Break Into Another World

Chapter 1930: no difference

"Stop talking nonsense, kill all three!" Many powerhouses in the abnormal quadrant roared.



"Kill it as soon as possible! So as not to have too many dreams at night!"

Although these powerhouses in the abnormal quadrant are numerous and powerful, they are confident that they can definitely kill Xu Ming. But in fact, they were quite apprehensive about Xu Ming's existence as a "thirteenth-order"; they were also worried that Xu Ming would have any means of turning the tide of the battle or escaping!

Therefore, they all want to get rid of Xu Ming as soon as possible, so as not to have too many dreams at night.

It's just... These unfortunate powerhouses in the abnormal quadrant don't know that Xu Ming's strength is not "thirteenth-order" at all, but a "seventeenth-order peak" that they can't even think about!

They set up an ambush and besieged Xu Ming, which is itself a kind of "fancy death"! And now, the more anxious he is to shoot Xu Ming, the more anxious he is to die!

boom! boom! boom! boom! …

Countless attacks rushed towards Xu Ming. The overwhelming attack seemed to have blocked Xu Ming's escape route!


"With the cooperation of our tens of thousands of strong men, even if it exists in the thirteenth order, it will definitely die!"

"Humph! We have challenged more than ten 'thirteenth-order dangerous places'! How difficult is it to kill a thirteenth-order powerhouse?"

"I'm really looking forward to... After killing Xu Ming, I don't know how many honors I can get!"

"Definitely a very terrifying battle honor! After all, even those who did not participate in the killing of Xu Ming, but only came to the abyss battlefield, can get a lot of battle honors; and we directly killed Xu Ming, a nightmare. The powerhouse of the rank universe chain, the battle merit that can be obtained must be a terrifying number!"

"hope so!"

"But what if... Xu Ming is not a nightmare-level cosmic chain?" Suddenly, a powerhouse in the abnormal quadrant said.

yes! What if Xu Ming wasn't a nightmare-level cosmic chain?

After all, "Xu Ming is a nightmare-level cosmic chain" itself is an unconfirmed rumor. It can only be said that Xu Ming is more likely to be a nightmare-level cosmic chain, but not 100%!

These abnormal quadrant powerhouses suddenly discovered that if Xu Ming wasn't a nightmare-level cosmic chain, it seemed... they would lose a lot!

"Humph! It doesn't matter whether he is a nightmare-level cosmic chain or not, let's kill it first!"

Up to now, it seems that these powerhouses in the abnormal quadrant can only kill Xu Ming!

"Kill me!?" Xu Ming laughed.

When the overwhelming attack approached, Xu Ming just spit out a word: "Stop!"

Suddenly, Xu Ming's voice seemed to have great power, as if he was following the law. All these countless attacks stopped not far in front of him, unable to move forward at all, let alone hurt Xu Ming, Lei Qiong Banzun, and Shen Yan Banzun.

"What!?" Lei Qiong Banzun was stunned.

"What!?" Shen Yan Banzun was stunned.

"What!?" The tens of thousands of powerhouses in the abnormal quadrant were all stunned!

You must know that the joint attack of these abnormal quadrant powerhouses is enough to kill the existence of "thirteenth order"! In fact, there are also more than ten "thirteenth-order dangerous places" that have been conquered by them!

The strength of this group of abnormal quadrant powerhouses is beyond doubt!

But now... Xu Ming just spit out a word, and he blocked the attacks of all the powerhouses in the abnormal quadrant!

What a power this is! ?

The powerhouses present immediately felt that it was difficult to imagine how powerful Xu Ming was!

However, no matter how powerful Xu Ming is, there is no doubt about it, that is - definitely more than "thirteenth order"!


Definitely more than the thirteenth order!

It might be the fourteenth order, it might be the fifteenth order, it might even be higher, but... definitely more than the thirteenth order!

At this time... tens of thousands of powerhouses in the abnormal quadrant looked at Xu Ming, and they only felt a deep pain in the eggs!

It really hurts!

In the battle of life and death, what are you most afraid of? - I am most afraid of underestimating the strength of the opponent!

And now, these tens of thousands of powerhouses in the abnormal quadrant obviously underestimated Xu Ming's strength!

These abnormal quadrant powerhouses can only deal with the "thirteenth order"; even if they are only one order higher than the "fourteenth order", they are not able to deal with it! - What is the fate of not being able to deal with it?

It was counter-killed!

is to die!

The abyss battlefield is not a place to play family! Between the powerhouses in the abnormal quadrant, once they start, it is a battle of life and death!

"This..." The most annoying thing in the audience is probably not the powerhouses in the abnormal quadrant, but Shen Yan Banzun!

Shen Yan Banzun was crying and mournful - the situation has changed too fast!

The moment before, Shen Yan Banzun thought that Xu Ming would definitely die, and pointed at Xu Ming's nose, scolding him, so proud that he got carried away! The next moment, Shen Yan Banzun saw that the situation had taken a turn for the worse - it turned out that after a long time, Xu Ming didn't pay attention to their rabble! It was them who forced their presence in front of Xu Ming!

"I..." Shen Yan Banzun was completely desperate, and he didn't even want to ask for mercy - he knew that the powerhouses in the visionary dimension could still escape; however, he would definitely die!

Xu Ming would never let him go!


Sure enough, the powerhouses in the abnormal quadrant have already begun to flee. Tens of thousands of strong men, one by one, fled in different directions!




"Although Xu Ming is strong, it is impossible for us to hunt down so many of us at the same time! Whoever escapes and who falls, depends on luck!"

Seeing that the powerhouses in the abnormal quadrant were invincible, they all fled extremely decisively.


"Escape?" Xu Ming's mouth twitched slightly, and he sneered disdainfully, "Did I agree?"

In front of Brother Ming, if you want to ambush, you can ambush, and if you want to escape, you can run away?

How can there be such a good thing in the world!


Xu Ming snorted coldly, shaking the entire purple sea of ​​fog, time and space seemed to freeze! The powerhouses in the abnormal quadrant who escaped were also directly frozen in time and space, unable to escape any further.

Immediately, Xu Ming stretched out a single palm and grasped the void, and the time and space seemed to be compressed. All the powerhouses in the abnormal quadrant flew back to their original positions.

This scene made Shen Yan Banzun and all the powerhouses in the abnormal quadrant even more frightened!

Fourteenth grade?

If Xu Ming was only at the 14th rank, he would never be able to achieve this level! That is to say... Xu Ming's strength may have reached the fifteenth order!

"Fifteenth order..." Everyone was terrified!

In the abyss battlefield, I am afraid that there has never been a fifteenth-order powerhouse?

Never had!

All the powerhouses in the abnormal quadrant just wanted to cry—the fifteenth-order powerhouses who had never appeared before were bumped into by them when they appeared for the first time; moreover, they were still besieged by them...

It's just that everyone doesn't know that Xu Ming is not "15th-order", but "17th-order peak"! However, whether you know it or not, it makes no difference - when the strength gap reaches a certain level, there is no difference between the fifteenth, sixteenth, and seventeenth orders!

There really is no difference!

Anyway... no matter what rank Xu Ming is in, these powerhouses in the abnormal quadrant will surely die!

?? Updated today.



(End of this chapter)

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