one who can see the test situation! It is precisely because of this that Rao is extremely surprised and unbelievable at the strength of the fallen messenger's upper-level supreme peak.

After a long time, the light faded.

"Phew—" Xu Ming took a deep breath, looked at the fallen messenger, and waited for him to announce the result, "I'm ready! I'm will be the Seven Star Universe Chain!"

The powerful people around the floating platform all laughed and chatted:

"Why hasn't it been announced yet?"

"It's still an announcement? It must be a one-star cosmic chain!"

"Actually... this Xu Ming doesn't even need to take the test!"

"Indeed! Even at the domain master level, there is almost no two-star universe chain; what's more, he is only a nirvana!"

"Xu Ming!" The fallen messenger was silent for a while before he announced in a solemn voice, "Nightmare-level cosmic chains!"

Nightmare! ?

As soon as the messenger of sinking said this, all the powerhouses were startled.

Isn't the cosmic chain only "one star" to "seven stars"? What the **** is this nightmare level! ?

Only some very old demigods, after being stunned for a while, just came back to their senses and cried out in surprise.

"Nightmare level?"

"It turned out to be a nightmare level?"

"Nightmare-level cosmic chains... Isn't this a legend? It's actually true!?"

"In the long history of the cosmos, with all the eight great limits added up, the number of occurrences of the Nightmare-level Cosmic Chains is probably very few! And... no one of the great powers suppressed by the Nightmare-level Cosmic Chains can survive!"

"If it is said that the Seven Stars Cosmic Chains still have a chance of life! Then... the Nightmare-level Cosmic Chains really have no chance of life!"


In the exclamations of several senior demi-respects, the other demi-respects around also quickly understood what the nightmare-level cosmic chains meant!

Means: certain death!

"What exactly did Xu Ming do? He was suppressed by the nightmare-level cosmic chains! The most important thing is... He is only in the Nirvana realm!"

"No matter what you do, you must have angered the will of the universe!"

These great powers simply cannot imagine that a Nirvana realm is nothing more than a wrathful thing that people have done to touch the chains of the nightmare-level universe!


When Xu Ming heard the words "Nightmare Level" uttered from the mouth of the Sunken Banzun, he was also stunned for a while - he was already prepared to be the highest seven-star universe chain, but he still underestimated himself! His cosmic chain is actually a "nightmare level" higher than "Seven Stars"!

A "nightmare level" with no life!

What a **** surprise!

"I'm still in the Nirvana state..." Xu Ming could only smile bitterly.

He's just a baby! Is the will of the universe a little too cruel to him like this?


The universe is silent.

The rules of the universe are invisible.

The will of the universe will not care about the thoughts of any individual!

"Nightmare level? Surely death?" Xu Ming also learned some information about the Nightmare Level Cosmic Chain from the discussions of the surrounding powers.

"Is it certain to die?"

Xu Ming did not believe in this evil!

In the history of the universe, no one has ever been able to lift the nightmare-level universe chain; in this case, Xu Ming will be the "first"!

Thinking of this, Xu Ming took a resolute step and walked down the floating platform.

It's just... Xu Ming's resolute, in the eyes of other great masters, seems to be "seeing death as home"!

"Little brother Xu Ming!" A bull-horned deity persuaded kindly, "Leave the forest of stone statues, find a comfortable place, and enjoy the rest of your life! Nightmare-level cosmic chains... let alone you, even if it is the most beautiful place in cosmic history. Even the half-respected ninth-rank powerhouse of the enchanting evildoer can't be solved!"

"Nirvana realm, nightmare level? Alas... little brother Xu Ming, condolences!"

"Little brother Xu Ming, can you tell me, what exactly did you do? With your cultivation level, you were suppressed by a nightmare-level cosmic chain... It's unimaginable!"

The great powers in the Stone Statue can be said to be "the same people from the end of the world". If it were two great powers with similar conditions, they might even compare with each other; but in Xu Ming's situation, the great powers really only had pity left!

That's horrible!

Nirvana was suppressed by the nightmare-level cosmic chains!

It's so miserable!

There is no chance of resistance!

"Uh..." Xu Ming was a little speechless - isn't it just a nightmare-level cosmic chain? He didn't feel anything at all, why did these great powers come to mourn for him...

"Cough!" Xu Ming thought for a while and asked, "I heard that the cosmic chains below four stars can be lifted without entering the sinking abyss; then, where can I find a way to lift them?"

When the people heard Xu Ming's question, they immediately looked at Xu Ming with a look of more and more pity - are they unwilling to give up?

"The method of releasing the chains of the universe below four stars is of no use to you!" It's still the half-horned bull, "But... in the stone statue forest, or even in the sinking abyss, I'm afraid there is no way to find a useful method for you! You If you want to find something to do for your last life, it is not impossible to find out the ways to relieve it; but I advise you, don't hold any hope! Once you have hope, you will despair in the future!"

Don't hold out any hope?

Once there is hope, will there be despair in the future?

Xu Ming was speechless for a while, and said embarrassedly, "Please let me know!"

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