Break Into Another World

Chapter 1899: And this operation

The genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (apex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! Why can you help others to break it, but Yanheng Banzun can't?

In this regard, Xu Ming just sneered disdainfully, but did not give an explanation at all.

Why? Xu Ming despised this kind of person who betrayed the Taoist companion! How could it possibly help him break the cosmic chain?

"Next!" Xu Ming shouted directly, not giving Yan Heng Banzun another look at all.

"I..." Yan Heng Banzun said anxiously, "I am willing to give all my treasures!"

"Treasure?" Xu Ming suddenly laughed, "Do you think I would like something like yours?"

Here, the cosmic chains that Xu Ming broke were billions! All the treasures of Yan Heng Banzun are as inconspicuous as a drop of water in the ocean! Don't say that Xu Ming can't look down on him at all. Even if he looks good, it's impossible to help Yanheng Banzun break the chains of the universe.


With a laugh, Xu Ming devoured the next half of the cosmic chains. Yan Heng Banzun watched from the side, gnashing his teeth angrily, the hope of breaking the chains of the universe and regaining his freedom was in front of him, but he was out of reach.

"Senior Xu Ming!" Yan Heng Banzun gritted his teeth and asked, "How can you help me break the cosmic chain?"

"Ha!" Xu Ming laughed, "Is my attitude not obvious enough? No matter what, I will not help you break the chains of the universe!"


There was a burst of laughter all around. It is both a mockery of Yan Heng Banzun and a flattery to Xu Ming.

Yan Heng Banzun could only walk aside with an ugly expression amid the jeers.

"Damn! Damn! Damn!" Yan Heng Banzun's heart was full of anger and fear.

The four-star cosmic chain is not so easy to break! In the Stone Statue Forest, except for Xu Ming, Banzun Yan Heng couldn't find a way to break the chain of the four-star universe.

Therefore, for Yan Heng Banzun, the only hope for breaking the cosmic chains on his body may be to enter the abyss of sinking. However, with his strength, if he dared to enter the abyss of sinking, it would be no different from courting death!

And... the time left for Yan Heng Banzun is running out!

It can be said that as long as Xu Ming doesn't help him get rid of it, then it is almost a sure thing that Yan Heng's half-respect is turned into a stone statue!

"Why!? Why!?" Yan Heng Banzun growled. He couldn't figure it out, he didn't offend Xu Ming at all, why was he targeted?

"You want me to die!?" Yan Heng Banzun's eyes were full of grimness, "This Xu Ming, although his talent is against the sky, is in the final analysis only Nirvana! Even in Nirvana, he dares to target me? I die?"

Anger arises from the heart, and evil grows toward courage!

Yan Heng Banzun's eyes gradually became more stern: "You want me to die? Then don't blame me for being rude!"

In the stone statue forest, it is forbidden to do anything.

But... it's not that you can't do it! But if you do it, there will be a price!

Yan Heng Banzun is almost dead anyway, so what is the cost! ?

"Want me to die? Then I'll let you die first!!" Yan Heng Banzun had the killing intent in his heart. In his opinion, killing Xu Ming's Nirvana in seconds was a breeze! Before the punishment came, he had already killed Xu Ming!

Afterwards, Yan Heng Banzun looked at the demigods who were waiting to break the cosmic chains, and snorted coldly in his heart: "When Xu Ming is dead, I will see who will help you break the cosmos chains, and I will see who else dares to laugh at me. Do you want to watch me die? Hahahaha... Then we'll all die together!"

In an instant, Yan Heng Banzun had already decided to kill Xu Ming! Drag everyone to death!


Suddenly, Yan Heng Banzun's eyes turned cold, his divine body was burning frantically, and he rushed directly to Xu Ming. He was not very far from Xu Ming. In addition, it was a sudden outbreak, and other great powers had no time to respond!

"Huh? Yan Heng Banzun? What are you going to do!?"

"He's trying to... kill Xu Ming?"

Kill Xu Ming! ?

Those powers who have broken the cosmic chains do not feel very much; but these powers who have not broken the cosmic chains suddenly turned pale. If Xu Ming is dead, who will help them break the cosmic chains?


"Yanheng! Stop me!"

All the great powers rushed towards Yan Heng Banzun anxiously! Obviously, no one thinks that Xu Ming's cultivation can stop Yan Heng's half-knife.

"It's over!"

"It's too late to save!"

"Yan Heng Banzun's move was too sudden..."

"Yanheng Banzun's strength has already stepped into the supreme level! Even if he didn't make a sudden move, he wanted to kill Xu Ming, I'm afraid it would be difficult for us to protect it; what's more, he made a sudden move now, obviously to kill Xu Ming... "

"Damn it... Xu Ming is dead, what should we do?"

One and a half esteemed all panicked.

But it's no use panicking! They couldn't even help.

boom! !

Yan Heng Banzun's attack, with the power of slaughtering everything, instantly arrived in front of Xu Ming.

All the half-honored people were in despair. They saw Xu Ming didn't even move in the face of this knife. It seemed that he was already frightened.

"Scared stupid?"

"Looks like it's really over!"

"Yeah! I originally hoped that if Xu Ming could survive the first blow, then we would be able to save him; I didn't expect that Xu Ming was so scared..."

"Damn it! Why is Xu Ming's strength so weak!?"


Naturally, Xu Ming didn't know what everyone thought of him at this moment.

Xu Ming's eyes just glanced at Yan Heng Banzun indifferently, very calm.

"Dare to attack me?" Xu Ming sneered disdainfully.

If Yan Heng Banzun's sneak attack before he practiced "Swallowing Yu Jiuzhu", it would indeed cause him some trouble; of course, it was only "some trouble".

And now, Xu Ming has practiced "Swallowing the Universe and Nine Castings", and has swallowed hundreds of millions of cosmic chains; his heart world has already skyrocketed to an unbelievable power! The strength is soaring!

Although Yan Heng Banzun's strength level has reached the supreme level, but in Xu Ming's view, his attack has a feeling of powerlessness.


Very weak!

It felt as if...with just one finger, I could deflect Yanheng Banzun's attack.

Thinking of this, Xu Ming couldn't help but stretched out **** and pinched the blade of Yan Heng Banzun directly.

Xu Ming's actions made all the great powers dumbfounded! In a mere nirvana realm, facing the attack of the supreme level, it’s fine if you don’t run, but you still take the initiative to stretch out **** to pick it up?

What is this operation?

And this operation?

But then, a scene that shocked everyone even more, saw Xu Ming pinching lightly with two fingers, and actually pinching Yan Heng Banzun's knife in his hand. The endless tyrannical power contained in this knife also came to an abrupt end.

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