Break Into Another World

Chapter 1889: So easy to practice?

Destruction of the Divine Pillar, at the same time, only one person can accept the inheritance of the secret skill "Destruction".

There are people who are cultivating now, that is to say, there is no way to accept the inheritance.

"Huh?" Sheng Jie Banzun frowned, "I don't know how long it will take?"

He didn't want to wait like this! What's more, the person in front of him who is accepting the inheritance of "Destruction" is obviously very low in cultivation.

"Who is this person?" Sheng Jie Banzun asked a little displeased.

"He's..." Some of the demigods still knew him, "He's... Xu Ming!"

"Xu Ming?" Banzun Shengjie obviously had never heard of the name, "A Nirvana Realm actually appears here? Was it suppressed by the cosmic chains?"

Immediately, a disdainful sneer appeared on the corner of Shengjie Banzun's mouth: "It's just a Nirvana realm, even if it is suppressed, it is at most a one-star cosmic chain, right? It's really pitiful, it's really whimsical, and I still want to comprehend the "Destruction". "To break the cosmic chain - hum! I'm in a good mood today, and he is lucky; you go and tell him to give up the Divine Pillar of Destruction, and I will help him break the cosmic chain on him!"

Sheng Jie Banzun said lightly, as if he could decide Xu Ming's fate with a single gesture.

In fact, if it's just an ordinary one-star chain, the life-calamity Banzun can really decide its fate with just a few gestures! only…

"Half-Prince of Life Tribulation." A thin half-Prince poked lightly and whispered, "I'm afraid you won't be able to break the cosmic chain on his body..."

"Can't you break it?" Sheng Jie Banzun laughed when he heard the words, "With my accomplishments in "Duanming", breaking the chains of the two-star universe is as easy as the palm of your hand; even if you are the three-star universe chains, I should be able to do it soon. I've broken it! He's a mere nirvana, and I can't break it? - Even if he does something that goes against the sky, he will be chained to the two-star universe, right?"

"No..." The thin half-respected said again.

However, before he could finish his words, he was interrupted by Life Tribulation Banzun: "Isn't it a two-star cosmic chain? Humph! Even if it is a three-star cosmic chain, I won't be able to break it?"

"Half of life and calamity." The thin half-respect finally couldn't help but said, "The cosmic chain on Xu Ming's body is...nightmare!"


Life Jie Banzun was stunned for a moment, and he couldn't even react in time. After a while, he froze and said, "Night... Nightmare level?"

Many of the surrounding half-zun great experts nodded in unison.

"Nirvana realm, nightmare level?" Banzun Shengjie didn't know what to say anymore.

There was no sound at this time.

Life Tribulation Banzun seems to have slapped himself - help Xu Ming break it? Break the nightmare-level cosmic chain?

Isn't that slapping yourself in the face?

"Humph!" For a long time, Half-Prince Shengjie hummed angrily, "Only the cultivation of Nirvana is still a nightmare-level cosmic chain, so what time is he wasting in the sinking sea? It's time to leave the stone statue forest and find a world. Just enjoy the rest of your life! - Drive him away, don't interfere with my practice of "Destruction"!"

Shengjie Banzun said very domineeringly.

Stone statue forest, no hands are allowed. In the sinking sea, of course, it is also forbidden to do anything.

But now, Banzun Shengjie only needs to disturb Xu Ming's cultivation, he doesn't need to do anything to Xu Ming at all, he just needs to make some waves around.

"I'm coming!" Immediately, the burly and burly Demon Banzun stepped forward first—this was a great opportunity to perform in front of Shengji Banzun. If he performed well, he might be able to easily release the cosmic chains on his body. .

"Humph! This Demon Demon is really fast!"

"That's right, let him take the lead!"


The other half-lords were a little depressed when they saw that they were preempted by the Kuimo half-honor.

"Haha..." Kui Mo Banzun laughed loudly, and the endless waves of the sinking sea were already rolled up in his hands, charging towards Xu Ming's direction.

This kind of attack strength is not enough to hurt Xu Ming, but it can interrupt Xu Ming's cultivation.

Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! …

The sea rushed in.

"Huh!?" Xu Ming, who was meditating with his eyes closed, suddenly opened his sharp eyes.

call out-

A blade of annihilation, subconsciously slammed towards the half-lord of the devil - the blade of annihilation is used to cut off the chains of the universe, it will not cause any damage to the divine body, and naturally it will not be used as a hands-on.

However, when the Blade of Destruction was only halfway through, Xu Ming suddenly reacted—this **** dared to interrupt my practice, and I even "send" him the Blade of Destruction? Doesn't this help him break the cosmic chains?

Suddenly, Xu Ming's mind moved, and the control of the Blade of Destruction changed slightly in a direction.


Naturally, Kui Mo Banzun didn't know what he had missed; he thought that the Blade of Destruction that Xu Ming threw out was just a form, but it actually had no effect.

"You're a dying person, don't occupy the Divine Pillar of Destruction! Get out of the way, and let the Half-Life Tribulation come to practice!"

The Kui Mo half-zun shouted.

"Huh?" Xu Ming's face suddenly sank - I'm cultivating well, but he ran over to chase me?

If it weren't for the fact that he couldn't do anything at home, Xu Ming would have to teach him how to be a man!

Kui Demon Half-Prince?

A half-rank seventh-order only!

Xu Ming still learned a lesson!

"Go away!" Xu Ming didn't say much, just spit out a word indifferently.

"You're bold..." Kui Mo Banzun was about to shout, but at this moment, an exclamation came from behind him.

"My cosmic chain... is broken! The Samsung cosmic chain on me is broken!"

The direction from which the exclamation came was exactly the direction that Xu Ming's Blade of Destruction flew towards after it changed direction.

"What!?" Kuimo Banzun subconsciously turned his head to look. I saw Ming Ning, who was also a seventh-order half-respect, dancing forehand at this time; there was no cosmic chain on his body!

"What's the situation!?" Kui Mo Banzun was a little confused.

This Ming Ning Banzun has a cosmic chain on his body, but he is a Samsung cosmic chain like him! In this way, it was destroyed by Xu Ming's incomparably random blade of destruction just now?

how can that be?

But the facts are in front of you, and you can't help but believe it!

Even Kuimo Banzun still regrets it in his heart - if he had known Xu Ming's Blade of Destruction, he would be able to break the chains of the Samsung universe; what's the matter, Kuimo Banzun would have to pounce on the Blade of Destruction like a dog. !

The one who was shocked and stunned was not the only half-lord Kuimo!

Dozens of half-respects in the audience, including the half-respected life robbery, were all stunned.

"The three-star universe chain is broken like this?" Banzun Shengjie looked at Xu Ming and Banzun Mingning, "The third layer of 'Breaking and Destruction' is so easy to practice?"

If the third level of "Destruction" is so easy to practice, then, wouldn't the endless years of cultivation practice on the dog?

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