Break Into Another World

Chapter 1929: Start your show!

"Explain it!"

Xu Ming looked at Lei Qiong Banzun indifferently. There was no trace of joy and anger on his face.

"I..." Lei Qiong Banzun looked bewildered - he himself didn't know what was going on, how to explain it?

"Senior Xu Ming..." Lei Qiong Banzun said with a sad face, "If I say... I don't know what's going on, do you believe it?"

"Really?" Xu Ming smiled noncommittally.

at this time-

"Hahahaha..." Shen Yan Banzun's figure shot out, and he immediately entered the camp of the powerhouses in the abnormal quadrant; at the same time, he also laughed loudly, "Xu Ming, I didn't expect it! Hahahaha..."

Xu Ming and Lei Qiong Banzun couldn't help but look at Shen Yan Banzun.

The answer is already obvious! -Obviously, all of this was done by Shen Yan Banzun!

Xu Ming didn't say anything, just looked at Shen Yan Banzun stomping lightly.

Lei Qiong Banzun was somewhat unacceptable: "Shen Yan, you..."

You know, Lei Qiong Banzun has always regarded Shen Yan Banzun as a brother who was born and died! The two have been in the abyss battlefield together many times, and even, Lei Qiong Banzun has saved Shen Yan Banzun's life several times!

And in the sinking abyss, Shen Yan Banzun has always been very humble, and has always respected Lei Qiong Banzun!

Lei Qiong Banzun could not accept it, Shen Yan Banzun would betray himself!

"I see—" Lei Qiong Banzun's eyes suddenly lit up, and he thought to himself, "Shen Yan Banzun should not want to harm me, but to deal with Xu Ming... That's right! That must be the case!"

Up to now, Lei Qiong Banzun still has trust in Shen Yan Banzun.

"But in this way, didn't I harm Senior Xu Ming?" Lei Qiong Banzun couldn't help feeling guilty.

But then, Shen Yan Banzun's heartless words interrupted Lei Qiong Banzun's innocent fantasy.

"What are you!" Shen Yan Banzun sneered, "Do you think that my 'big brother' is for nothing? You made me call 'big brother' so many times, and it's not too much to pay the price now. ?"

Shen Yan Banzun's words did not contain the slightest emotion.

Lei Qiong Banzun looked at him in disbelief: "Shen Yan, have you forgotten... If it wasn't for me to save you, you would have fallen into the abyss battlefield!"

"You save me, that's your business!" Shen Yanbanzun said confidently, "And're dead, it's better for me! People don't kill themselves for their own sake, so eldest brother, I'm sorry!" in the years

Xu Ming could see it clearly - this Lei Qiong Banzun, obviously made friends carelessly, and was used by others!

Originally, if Lei Qiong Banzun lied to him, Xu Ming would definitely be very angry. After all, Xu Ming came to save Lei Qiong Banzun with great trust; if he was deceived, it would be strange for Xu Ming to be comfortable.

But now, Xu Ming knew that Lei Qiong Banzun was also deceived, and he felt much better—at least his trust was not betrayed.

For Xu Ming, feeling well is the most important thing! After all, from beginning to end, Xu Ming never paid attention to the rabble in these visionary quadrants.

"Let's see how they will jump!" Xu Ming thought to himself.

Of course, Xu Ming could see that Shen Yan Banzun and these tens of thousands of powerhouses in the abnormal quadrant were enough to slay the existence of "thirteenth-order" strength!

It's just... Xu Ming is not a "thirteenth-order" strength, but a "seventeenth-order peak"!

Use the lineup to kill the "thirteenth-order" powerhouses to deal with the "seventeenth-order peak" powerhouses? - Isn't this a joke?

It can be said to be very funny!

"These tens of thousands of 'tenth-order' powerhouses, all replaced by 'thirteenth-tier' powerhouses, may still pose a little threat to me!" Xu Ming smiled inwardly.

"Tenth-order" powerhouses, all replaced by "thirteenth-order" powerhouses? -is it possible?

Don't say "replace all", even if you "replace only one", you can't find it! - In the eight-elephant limit, apart from Xu Ming, there is no way to find a powerhouse above the thirteenth order!

Xu Ming indifferently shifted his gaze to Shen Yan Banzun, as if to say: Start your performance!

Sure enough, Shen Yan Banzun did not disappoint Xu Ming, and really started to "perform"!

"Xu Ming!" Shen Yan Banzun looked at Xu Ming with a twisted look in his eyes, "I didn't expect you to have such a day!"

"I didn't expect it!" Xu Ming laughed.

To be honest, even Xu Ming somewhat admired Shen Yan Banzun—it was ruthless enough to admire him!

How cruel!

Back then, in the liberation domain of Sunken City, Shen Yan Banzun killed his son without saying a word for his own life! And now, Shen Yan Banzun sold his eldest brother Lei Qiong Banzun without hesitation in order to obtain the battle honor! - Such a selfish person really shocked Xu Ming. Close-up soldier Wang Qiao

"Xu Ming, my son died because of you. Today, it's time to repay the debt with blood!" Shen Yan Banzun said coldly.

"Wait!" Xu Ming couldn't help laughing again, "You were killed by your own hands!"

"Humph! If it wasn't for you, how could I kill my son?" Shen Yanbanzun asked confidently, "It is because of you that I will kill my son, so naturally my son died because of you! Now, I want to avenge my son, what's the problem?"

"No problem, no problem! You said no problem, no problem!" Xu Ming was too lazy to argue with a dying man.

"Also, Xu Ming, don't expect, someone will come to save you!" Shen Yan Banzun seemed to not want Xu Ming to die so easily, and continued to talk, as if he wanted Xu Ming to despair completely." Not to mention the time and space of the Ziji Wuhai, it has been completely locked, and no communication can be sent out! Even if the time and space are not blocked, the communication can be sent It is impossible for someone to rescue you— If you call for help, you will only attract more powerhouses in the Vision Quadrant!"

"Today, you only have two possibilities—" Shen Yan's hand pointed at Xu Ming, as if he was judging, "One is the more comfortable death, and the other is the pain point of death! Hahahahaha..."

Shen Yan Banzun was so complacent that he almost lost his mind.

But at this moment, a powerhouse in the abnormal quadrant suddenly kicked behind Shen Yan Banzun, directly kicking Shen Yan Banzun to the vicinity of Xu Ming.

Shen Yan Banzun was suddenly stunned. He looked at the visionary powerhouse in disbelief, and scolded, "You are not keeping your faith!"

"Faithfulness?" The eleventh-order visionary powerhouse immediately sneered, "Just you, you still have the face to talk about faith? and I are two hostile quadrants. It is only natural for me to kill you; I kill, I can only say that you are too stupid!"

When Shen Yanbanzun heard the words, he immediately understood - he was "black and black"!

The routine of the abyss battlefield is too deep! Shen Yan Banzun did everything he could to earn some honors and break the cosmic chains on his body, but at the last moment, he was still trapped by the powerhouses in the abnormal quadrant!

"Aren't you afraid of spreading the word and ruining your reputation? In that case, which of the powerhouses in the future will dare to cooperate with you?" Shen Yan Banzun said, doing his last struggle.

"Spread it out?" The powerhouses in the abnormal quadrant all laughed at once, "The time and space are completely blocked, how can it be spread out? Besides... Xu Ming is a thirteenth-order powerhouse! When the thirteenth-order powerhouse is crazy, he will spare no effort to It seems normal to kill you, doesn't it?"

These powerhouses in the abnormal quadrant have already helped Shen Yan Banzun figure out the cause of death. In this way, even if Shen Yanbanzun, the "collaborator" dies, it will not affect their faith!

"Stop talking nonsense, kill all three!" Many powerhouses in the abnormal quadrant roared.

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