Break Into Another World

Chapter 1898: no why

"Where's Beixia Banzun? I entrusted Beixia to you, but now, why are you alone here; where is Beixia Banzun now?"

A roar of rage and grief.

The endless grief and anger even infected the time and space of the sinking sea. Every great man in the sea, even Xu Ming, can feel the deep grief and anger from the time and space.

"This is...?" Xu Ming glanced at the infinitely grief-stricken almighty with some surprise, wondering why the other party had such grief and anger.

Among the other great masters around Jiuzhu Mountain, many people recognized the identity of this sad and angry great master.

"It's him…"

"Linhe Half-Prince!"

"I heard... Linhe Banzun and Beixia Banzun have been childhood sweethearts since childhood; but later, Beixia Banzun married Yan Heng Banzun, and because they practiced evil together, they were unfortunately suppressed by the cosmos chain! In order to follow Beixia Banzun to the Stone Statue Forest, Banzun also deliberately let himself be suppressed by the cosmic chains..."

"Deliberately let yourself be suppressed by the cosmic chains? This Lin He Ban Zun is also a true love!"

Everyone was talking about it.

Linhe Banzun's roar resounded through the sinking sea: "When I entrusted Beixia to you, you said that I would live and die together! Now, Beixia has become a stone statue, and you are not by her side, Why are you here? What? You want to break the cosmic chains on your body?"

"I..." Yan Heng Banzun was speechless for a long time, and then he said guilty, "I... I carry the lives of me and Beixia on my shoulders, and I'm moving forward! Do you think it's easy for me? - This time , it's harder to live than to die!"

After some conversation between the two sides, Xu Ming almost understood what was going on. It should be that Yan Heng was greedy for life and feared death. He left the Taoist companion who had become a stone statue and wanted to break the cosmic chain on his body alone.

"Hahahaha..." Linhe Banzun's grief-stricken laughter shook the time and space, "Living is more difficult than death? Living is more difficult than death? Hahahaha...then go to die!"

boom! !

Linhe Banzun's divine body instantly burned, obviously wanting to do something.

But then, the burning divine body went out again.

Sinking into the sea, it is strictly forbidden to do anything. Even if Linhe Banzun makes a move, it is impossible to kill Yan Heng Banzun in a short time; at that time, he will be suppressed by the rules in the stone statue forest.

"Humph!" Lin Hehan snorted respectfully, and flung his sleeves away.

But at this moment, Xu Ming's voice transmission quietly sounded in Linhe Banzun's ear: "Don't worry! I will help anyone break the chains of the universe, and I won't help this Yanheng Banzun!"

When Linhe Banzun heard the words, his eyes suddenly lit up: "Thank you!"

His expression seemed to be more relieved, as if a knot in his heart had been untied. The back when he left is no longer so lonely.

Stone Statue Forest North.

Breaking cliffs.

The half-respected stone statue of Beixia sits alone on the edge of the cliff. In her expression, there was not much fear and fear of death, but a look of hope - when she was about to die, she naively thought that Yan Heng Banzun would really turn into a stone statue as she said, forever Be by his side.

call out-

A figure descended from the sky and landed next to the stone statue of Beixia Banzun.

It is Linhe Half-Prince.

Linhe Banzun took a few steps forward lightly, and slowly reached out to stroke Beixia Banzun's long hair. However, the Beixia Banzun, who has been turned into a stone statue, has also turned into stone.

Linhe Banzun didn't care about the cold and hard hand feeling at all, gentle as water, and cautious.

At the end, Lin He Banzun sighed heavily, and then leaned beside Beixia Banzun and sat down on the edge of the cliff. He didn't speak, just took out a jug of wine and drank it by himself.

He drank quietly like this, watching the slowly sinking blood-red sunset.

"You..." Suddenly, Banzun Linhe threw away the jug and looked at Banzun Beixia, as if mocking, "After so many journeys, in the end, I'm still by your side..."

At this moment, Linhe Banzun's divine body suddenly underwent a peculiar change - his divine body no longer resisted the suppression of the cosmic chains, and even actively attracted the cosmic chains to suppress every particle of him.

In an instant, the petrification speed of Linhe Banzun accelerated by hundreds of millions of times; the divine body was transforming into a stone statue at a speed visible to the naked eye.

His expression was neither sad nor happy, but there was a kind of satisfaction in it.

"Wait for this day, it's been a long time..." Linhe Banzun gradually turned to petrification, but his eyes always fell on Beixia Banzun's face.

sinking sea.

Near Jiuzhu Mountain.

Xu Ming frantically devoured billions of cosmic chains, constantly expanding his inner world.

"Tunyu Jiuzhu, I have practiced to the fourth casting!"

However, for the time being, Xu Ming can only cultivate to the "fourth casting" at the highest level. As for the exercises above the "Fifth Casting", it is not recorded in the sinking sea, I am afraid that you have to go to the sinking abyss.

"Although Tunyu Jiuzhu has reached the peak of his cultivation for the time being, the cosmic chains can still be swallowed up!" Xu Ming secretly said.

Devouring the chains of the universe can strengthen the "heart world"!

Xu Ming's current heart world has already exceeded the level of Nirvana, and even exceeded the level of domain master... Once the strength of Xu Ming really explodes, I am afraid that he will be able to step into the real supreme level!

"Keep eating!"

There are four-star cosmic chains all over the ground, Xu Ming certainly can't waste it!

Eat them all!

And the anger of the will of the universe has already boiled over!

However, Cosmic Will could only watch Xu Ming devour the Cosmic Chain, but there was nothing to do with him.

"Next!" Xu Ming said lightly.

Immediately, another almighty who was suppressed by the chains of the four-star universe stepped forward, it was Yan Heng Banzun.

"Senior Xu Ming!" Yan Heng gave the treasure respectfully and respectfully, "I also ask Senior Xu Ming to help me break the four-star cosmic chain on my body!"

"Oh?" Xu Ming glanced at Yanheng Banzun and said lightly, "I won't help you break the chains of the universe! - Next!"

"What!?" Yan Heng Banzun was stunned, "Why!?"

For every previous half-honor, Xu Ming helped them break the cosmic chains; but why did Xu Ming refuse directly when it was his turn?

"There is no reason." Xu Ming acted, why should he explain to him? - Xu Ming will help whoever he wants to eliminate it; if he doesn't want to eliminate it, what is there to explain?

"I...I..." Yan Heng Banzun originally came full of hope, but now, he was instantly beaten into despair. His eyes were full of anger and unwillingness, "Why can I help others to get rid of it, but I can't!?"

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