Break Into Another World

Chapter 1895: free

"Half of life, you should have found a lot of great powers for me, right? I will go out first and find those great powers to cast the cosmic chains!"

Xu Ming thought about it and left Jiuzhu Mountain directly.

"As long as you devour thousands of one-star cosmic chains, you should be able to complete the 'first casting' and step into the 'second casting'!"

Xu Ming secretly said.

The first casting of "Swallowing the Universe Nine Cast" can only swallow one star of the universe chain. Only after practicing to the second casting can you swallow the two-star universe chain.

call out-

Soon, Xu Ming left Jiuzhu Mountain.

As soon as he came out, Xu Ming was stunned: "Is this Nima teasing me?"

Xu Ming saw that there were only hundreds of them who were sparsely found.

"How about tens of thousands? What about a large number? Why are there only three or two big cats and kittens?"

Moreover, one of the kittens and puppy was still arrogantly shouting: "I hope Xu Ming is as you said, he has the strength to break the chain of the four-star universe, otherwise... dare to waste my time, fool me here, I Make him look good!"

Hearing this, Xu Ming immediately laughed.

"Want me to look good!?"

Xu Ming's voice resounded throughout the world and space.

Sheng Jie Banzun heard the words, his face suddenly changed: "Senior Xu Ming!"

The clamoring Chihe Banzun also changed his face slightly and looked at Xu Ming.

Xu Ming sneered and said, "What if I can break the chain of the four-star universe? What if I can't break it?"

Chihe Banzun's expression changed a few times, but he still said: "If you really have the ability, then help me break the cosmic chains on my body; if you don't have the ability, don't play tricks here!"

Pretending to be a ghost?

Xu Ming sneered, and raised his hand, it was a blade of destruction; but the one that slashed was the half of life.


The Blade of Destruction swept past, and the four-star cosmic chain on the body of the life-calamity Banzun was immediately cut off.

Life Jie Banzun was stunned—he didn't expect that the four-star cosmos chain on his body would be broken so quickly. He also thought that Xu Ming would not help him break the chains of the universe because of his ineffectiveness!

Life Tribulation Banzun finally realized what it means to "happiness comes too suddenly"!

"Senior Xu Ming..." Sheng Jie Banzun was so grateful that he wanted to kneel.

Xu Ming waved his hand and interrupted him.

Then, Xu Ming looked at Chihe Banzun: "Look, I have the strength to break the chain of the four-star universe, so what? What does it have to do with you?"

Chihe Banzun really wants to die!

He searched hard in the forest of stone statues, just to break the cosmic chains on his body. But now, the opportunity was right in front of him, but he missed it perfectly. Seeing that Xu Ming broke the four-star universe chain in an understatement, it was obviously very easy to break.

"Senior Xu Ming! Senior Xu Ming!" Chihe Banzun continued, "I shouldn't question your strength, please help me break the cosmic chains on my body! I am willing to pay all my treasures as a price. !"

"Ha!" Xu Ming sneered, and didn't even look at Chihe Banzun at all - the mere wealth of Chihe Banzun was not qualified to be regarded by Xu Ming.

At this time, Banzun Shengjie stepped forward and said ashamedly, "Senior Xu Ming, I'm not good at handling things, I only gathered so much power!"

"It's really not strong!" Xu Ming said lightly, "But it doesn't matter, it's just a little troublesome for me..."

With that said, Xu Ming looked at all the Banzuns and said, "What are the chains of the one-star universe?"

Immediately, nearly a hundred demigods stood up, all of them were suppressed by the one-star universe chain, and they were the easiest to break!

Xu Ming continued: "It's not difficult to break the one-star cosmic chain, and many people in the Stone Statue Forest can do it; as long as they are willing to pay enough treasures, they can usually be broken smoothly. But... I can help you break the one-star for free. Cosmic Chains!"

Free break?

Immediately, nearly 100 great powers who were suppressed by the one-star cosmic chain all had their eyes lit up - it is not easy to save some treasures! If it could be broken for free, who wouldn't want to?

However, none of the demigods said a word; they knew that if they wanted to destroy it for free, there must be conditions!

Sure enough, Xu Ming then said: "As long as anyone can call thirty and a half venerables to come here, the star of the cosmic chain is not limited, then... I will help him break the one-star cosmic chain on his body for free! Of course, you also You can choose to pay for the treasure, and I will help you remove it!"

Calling thirty demigods to come here?

This is not very demanding!

Immediately, the powers of these one-star cosmic chains moved into action and sent messages to the half-zun they were familiar with.

Stone Forest.

Under a tall statue with a broken arm. Sunset afterglow.

A Banzun who was closing his eyes in meditation, suddenly opened his eyes: "Xianyu Banzun, what are you looking for?"

"Banzun Gulu, please come to Jiuzhu Mountain!" Xie Yu Banzun said anxiously at the other end of the communication.

"Did something happen?" The Lone Deer Banzun continued to ask.

"It's too late to explain, come quickly!" Xie Yu Banzun continued - he was afraid that Xu Ming would change his mind and would no longer help break the one-star universe chain for free; therefore, of course, it was necessary to exchange to thirty Banzuns as soon as possible.

And the Lone Deer Banzun is one of his best inexplicably! "Gulu Banzun saw that Xie Yu Banzun had not finished speaking, so he cut off the communication and couldn't help but cursed. However, he set off immediately and went to Jiuzhu Mountain.

Of course, there were only a few who readily agreed to come like Lone Deer Banzun; more, those who agreed were not readily enough.

"Go to Jiuzhu Mountain?"

In the depths of a certain valley, a Half-Prince just sneered after receiving the call. There was no refusal on his lips, but his figure remained motionless, and he did not intend to set off at all.

"If it's all right, I will definitely not let me go to Jiuzhu Mountain! Since there is something... hum! It's not my business about Xie Yu Banzun! It's none of my business! I'm too lazy to go!"

But at this moment, Luye Banzun received another message, still from Xie Yu Banzun; and the content of the communication made him even more angry.

In the communication, it said: "Come quickly! Come quickly! Come quickly! I saw that it seems that it is your Dao Companion, who is chatting with the other half-respects!"


After reading the communication, Luye Banzun was so angry that he burned his divine body and rushed towards Jiuzhu Mountain.

Near Jiuzhu Mountain.

"Hey!" Xie Yu Banzun smiled smugly, "With Lvye Banzun's personality that it doesn't matter to me, I won't necessarily come to help me with this. But now... I don't believe he won't come! "

As for Banzun Green Field, what would happen if he didn't see what Banzun Xieyu said? - Xie Yu Banzun is not worried at all, if it's a big deal, he will say that he is wrong!

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