Break Into Another World

Chapter 1896: eat everything

One by one, a half-respected great power, arrived at Jiuzhu Mountain one after another.

Not long after, the nearly 100 demigods who were suppressed by the one-star cosmos chain called for some friends. Xie Yu Banzun was the first to call out to thirty Banzuns, meeting Xu Ming's requirements.

"Xianyu Banzun, you said that you saw my Taoist Companion and others..." Luye Banzun was the last of the thirty and a half-zun to arrive; as soon as he arrived, he quickly asked.

"Wait a minute!" Banzun Xieyu said casually to Banzun Luye, and then hurriedly ran to Xu Ming, "Senior Xu Ming, I have already called thirty..."

"Needless to say! I will help you break the cosmic chains for free!" Xu Ming said lightly.

Break the cosmic chains?

And still "free"?

The hundreds of demigods who were already here were not surprised when they heard that - Xu Ming could easily break the four-star cosmic chain, not to mention the mere one-star cosmic chain?

But the demigods who came later were shocked - and such good things! ?

Suddenly, all eyes turned to Xu Ming, waiting for him to shoot.

"With Xu Ming's strength, breaking the one-star cosmic chain is as easy as the palm of your hand!"

"Yeah! But...why did Xu Ming summon so many half-zuns? What was his intention?"

"Could it be for treasures? But... the cosmic chains on Xu Ming's body are said to be nightmare-level, and they will surely die! Since they are already bound to die, what's the use of collecting treasures?"

"Look first!"

All the half-honored people watched, waiting for Xu Ming to use "Destruction".

However, at this time, Xu Ming did not use "Destruction"; his divine body changed even more, and it seemed to be filled with infinite suction.

"This is…"

Among the great powers, there is naturally no shortage of discerning ones; it is quickly recognized that this is... Tunyu Jiuzhu!

"Swallow Yu Jiuzhu! Xu Ming really practiced this secret skill in Jiuzhu Mountain!"

"Could it be... Xu Ming wants to cultivate this secret skill to the extreme in order to break the nightmare-level cosmic chain on his body?"

"Impossible! - In the history of the universe, it is not that no one who was suppressed by the nightmare-level universe chain has practiced 'Swallowing Nine Cast'; however, no one can successfully cultivate to the extreme!"

"Yeah! 'Tunyu Jiuzhu' is just a waste of time. Unexpectedly, Xu Ming chose this path!"


At this moment, Xu Ming urged "Swallowing Yu Jiuzhu"; the powerful attraction directly acts on the cosmic chains on Xie Yu Banzun's body.


In an instant, this cosmic chain was directly swallowed by Xu Ming's heart world!

been eaten!

"Uh..." Many half-respected great experts were stunned - Xu Ming really eats everything! Even the cosmic chains are eaten!

Xie Yu Banzun is also confused. He also didn't expect that the cosmic chains that had plagued him for a long time would disappear in this way - being eaten up...

But Xu Ming didn't care about the shock of the other great powers.

After he devoured the one-star cosmic chain, he hurriedly started casting; all the power of rules contained in this one-star cosmic chain was cast into the foundation of his inner world.

"One-star cosmic chains are really difficult to 'digest'!" Xu Ming secretly said, "However... the power of rules contained in it is also much purer and vaster! Compared to directly swallowing the power of rules, the efficiency is not known how much higher. !"

After Xu Ming digested the first cosmic chain, there was another half-honored person and thirty half-honored ones were called. Without saying a word, Xu Ming directly used "Swallow Yu Jiuzhu" to help him break the cosmic chain on his body.

One by one, the cosmic chains on his body were broken by Xu Ming one after another.

In a short time, more than half of the nearly 100 demigods had already been shattered by Xu Ming's one-star cosmic chain.

"Xu Ming devoured the chains of the universe so recklessly, is he not afraid of causing dissatisfaction with the rules of the universe?"

"What about dissatisfaction? - The only way to suppress the rules of the universe is to use the universe chain! And Xu Ming is already the strongest nightmare-level universe chain, so he is still afraid of the universe operation rules?"

Yes! Xu Ming is not afraid of the rules of the universe!

On the contrary, the rules of the universe should be afraid of Xu Ming!

"I understand! Xu Ming wants to rely on swallowing the cosmic chains to practice 'Swallowing the Universe and Nine Casts'! He must have wanted to devour the one-star cosmic chains first to complete the practice of 'First Casting' and step into the first stage. Second cast; then, go to devour the two-star universe chain!"

"It's crazy! However, if Xu Ming does this, he can really quickly practice 'Swallowing the Universe and Nine Casts'!"

In a short time, the original nearly 100 one-star cosmic chains were all broken by Xu Ming. At this time, near Jiuzhu Mountain, the number of great powers has exceeded ten thousand!

There are more than 3,000 of these more than 10,000 powerful people, who are called by the nearly 100 one-star cosmic chains; more are spread by word of mouth and attracted by their fame! After all, who wouldn't want to seize the opportunity to break the cosmic chains on his body?

Xu Ming nodded with satisfaction: "That's right! As I expected, it's not difficult to attract powerful people to come!"

There is strength, it is so capricious!

Moreover, Xu Ming is sure that as time goes by, more and more great powers will be gathered! At that time, Xu Ming does not need to worry about not having the cosmic chain to eat, as long as he is worried that it will be too late to eat!

After all... Xu Ming can only eat one-star cosmic chains, and he can only eat one at a time, otherwise he will suffer from "indigestion".

"Tunyu Jiuzhu is difficult to cultivate? Hmph! When I eat all the cosmic chains in the entire stone statue forest, I won't believe that cultivation is not good!" Xu Ming thought to himself.

Xu Ming still didn't know that his reputation had begun to spread quietly throughout the forest of stone statues.

In the Stone Statue Forest, the great powers who got the news all rushed to Jiuzhu Mountain.

"Nightmare-level Cosmic Chains, and practiced 'Swallowing the Universe Nine Casts'? - Go, go! This Xu Ming, I am afraid that many, many Cosmic Chains will be broken! As long as we pay some price, it should not be difficult to break the Cosmic Chains on our body. !"

"That's right! Very few people would break the cosmic chain unscrupulously. After all, doing so would cause dissatisfaction with the rules of the universe's operation! But Xu Ming is a nightmare-level cosmic chain, so he has nothing to fear!"

"Let's go! It's too late, if Xu Ming doesn't want to break it, it will be depressing!"

"That's right! Go!"

Originally, some of the great powers in the Stone Statue Forest, although they had heard that Xu Ming was a nightmare-level cosmic chain, didn't pay much attention to it, they just felt a moment of silence for Xu Ming. But now, when they learned that Xu Ming had already practiced "Destruction" and "Swallowing the Heavens and Nine Casts", their attitude towards Xu Ming was completely different!

After all, "Breakout" and "Swallowing the Heavens and Nine Casts" are not easy to cultivate; otherwise, there would not be so many great powers in the stone statue forest still suppressed by the chains of the universe.

As for Xu Ming, he easily cultivated "Destruction" to the fourth level.

As for "Swallowing the Heavens and Nine Casts", just getting started, it is actually more difficult than reaching the fourth level of "Destruction"; and Xu Ming, who has also started, and I am afraid that he will soon reach the peak of "First Casting" .

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