Break Into Another World

Chapter 1920: absolute strength

"Banzun Yanfeng, where is the cosmic chain on your body?"

Pingcao Banzun watched in disbelief.

Aren't the powerhouses who entered the abyss battlefield just to break the cosmic chains on their bodies? After an abyss battle, there is no one in a hundred who can break the cosmic chain; and now, before the abyss war has really started, Yanfeng Banzun has already broken the cosmic chain, which makes Pingcao Banzun not. Shock?

"There is a chance!" Yanfeng Banzun laughed.

Pingcao Banzun's eyes lit up, and he kept asking, "What is the chance? Do I have any hope of getting this chance?"

"Hope...of course there is!" Yanfeng Banzun said with a meaningful smile, "If it were someone else, I would never share this opportunity; but since it's Pingcao Banzun, you want to know, it's not a bad idea. …”

Pingcao Banzun immediately understood the meaning of Yanfeng Banzun's words, smiled charmingly, and said: "Then let's go to a place where no one is there to talk?"

Yan Feng Banzun smiled lewdly: "It's so good!"

After half a month.

Pingcao Banzun traveled alone in the abyss battlefield.

"Humph! I was actually toyed by Yanfeng Banzun for half a month..." Pingcao Banzun snorted coldly.

In the abyss of sinking, the suitors of Pingcao Banzun are numerous. Among them, the conditions are better than those of Yanfeng Banzun, and naturally there are many people; to be honest, if it is placed at other times, Pingcao Banzun will not be able to take a fancy to Yanfeng Banzun, and it is even less likely to let himself be Yanfeng Banzun. play.

Only this time, Banzun Yanfeng holds the opportunity to break the chains of the universe, and Banzun Pingcao willingly bows his head.

Get what you need!

Soon, Pingcao Banzun followed the directions and came to the Valley of Gods and Demons.

"It's here!"

Pingcao Banzun looked at the inscription in the Valley of Gods and Demons, and couldn't help feeling a little excited.

"As long as you enter the Valley of the Gods and Demons and offer your treasures, the cosmic chains will be broken!"

As long as the cosmic chains can be broken, what are treasures?

"Humph! When I break the cosmic chain, I will sell the news here at a high price..." Pingcao Banzun looked forward, "At that time, I will be able to take a large amount of treasure and leave the sinking abyss!" lock april

With anticipation, Pingcao Banzun directly entered the Valley of Gods and Demons.

But... After taking a few steps, Pingcao Banzun felt that something was wrong.

"Huh?" Pingcao Banzun frowned slightly, "This Valley of Gods and Demons seems... very lively..."

After she entered the Valley of Gods and Demons, although she had not seen or heard the voices of other powerhouses, she felt a kind of "popularity" in the space. This kind of popularity means that there should be many people in this space and time.

"Strange!" Pingcao Banzun became more and more puzzled. "According to Yanfeng Banzun, this Valley of Gods and Demons is very deserted and empty! Why is there such a lively feeling?"

When Pingcao Banzun was wondering, suddenly, she was stunned.

Through the fog of Shenmo Valley, Pingcao Banzun saw that in front of her, there were many great powers gathered. The figures are hidden in the mist, and there are probably as many as tens of thousands!

"This is...!?" Pingcao Banzun was stunned on the spot - doesn't it mean that no one knows the Valley of Gods and Demons? No one knows this?

Immediately, Pingcao Banzun felt like he was being "deceived", and it took half a month to be deceived...

"I...I..." Pingcao Banzun was full of anger and had nowhere to vent.

In fact, Pingcao Banzun really misunderstood Yanfeng Banzun!

Yanfeng Banzun was the first to come to the Valley of Gods and Demons. At that time, no other almighty really knew the magic of the Valley of Gods and Demons. It's just that now, half a month has passed, and other great powers have come to the Valley of Gods and Demons, and then passed ten, ten, one hundred, one hundred thousand... there is the "spectacular scene" that Pingcao Banzun is seeing now!

At this time, many great experts turned their attention to Pingcao Banzun, but no one paid attention to her. After all, "breaking the chains of the universe" is much more important than "following the Pine Grass Banzun"!

"Let's stand in line at the back!" You Dani said directly.

"I..." Pingcao Banzun could only honestly stand in line at the end of the line. She suppressed the rushing anger in her heart and observed the situation here.

"Next!" An indifferent voice came from the core area of ​​the Valley of Gods and Demons, "Are the rules clear? If you are clear, just offer the treasures directly; as long as the treasures satisfy me, I will help you destroy the universe. chain!"

Xu Ming never said how many treasures he wanted; in this way, most people would offer more than 95% of the treasures. After all... Treasures are only things outside the body, and they are not worth worrying about! But if you donate less, you will lose the only chance to break the chains of the universe! Princess Cold's Revenge Bracelet

Few of the great powers in the abyss battlefield will live with their lives for the sake of treasures.

"Yes yes yes!" The Almighty who was lined up for his turn quickly presented the prepared treasures; even the close-fitting battle armor took off and presented Then, the cosmic chains on his body , is also quickly destroyed.

"It's true!" Pingcao Banzun saw with his own eyes that other people's cosmic chains were broken, and finally he was completely relieved.

At this time, her anger also eased a little - as long as she can break the cosmic chain, as for being deceived by the artillery... deceived, what else can I do?

After observing for a while, Pingcao Banzun found that the mysterious existence at the core of Shenmo Valley seemed to only break the "four-star cosmic chain".

"Fortunately, I am a four-star cosmic chain!" Pingcao Banzun didn't think much, she only expected that the cosmic chain on her body could be broken smoothly.


In the Valley of Gods and Demons, there are also ambitious and powerful people!

"What kind of existence is hidden in the core area of ​​the Valley of Gods and Demons?" Some ambitious powers speculated, "He only breaks the four-star cosmic chains, but does not break the five-star or higher cosmic chains, it can be seen that The strength should be limited! If you can kill him, reveal his true face of Mount Lu, and capture him, wouldn't it be equivalent to sitting on a cash cow?"

Some great experts even secretly planned to enter the core area of ​​the Valley of Gods and Demons.

Of course, those who dare to participate in such a plan are all powerful beings! Weak and weak, don't dare to think about such a thing at all.

Xu Ming still didn't know anything about the ambitions of some mighty wolves.

Of course, even if Xu Ming knew, he wouldn't care! - Do you really think that Brother Ming's "thirteenth-order" combat power is fake? Do you really think that Brother Ming's "infinite clone" is fake?

Not to mention that there are only tens of thousands of great powers, even if all the great powers in the entire abyss battlefield join forces to deal with Xu Ming, Brother Ming will not take it seriously!

There is a kind of strength called "absolute strength"!

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