Break Into Another World

Chapter 1897: devoured wildly

Stone Statue Forest North.

Breaking cliffs.

The cliffs of the cliff, higher than ten thousand worlds, are as smooth as a mirror.

The setting sun had fallen below the cliffs and was gradually engulfed by the endless horizon.

On the edge of the cliff, two figures, a man and a woman, were sitting snuggly.

The female nun put her head on the male nun's shoulder. The air is quiet and the atmosphere is peaceful.

But if you look closely, you can find that the female cultivator's body is a little stiff, and it seems to be freezing.

"The sunset in the Stone Statue Forest doesn't appear several times in an era!" The female cultivator's voice was a little weak, "Yan Heng, I can't stand it anymore! Even after watching this sunset, I may not be able to hold on to it!"

"No..." Yan Heng Banzun, the male cultivator, roared in a low voice, "No way! Beixia, we will definitely find a way to break the chains of the universe, definitely!"

Saying that, Yan Heng Banzun went directly to grab Beixia Banzun's hand.

With this grab, Banzun Yan Heng was stunned. He felt that Beixia Banzun's palm was cold and hard, like a stone.

Yan Heng Banzun took another look, and his face suddenly changed again. At this time, Beixia Banzun's palm was completely petrified. Moreover, the petrochemical is still spreading to the whole body along the arm.

"Petrochemical start?"

The petrification began, which meant that Beixia Banzun's life had reached its final moment. When Beixia Banzun's entire body becomes a stone statue, it is the end of his life.

"Yanheng, don't think about it, if there is a way to break the four-star universe chain, then we would have found it long ago!" Beixia Banzun has long been desperate, "Yanheng, I want you to promise me that after I die, You have to live the rest of your life well."

"Fool!" Yan Heng Banzun said emotionally, "If I don't have you, what's the point of living alone in the world? After you become a stone statue, I will give up my resistance to the cosmic chains and become a stone statue; That way, we can be together forever!"

On Beixia Banzun, the speed of petrification is very fast.

In a short time, she turned into a real stone statue, and she no longer had the slightest breath of life.

"It's over..." Yan Heng Banzun took a deep breath in pain. However, although it was painful, it was far from the level of life and death; obviously, what he said in Beixia Banzun's life was to coax Beixia Banzun.

"Sooner or later, I will also become a stone statue!" Looking at the endless forest of stone statues, Yan Heng Banzun felt despair. He came to the forest of stone statues to break the cosmic chains on his body; How many powerful people can break the chains of the universe as they wish?


Yan Heng Banzun received a message, and his face changed slightly: "Xu Ming? Nightmare-level cosmic chain? Have you practiced 'Swallow Yu Jiuzhu'?"

When these messages were linked together, Banzun Yan Heng immediately saw the hope that he would go to Jiuzhu Mountain and maybe be able to break the four-star universe chain on himself!


No matter whether this hope is true or not, Yan Heng Banzun is not willing to miss the opportunity!

Yan Heng's half-zun figure flashed, and he disappeared on the cliff of Tianduan in an instant.

As for the stone statue of Beixia Half-Zun, it is sitting alone on the edge of the cliff, no one cares about the promise of "always be together", and if it is lost, it will be lost!

Inside the Stone Statue Forest.

The power of the entire stone statue forest has flocked to Jiuzhu Mountain in the Sunken Sea.

"Huh? Hatoyama Banzun?"

"It's Fenglei Banzun! What a coincidence! Are you heading to Jiuzhu Mountain?"

"Hey, that's Yan Heng Banzun? Didn't you say that where there is Yan Heng Banzun, there is Beixia Banzun? Why is there only Yan Heng Banzun?"

Yan Heng Banzun didn't say a word, and directly accelerated towards Jiuzhu Mountain.

At this time, next to Jiuzhu Mountain, Xu Ming was already "full of customers". Hundreds of millions of powers gathered here, waiting for Xu Ming to "devour" their cosmic chains.

Xu Ming no longer needs to publicize, there will be a steady stream of half-respected powers coming.

Now, Xu Ming no longer helps people break the one-star cosmic chain for free, but "fees" to break it.

The speed of Xu Ming breaking the one-star cosmic chain is getting faster and faster!

Devour one-star cosmic chains, the next one, devour one-star cosmic chains, and then the next... Continue to devour and destroy!

As for "digestion".

Now, Xu Ming hardly needs to digest the one-star cosmic chain! Once swallowed into the heart world, it will be decomposed into the most pure energy in an instant.

"Tunyu Jiuzhu is the first casting, and finally the cultivation is perfect! Then, next, it is the second casting!"

However, Xu Ming did not rush to devour the two-star cosmic chain, but continued to devour the one-star cosmic chain.

And... no longer swallow one by one, but "group swallow"!

boom! !

Xu Ming swallowed a whale, and there were hundreds of one-star cosmic chains, which he swallowed into his heart world. And in the blink of an eye, it was all digested.

Another whale swallowed, and hundreds of thousands of one-star cosmic chains were swallowed...

Xu Ming's "Swallowing the Universe and Nine Castings" has become more and more profound, and it has become easier and easier to swallow the one-star cosmic chain! Even, at the back, Xu Ming can swallow tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands, of one-star cosmic chains with a single swallow. UU reading

With one bite, tens of thousands of half statues broke the suppression of the cosmic chains!

Such strength, how defiant! ?

boom! !

Every time Xu Ming devoured it, the time and space would tremble heavily, as if the will of the universe was roaring!

However, the roar doesn't use the cosmic will, and can only use the cosmic chain to deal with Xu Ming; but the cosmic chain on Xu Ming's body is already a nightmare, so the cosmic will has nothing to do with Xu Ming, and can only watch Xu Ming. Ming recklessly devoured the cosmic chains.

boom! boom! boom! …

Xu Ming continued to devour, and the will of the universe continued to roar.

Soon, the entire forest of stone statues could feel the wrath of the will of the universe; this also caused more great powers to rush to the vicinity of Jiuzhu Mountain to find out.

And the demigods who arrived at Jiuzhu Mountain were reluctant to leave! Everyone was waiting in line, waiting for Xu Ming to break the cosmic chains on them.

And in the process of this crazy devouring, Xu Ming's heart world is also growing. As for the strength, it is quietly soaring without the other half-honored being discovered!


"Yan Heng is half-respected!!"

An extremely crazy roar resounded around the entire Jiuzhu Mountain.

When Yan Heng Banzun in the crowd heard this voice, he couldn't help but startled slightly, and then his face was a little ugly: "It's him..."

"Yanheng Banzun!" The roar continued, "Where's Beixia Banzun? I entrusted Beixia to you, but now, why are you alone here; where is Beixia Banzun now?"

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