Break Into Another World

Chapter 1888: 3 secret techniques

The edge of sinking, the vastness.

Any open space has the vastness of all worlds; any pond is comparable to a territory in the endless chaos.

sinking sea.

It is one of the gathering places for those who are on the verge of sinking. Most of the suppressed people below four stars are looking for a way to break the chains of the universe in the Sinking Sea.

call out-

Xu Ming's figure quickly shuttled through the sinking sea.

"It is said... The Sea of ​​Sinking was created by the almighty who was in the Abyss of Sinking!" Xu Ming secretly said.

The almighty who sank into the abyss is definitely an unbelievably great existence! The fallen messengers are just his subordinates!

You must know that the strength of every fallen messenger has reached the peak of the supreme supreme! So... the master of the sinking abyss, what kind of strength should be?

"The fallen demon master, I heard that he has the qualifications to directly talk to the will of the universe..." When Xu Ming heard the news, he was also extremely shocked - the will of the universe, how aloof, ethereal and unimaginable! Like at the beginning, when Xu Ming was suppressed by the cosmic chains, he felt that the will of the universe was like stepping on an ant with his foot; it was even worse than stepping on an ant!

And the fallen demon master has the qualification to talk to the will of the universe?

Even if it's just a "dialogue", it's really scary!

"The Sinking Demon Lord has left three secret techniques in the Sunken Sea, which can release the chains of the universe!" Xu Ming secretly said, "These three secret techniques are: "Swallowing the Universe Nine Casting", "Passenger", "Destruction"... If you learn any secret skill, you can remove the one-star cosmic chain! The more profound the practice, the higher the cosmic chain that can be removed, and the higher the star..."

Although, in the Sunken Sea, the highest seems to be able to remove the four-star universe chain, but Xu Ming still intends to take a look. After all, knowing more about it is definitely a good thing and no harm.

"Break the Divine Pillar..."

Xu Ming is now going to the Divine Pillar of Destruction that records the secret technique "Destruction".


Xu Ming's figure swept across the world in an instant. After a while, they came to the vicinity of the Divine Destruction Pillar.

This is a giant pillar that penetrates the sky and the earth, extending from the bottom of the sunken sea to the surface of the sea. On the giant pillar, it was engraved with golden secret patterns, exuding the mighty atmosphere of the rules of the universe.

"This is the Divine Pillar of Destruction?"

Xu Ming put his palm on the pillar.

Immediately, the secret patterns on the Divine Destruction Pillar were mobilized one after another. A vast and dark aura instantly penetrated into Xu Ming's divine body.

"This is…?"

Xu Ming's eyes suddenly became round.

He saw that the invisible rules of the universe seemed to turn into visible chains at this moment, binding everything between heaven and earth. Any behavior that violates the rules will be suppressed by the cosmic chains.


A giant blade that cuts off time and space is condensed in this strange time and space dimension. Every inch of detail on the giant blade is constantly changing with the fluctuations of time and space.

"Destroy" the first floor!

Xu Ming stared at every detail and every change on the "Blade of Destruction", and his mind gradually sank into it.

"That's how it is..."

In front of Xu Ming, a blade of annihilation gradually condensed. However, the Blade of Destruction that Xu Ming condensed was much smaller and looked much more fragile!

"The first floor of 'Destruction', is this the way to get started?"

Xu Ming urged the "small" Blade of Destruction and slashed directly at him.

call out-

With a flash, the Blade of Destruction disappeared into Xu Ming's body, but it couldn't touch Xu Ming's divine body at all, as if it were in two completely different dimensions.

In an instant, the Blade of Destruction slashed at the cosmic chain on Xu Ming's body.


The Blade of Destruction dissipated directly.

However, the cosmic chains on Xu Ming's body did not move at all, not even a trace was left.

On the first floor, "Destruction" can only cut off the one-star cosmic chain; while the cosmic chain on Xu Ming's body is a nightmare! - It's strange to have a reaction when this knife is cut down!

"The first floor, practice!"

Immediately afterwards, the giant blade in the strange time and space underwent some changes, which was the derivation of the second layer of "Destruction".

"Well... this second floor is much more difficult than the first!"

If this idea of ​​Xu Ming were known to other great masters, he would probably vomit blood. You must know that no matter how many great masters practiced hard, they still could not get started with "Destruction"; and Xu Ming, instantly learned the first level not to talk about it. He also said lightly, "The second floor is much more difficult."

Just when Xu Ming practiced "Destruction"...

sinking sea.

There are dozens of semi-respected seventh-order and eighth-order powerhouses, surrounded by a half-respected third-order like the stars and the moon, and came towards the direction of the Divine Pillar of Destruction.

This half-respected third-order power, although the weakest, has a very high status. One and a half of the seventh-order and eighth-order great powers showed humility in front of him.

"Half of life and calamity, this time, you will definitely be able to cultivate to the third level of 'Breaking and Destruction', right? At that time, I hope you will take action and help cut off the cosmic chains on me!" A half-respected eighth-order powerhouse said humbly.

Life Tribulation Half Venerable, only a Half Venerable Third-Order, but his talent for cultivating the secret skill "Destruction" is extremely high. It is precisely because of this that many great powers have placed their hopes on him, hoping that he can take action and help cut off the cosmic chains on him.

"Breaking through the third floor of 'Destruction' is naturally no problem!" Shengjie Banzun said firmly, "I have already touched the threshold of the third floor of 'Destruction', but it's just a little bit short! This time, I will go to the Divine Pillar of Destruction and practice, and I will become the third level, no problem! It’s just…”

Having said that, the half-respect of life robbery paused deliberately, looked at the great powers around him and said indifferently: "Using 'break off' to cut off the chains of the universe, this is something that violates the rules of the universe's operation! It's okay to use it a few times. , If I use too much and anger the rules of the universe's operation, then I will be miserable! Maybe... I will be suppressed by the universe chain again!"

The implication of Life Tribulation Banzun is very clear - if you want me to take action, prepare enough price!

Of course, what Shengjie Banzun said is true! Cutting off the chains of the universe, doing too much, will indeed offend the rules of the universe and lead to disaster!

The great powers around are also very sensible, and they all said: "Don't worry, you will never let the half-dead robbers shoot in vain!"

"Yes, yes, yes! I will definitely come up with treasures that satisfy you!"

These semi-respected seventh- and eighth-order powerhouses are all ready to bleed. After all, being suppressed by the cosmic chain can almost be said to be fatal; if the cosmic chain cannot be lifted, what is the use of more treasures?

"Humph!" Sheng Jie Banzun hummed noncommittally.

Soon, the crowd reached the vicinity of the Divine Pillar of Destruction.

"Huh? Why is someone cultivating?" Sheng Jie Banzun's brows suddenly wrinkled.

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