Break Into Another World

Chapter 1926: still too naive

While Xu Ming is disdainful...

The powerhouses in the eighth quadrant and other seven quadrants are planning how to deal with Xu Ming.

"It is said that this Xu Ming has the combat power of the 'thirteenth order'! It seems that it is indeed very likely to be a nightmare-level cosmic chain! "

Regarding the news that "Xu Ming is a nightmare-level cosmic chain", the powerhouses of the Seven Elephants actually have some doubts. After all, so far, there are only rumors but no conclusive evidence for this news.

However, the powerhouses of the Seven Great Limits are not stupid and will also analyze the reliability of this news.

Generally speaking, the higher the star of the cosmic chain, the stronger the talent, and the more terrifying the strength is usually. From this point of view, "Xu Ming is a nightmare-level cosmic chain" is very likely!

However, it is only very likely and cannot be 100% certain!

"You don't need to be 100% sure! So far, Xu Ming is the only one suspected of being a nightmare-level cosmic chain! If that's the case, kill him first!"

"It's not easy to kill a thirteenth-order powerhouse... We have to plan carefully!"

The powerhouses of the Seven Elephants are discussing tactics! After all, killing a "thirteenth-order" powerhouse is a very large-scale battle!

However, at the end of the discussion, the powerhouses of the Seven Elephants discovered a problem - where is Xu Ming? !

It seems... in the entire abyss battlefield, no one knows where Xu Ming is! Since Xu Ming entered the abyss battlefield, he disappeared directly...

They don't even know where they are, and they still besiege them...

Kill your ass!

Xu Ming had no idea of ​​the actions against him in the abyss battlefield. Of course, even if he knew, Xu Ming wouldn't take it to heart—what was there to care about! In front of Brother Ming's "absolute strength", all the plans and tricks are not worth mentioning!

Xu Ming can break it with a wave of his hand!

Xu Ming now only cares about the cultivation process of "Swallowing Yu Jiuzhu".

"The Seven-Star Cosmos Chain, I'm about to devour it to the point of saturation..." Xu Ming secretly said, "My strength is already close to the peak of the 'Seventeenth Rank'!"

Seventeenth-order peak...

If the combat power of this level appears in the "true universe", it is normal; but... it shouldn't appear in the virtual universe!

And now it appears!

However, Xu Ming did not dare to have the slightest arrogance!

The seventeenth-order peak is indeed very strong, and it can be called invincible! However, when Xu Ming was nearby, he could find a being stronger than himself—the Demon Lord of Sinking!

The fallen devil is the builder of the stone statue forest, the sinking abyss, and the abyss battlefield; his strength may have already reached an unimaginable level! -Although Xu Ming is strong, he can still be measured by "17th rank"; but the power of the fallen demon master can no longer be measured by "several ranks"!

Thirty times?

Forty grades?

Fifty steps?

I am afraid that it is impossible to measure the strength of the fallen devil!

Even Xu Ming suspects—not only the stone statue forest and the sinking abyss in the second quadrant, maybe, the stone statue forest and sinking abyss in the other eight quadrants are also built by the fallen demon master!

Compared with the fallen demon master, even Xu Ming seems insignificant!

To be honest, the Fallen Demon Lord is the last person who should not appear in the virtual universe!

"When the seven-star universe chain is swallowed to saturation, I will leave the Valley of Gods and Demons!"

Xu Ming is in the Valley of Gods and Demons, just to practice "Tunyu Nine Casting" and improve his strength; if "Tunyu Nine Casting" cannot be improved, Xu Ming staying in the Valley of Gods and Demons has no meaning - although, breaking the cosmic chain, You can earn a lot of treasures; but, why does Xu Ming want so many treasures?

At level 22, Xu Ming had already reached the "unused" number!

In the Valley of Gods and Demons, Xu Ming harvested countless treasures, making Xu Ming's level 22 hanging points even more exhausted!

There is no end to it, so what is the attraction of ordinary treasures to Xu Ming? Unless... it is a treasure that can be exchanged for level 23 hanging points, then Xu Ming can be interested.

What Xu Ming didn't know was...

At this time, the powerhouses still in the Valley of Gods and Demons were whispering anxiously. Among them, the vast majority are the powerhouses of the four-star, five-star, and six-star universe chains.

"This master of the Gods and Demons Valley is really strange!"

"Yeah! He first broke a lot of four-star cosmic chains, then five-star, six-star, and now seven-star cosmic chains... Since he can break the seven-star cosmic chains, why not directly break the seven-star cosmic chains? He What is it for!?"

The powerhouses in the Valley of Gods and Demons would never have imagined that, that's because... the owner of the Valley of Gods and Demons could only break the chains of the four-star universe at the beginning; as his strength soared, he could destroy the universes of five-star, six-star, and seven-star universes. chain.

It's just that the speed of this kind of strength soaring is too exaggerated, so exaggerated that no one dares to imagine it, and no one will believe it even if it is said!

At this time, a strong man said what he was most worried about, and it was also what all the other strong men were most worried about: "After the master of the Gods and Demons Valley has broken the seven-star universe chain, he will turn around and break the four-star universe. , five-star, six-star cosmic chains?"

If the cosmic chains of four stars, five stars, and six stars will continue to be broken, then everyone will be happy. But if it doesn't continue, then... the powerhouses in the Valley of Gods and Demons who haven't broken the cosmic chains on their bodies, aren't they despairing?

See the hope of breaking the chains of the universe, and then despair!

Soon, countless powerhouses in the Valley of Gods and Demons quietly united together.

"When the master of the Valley of Gods and Demons has broken the seven-star cosmic chain, it will be the best if he can continue to break the cosmic chain; if not... we will directly enter the core area!"

"Yes! Kill it!"

"We are willing to give treasures, just to break the chains of the universe!"

Every strong person is just "survival"!

It's just... They survive, what's the matter with Xu Ming?

Xu Ming himself is very busy, but he has no time to sympathize with others!


Xu Ming devoured the seven-star cosmic chains to the point of saturation—devouring these ordinary seven-star cosmic chains was no longer able to improve Xu Ming's "Swallowing the Universe Nine Cast".

"It's time to go!" Without any hesitation, Xu Ming left the Valley of Gods and Demons quietly with a "coordinate transfer".

The powerhouses in the Valley of Gods and Demons had no idea that Xu Ming had left.

The powerhouses waited for a long and found that there was no longer any sound coming from the core area, and only then did they realize that something was wrong!

"Could it be... the chance of the master of the Gods and Demons Valley has ended here?" Many strong men thought, "No! It can't end here! - The chance does not come by 'waiting', but by 'grabbing' 'Come on!"

Immediately, the strong men who had been united for a long time rushed to the golden line one after another, and then rushed into the core area in unison—they wanted to join forces to suppress the master of the Valley of Gods and Demons, and then force him to help them break the cosmos chain!

It's just... the powerhouses are still too naive!

When they entered the core area, they found out that the owner of the Valley of Gods and Demons had long since disappeared! Let them dig three feet and search every corner of the Valley of Gods and Demons, but they can't find any clues.

?? The first day of full-time, the update is completed.



(End of this chapter)

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