Break Into Another World

Chapter 1927: ask for help

Chapter 1927 Help

The appearance of the Valley of Gods and Demons in the abyss battlefield seemed like a flash in the pan.

In fact, similar dangerous places that can help people break the chains of the universe appear from time to time in the abyss battlefield; however, the scale and movement are far less vast than this time!

The powerhouses who broke the cosmic chains all left the abyss battlefield happily; and those who came to the Valley of Gods and Demons, but failed to break the cosmic chains, could only secretly regret, and there was nothing to do.

Xu Ming quietly left the Valley of Gods and Demons.

No one knew that he was the master of the mysterious Valley of Gods and Demons.

"It's been so long since I've entered the abyss battlefield, it's time to brush up on the merits!" Xu Ming's figure shuttled through the abyss battlefield at a high speed, without deliberately concealing it.

Although, the powerhouses in the abnormal quadrant are all searching for Xu Ming's traces; but with Xu Ming's sky-defying strength, why should he care about those?

"Cultivation of 'Swallowing the Universe and Nine Casts' can only increase your strength, but it cannot break the nightmare-level cosmic chains. This is something I had expected before entering the abyss battlefield..." Xu Ming secretly said in his heart.

It was indeed already expected.

After all, in the abyss battlefield, there are eight giants, countless powerhouses, and the strongest is the ordinary seven-star universe chain. Devouring the ordinary seven-star cosmic chains, Xu Ming could only cultivate the "Swallowing Nine Casts" to the eighth cast, and he couldn't cultivate to the ninth cast at all!

Therefore, if Xu Ming wants to break the chains of the universe, he still has to pin his hopes on the "Sinking Demon Lord". And if you want to invite the fallen demon master to take action, you will undoubtedly need a lot of battles! Therefore... Xu Ming is going to win the battle!

"I just don't know... How many battles does it take to break the nightmare-level cosmic chains?"

Xu Ming did not know.

After all, there is no precedent to follow! doesn't matter!

Yes! unimportant! - No matter how many battle credits he needs, Xu Ming directly brushes his battle credits to a terrifying astronomical number, no that's enough!

Xu Ming didn't believe it. The seven elephants limit and so many strong people are not enough to win the battle by himself?


Suddenly, several figures passed near Xu Ming.

"Xu...Senior Xu Ming?" Seeing Xu Ming, these figures were startled, and then hurriedly left, as if they were afraid to avoid it!

"Ha!" Xu Ming couldn't help laughing when he saw this scene.

Of course he knew why these people ran so fast! After all, now, the powerhouses in the seven abnormal quadrants are all searching for Xu Ming's trace; these powerhouses must be afraid that they are too close to Xu Ming, and they will also be targeted by the powerhouses in the abnormal quadrant.

It's just that these people don't know that in Xu Ming's eyes, the so-called powerhouses in the abnormal quadrant are just jokes!

If the powerhouses in the abnormal quadrant dare to find Xu Ming, no matter how many they come and how strong they are, they will just give Xu Ming a battle honor!


The powerhouses in the abnormal quadrant, of course, do not know what kind of terrifying strength Xu Ming is! All the powerhouses in the abnormal quadrant are coveting Xu Ming's battle achievements!

Countless powerhouses in the abnormal quadrant have arranged countless eyes to follow Xu Ming's movements.

Not long after Xu Ming left the Valley of Gods and Demons, the place he passed by was already known by the powerhouses in the abnormal quadrant.

Although no one could follow Xu Ming; however, every place Xu Ming passed by became coordinate points, which were conveyed to the powerhouses in the abnormal quadrant. The powerhouses in the abnormal quadrant can roughly guess where Xu Ming will appear by simply connecting these coordinate points that Xu Ming passed by into a line.


Ever since Xu Ming left the Valley of Gods and Demons and appeared in the sight of others, the powerhouses in the abnormal quadrant have been deploying, how to surround and kill Xu Ming.

But Xu Ming didn't know anything about this!

Of course, Xu Ming doesn't need to know either—for Xu Ming, who has "absolute strength", he doesn't care at all no matter what the powerhouses in the abnormal quadrant do.

Indifference to everything!

This is the demeanor of having "absolute strength"!

"Huh?" Suddenly, Xu Ming, who was traveling at high speed in the abyss battlefield, frowned slightly, "Is it Lei Qiong Banzun's request for help?"

Xu Ming and Lei Qiong Banzun were not friends at all.

However, before, when Xu Ming was still in the Valley of Gods and Demons, he received a notification from Lei Qiong Banzun - at that time, Xu Ming did not know that he had been suspected by the powerhouses of the abnormal quadrant as a "nightmare-level cosmic chain", and Start the hunt!

For Lei Qiong Banzun reminded himself that Xu Ming still accepted his favor! And at that time, Xu Ming also promised Lei Qiong Banzun that if he was in trouble, he could ask himself for help.

It's just that Xu Ming didn't expect that Lei Qiong Banzun would be in trouble so quickly.

"Is it really difficult, or..." Xu Ming's eyes narrowed slightly, "Or lied about being in trouble, but in fact, together with the powerhouse in the other quadrant, waiting for me to enter the trap?"

It's not that Xu Ming is suspicious, but... this kind of intrigue is too common in the abyss battlefield!

Not to mention the half-baked friendship between Xu Ming and Lei Qiong Banzun, even those who call themselves brothers often fall into this trap and are "sold" by their own brothers to the powerhouses in the visionary quadrant~www.wuxiaspot .com~ Abyss Battlefield is not just about fighting strength, but also all kinds of conspiracy and tricks.

But for Xu Ming...conspiracy? Just a joke!

"It doesn't matter if he is really in trouble, go and see first!" Xu Ming secretly said.

If it was really in trouble, then Xu Ming would rescue him, and it would be considered a favor to Lei Qiong Banzun; from now on, they would not owe each other.

And if it's a trap, then... don't blame Xu Ming for being ruthless!

call out-

Xu Ming turned into a stream of light and quickly flew towards the "Purple Mist Sea" where Lei Qiong Banzun was located.

The Purple Sea of ​​Mist is located near the center of the abyss battlefield.

The endless special purple qi disturbs the time and space of the entire purple sea of ​​fog, making the time and space become chaotic.

If there are powerhouses who are proficient in time and space, they will be extremely terrifying if they form a formation in the Purple Sea of ​​Fog and use the power of the entire Purple Sea of ​​Fog!

And now... Lei Qiong Banzun is in the sea of ​​​​purple fog, and has fallen into the space-time formation set up by the powerhouses of the abnormal quadrant.

"I can't hold it anymore!" Lei Qiong Banzun had a look of despair in his eyes, "As soon as I heard that I was trapped in the Purple Sea of ​​Fog, none of my friends were willing to come to help..."

There is no way, it is too dangerous to be trapped in the Purple Sea of ​​Fog! Unless it is a fatal friendship, almost no one is willing to help!

"I can only place my hopes on Senior Xu Ming..." Lei Qiong Banzun was also helpless, so he asked Xu Ming for help. After all, in his opinion, with such a shallow friendship between him and Xu Ming, it is almost impossible for Xu Ming to come to the rescue!

At this moment, Lei Qiong Banzun received a reply from Xu Ming.

"Hold on, I'll be there soon!"

Just a few simple words, but Lei Qiong Banzun's spirit was suddenly lifted, and he suddenly saw hope!

"Senior Xu Ming will come!"

(End of this chapter)

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