Break Into Another World

Chapter 1921: Where can it be stronger?

There is a kind of strength called "absolute strength"!

In the abyss battlefield, Xu Ming has absolute strength! What's even more terrifying is... His strength is still soaring!

Having swallowed tens of thousands of four-star cosmic chains, Xu Ming has cultivated the "Tenyu Nine Casting" to the "Fifth Casting", and the world of his heart has skyrocketed! Under the hanging, Xu Ming's strength has already reached the terrifying "fourteenth order"!

Fourteenth-order combat power, even at the upper and supreme level, is not a weak existence! Moreover, Xu Ming's strength has improved, and he has no intention of stopping!

In the Valley of Gods and Demons, more and more powerful people gather.

Before you know it, there are millions of people.

Even Yanfeng Banzun's enemy "Bone Bone Banzun" came to hear the wind.

"It seems that Yanfeng Banzun is the cosmic chain that was broken here!" Bai Gu Banzun secretly said in his heart, "Humph! You are still in front of me! No, I am here too, and I can break the cosmic chain immediately! "

"Huh?" Suddenly, the Bone Banzun looked at the edge of the core area of ​​the Gods and Demons Valley, "Oh? Pingcao Banzun?"

In the eyes of the White Bone Banzun, there was a flash of fiery heat.

Why didn't he want to pursue Pingcao Banzun? It's just that he and Yanfeng Banzun are actually only half a pound, so Pingcao Banzun also loves and ignores him.

However, Baigu Banzun is not as lucky as Yanfeng Banzun, so he can't "deceive" like Yanfeng Banzun.

"Offer your treasure!" Xu Ming's voice came from the core of the Valley of Gods and Demons.

"Senior!" Pingcao Banzun said in a row, with a charming and tempting expression, "Can you let me in? My baby will definitely satisfy the senior!"

As soon as Pingcao Banzun said these words, there were many powerful people in the audience, and they all scolded her for being shameless in their hearts! —Pingcao Banzun is clear, I want to use her body as a treasure!

There were other female cultivators present, and their beauty and temperament were not inferior to those of Pingcao Banzun; when they saw Pingcao Banzun's approach, they suddenly had some thoughts in their hearts.

Although, for the great powers in the abyss battlefield, treasures are only external things; no matter how many treasures there are, it is not important to break the chains of the universe. But if... it can both keep the treasure and break the chains of the universe, then of course it would be better!

Many young cultivators watched with anticipation, what would happen to the Pingcao Banzun.

Seeing that Pingcao Banzun didn't answer, she became more courageous and walked towards the core area.

However, just as she took a step forward, an indifferent voice came out: "One step over the golden line, die!"

Pingcao Banzun suddenly turned pale.

Immediately afterwards, Xu Ming said indifferently: "In addition... I am not satisfied with the treasure you gave, so you don't have to ask me to break the chains of the universe!"

"I..." Pingcao Banzunlian explained, "I haven't offered my treasure yet!"

"I don't have time to waste with you!" Xu Ming said indifferently.


Xu Ming's time will not be wasted with them!

No matter who it is, Xu Ming will only give him one chance to "present a treasure". If Xu Ming is satisfied with the treasure offering this time, then he will break his cosmic chains; if he is not satisfied, then sorry, there is no chance for a second treasure offering! Moreover, the treasures that have already been in Xu Ming's hands will not be returned.

Pingcao Banzun lingered for a long time, but did not come up with a substantial treasure, Xu Ming naturally would not continue to waste time with her.

"Next!" Xu Ming said indifferently.

Pingcao Banzun walked to the side in despair.

She regrets it!

"You shouldn't be greedy!"

Originally, Pingcao Banzun could break the cosmic chain on her body by offering the treasure honestly; but she wanted to use her body instead of the treasure for a small price, and she lost the opportunity to break the cosmic chain.

Thinking back to being played by Yanfeng Banzun for half a month before, Pingcao Banzun almost wanted to cry without tears...

"It's over!"

If she didn't know the existence of the Valley of Gods and Demons, Pingcao Banzun would honestly go to fight against the powerhouses in the abnormal quadrant and accumulate battle achievements; but now, she has no fighting spirit!

With her strength, she has lost her fighting spirit, so what can she use to fight against the powerhouses in the abnormal quadrant?

at this time…

"Pingcao Banzun!" A majestic voice sounded directly in Pingcao Banzun's mind.

"Huh?" Pingcao Banzun couldn't help but stunned.

"I'm really like a demigod!" the voice continued.

It's like a demigod! ?

Hearing this name, Pingcao Banzun couldn't help being startled.

Who is Zhenru Banzun? —That is the enchanting genius suppressed by the chains of the Seven Star Universe! The strength of Zhenru Banzun has also reached the "tenth order", which is the existence in the forefront of the entire sinking abyss!

In normal times, with the identity of Pingcao Banzun, he is not qualified to talk to Zhenru Banzun at all.

"Meet Zhenru Banzun!" Pingcao Banzun continued, but there was some doubt in her heart - she couldn't imagine that she had anything worthy of Zhenru Banzun to find her! As a female cultivator of her level, if she wants to, she only needs to show a little bit of intention, and some people line up to ask for "prosperity".

"Pingcao Banzun!" Zhenru Banzun said again, "Are you unwilling to be unable to break the cosmic chains on your body?"

Are you unhappy?

Needless to say?

"Hey..." Pingcao Banzun sighed weakly, "What's the use of being unwilling?"

"Haha!" Zhenru Banzun laughed, "You don't have to think about the Valley of Gods and Demons, it's too terrifying!"

"Oh?" Pingcao Banzun was startled, and seemed to have guessed what Zhenru Banzun was going to do.

"I have been observing here for a long time, and found that the owner of the Valley of Gods and Demons is not so strong except to break the chains of the universe!" Zhenru Banzun said with a smile, "After all... He has only broken the four-star cosmic chain, and has never broken a five-star cosmic chain! If I expected it right, he should not be strong enough, so he cannot break the five-star cosmic chain!"

Zhenru Banzun continued to scornfully said: "Even if the five-star universe chain can't be broken, no matter how strong his strength is, where can he get stronger!?"

"Can Jiaolongtan be strong!?"

"Can it be as strong as the Arctic Ice River!?"

"Can there be a Heavenly Demon Realm strong!?"

Zhenru Banzun named three places in a Jiaolongtan, Beibinghe, and Tiantian Demon Territory, which are the three dangerous places that have been proven in the abyss battlefield. Like the Jiaolong in the Jiaolongtan, it has the combat power of "thirteenth order"!

And Zhenru Banzun has joined forces with many other great powers to conquer these three dangerous places together! Now, Zhenru Banzun took out these three places, obviously wanting to express - even I have conquered those three dangerous places, what is the mere Valley of Gods and Demons?

"The owner of the Valley of Gods and Demons refuses to help you break the chains of the universe, then... let's conquer it directly and see if he is willing to help break it!" Zhenru Banzun said proudly, "And... to attack the Valley of Gods and Demons, it should be able to There are many honors!"

It's like a half-respect, just for Zhan Xun!

It's just that he didn't know that the Valley of Gods and Demons had already been attacked once, and Xu Ming had already emptied the battle honors in the Valley of Gods and Demons!

Attacking the Valley of Gods and Demons is actually attacking Xu Ming, so how can there be any merits!

However, Pingcao Banzun was a little moved: "Then what should I do!?"

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